github_notes - RicoJia/notes GitHub Wiki


  1. Mando

Basic concepts

  • HEAD: where am I right now in the repo, or "the last commit in the current branch"
    • detached head means: now HEAD is pointing to a commit, instead of a branch works for sub_directory as well.
      • In detached state, you can make experimental changes, without affecting any branches.
    • good read


Sample Workflows


  • Pull Request, feature branch model

       - fork the repo on
       - git clone the repo
       - git checkout -b NEW_BRANCH 
       - git add, git commit
        - ```git add``` doesn't add empty dirs
       - git push origin NEW_BRANCH   #you can see you've pushed to a new branch
       - comapre and make pull request, so in the pull request tab, you can see it. # the owner can merge 
    #the pull request 
  • Fix Bugs

      - git diff BRANCH1 BRANCH2
      - Then go to your branch, check out the <<<<< ==== >>>> marked lines, Edit them?
      - Add and commit
      - git checkout master
      - git merge some_branch --no-ff           #if no --no-ff, there will be no commits for pure addition. 
      - git branch -d devel 
      - git log --one line to simplify the output, see what commits there are
  • Undo undesired changes:

      # Before staging
      git stash							#temporarily store all changes somewhere else.
      git reset -- hard				    #Discard all local changes permanently
    • undo a commit: git revert <SHA>
  • if you hit git reset accidentally try git reflog

  • if develop is ahead, how to merge it into my branch? git checkout develop git pull #this only pulls from the same remote branch. git checkout feature git merge develop

  • Check changes you've made

     git checkout develop
     git pull
     git checkout FEATURE
     git diff develop FEATURE
    • sometimes, after git checkout, you may see M, D... Those are uncommited changes from the last branch. You can still see them, but won't after you commit.
    • If you see older branches, do git fetch -p
  • Request for review

    • Make sure your commit is a draft
    • Then, change it back to "ready for review"
    • you can change it back any time: just go under the reviewers - convert to draft
  • git rebase and squashing

    • Scenario: once you're going to merge it into develop branch
    • Workflows
       	gitk or git	log --oneline #to find which commits to squash
       	git rebase -i HEAD~2  #this is to pull out the most recent 2 commits, so you can find the last two
       	# A file will come up, change the newer commit from "pick" to "squash", close the file
       #the newer one should be close to the bottom
       # This is because a remote repo is more likely to have the older version 
       	# Another file comes up, use # to commment out the old commit messages. 


Other common scenarios


  1. remove changes

    git reset HEAD file (unstage staged but uncommited changes)
    git checkout -- file (remove all unstaged changes made to a file)   # -- means to a file, VERY IMPORTANT
    git restore --staged dir
    • git checkout BRANCH -- FILE_PATH: replace FILE_PATH on the current branch with the on BRANCH
    • -- File indicates what follows is a file
  2. clone a branch, or tag

  • git clone a branch, git clone -b <branch_name> ...
  • clone a tag:
    • You might find a version in tags. git clone -b <tag_name> --single-branch repo
  1. Create a new branch from an exisiting branch
  • git checkout -b NEW_BRANCH branch2?
  • or
      git branch NEW_BRANCH     #so please do git branch -a, not git branch a
      git checkout NEW_BRANCH
  1. rename a branch:
git branch -m <BRANCH_NAME>
  1. Undo the last changes
    • git reset --hard HEAD~1 remove the changes since last commit.
    • git reset --soft HEAD~1 (or SHA1) -- still keeps the changes. but as unstaged
    • git revert (TODO) ,adds the unstaged changes as a new commit? (yes, but found some changes were not undone. Need further investigation)
  • discard local changes
    git stash save --keep-index --include-untracked
    git stash drop
  • Go back to a previous commit, test.
    git checkout COMMIT_SHA1  // don't include ., else you will not enter a "detached state", and anything you do WILL be saved as a last commit
    #do tests
    • then come back without having any changes,
        # don't commit anything
        git checkout BRANCH_NAME
    • If you want to keep the changes, then make a branch
      git checkout -b NEW_BRANCH
  1. Start a new account:
    • Follow the github page steps closely, add your personal ssh
  • reset a url
    - git remote add NAME URL
    • E.g, git remote add origin [email protected]:ME495-EmbeddedSystems/homework-2-RicoJia.git
    • Use SSH instead of HTTPs so you always automatically push
  1. delete a branch
  • git push origin --delete BRANCH_NAME Delete a branch remotely
  • git branch -d BRANCH to locally delete branch, if not committed, fails
  • git branch -D BRANCH to locally delete branch force
  1. list all files
  • git ls-tree -r master --name-only
  1. see config, git config:
    • git config --global "name"
    • git config --global "email"
    • Technically, you can remap commands
      git config --global status #Remap status to st
  2. git cherry-pick SHA: 将一个commit 直接移植过来。(only the commit, nothing else)
  3. insert a commit before a previous one:
    git checkout -b temp PREVIOUS_COMMIT
    git commit 
    git rebase temp develop
    #fix some conflicts
    git add files_changed
    git rebase --continue
  4. Scenario: you want to update your branch from another branch:
    git pull origin FEATURE 
    • if pulling doesn't solve the problem, maybe you're change is already ahead of the branch!!
  5. Scenario: files exist on another branch, and you want to get them here
    git checkout FEATURE -- FILENAME


Update Repo


  1. git fetch + git merge allows you to choose which branch of local repo you want to update.

    • conflict: two person changing the same lines.
      • Make sure you remove all the conflict markers <<<<<<, else there will be problems.
    • git fetch
      • Get update from remote to local branch, including all commits, but this doesn't update anything
  2. git merge

    1. git merge
      • will merge try to merge the newest local commit, and the newest remote commit, and you gotta solve merging conflicts. Then, a new commit is created
      • go to the main branch, then merge feature branch into it $git checkout develop $ git merge feature
    2. git mergetool is a good tool to see merge conflicts.
    3. Merge two remote branches: ```bash git clone repo.git #you can download only one branch?? Well, check git branch -a to see all your options!! git checkout destination_branch #(could be a remote one, like origin/something, but just type the name after origin) git pull --allow_unrelated_histories repo.git branch_name commit all changes and push
    4. ```git merge -no-ff BRANCH```
    - ```no-ff``` is no fast forward: if BRANCH is a newer branch, then instead of bring head to BRANCH, you go one step further and create a new commit on top of it
  3. git stash Should there be a merging conflict,

    • git stash: after git stash pop, you might get conflicts. to solve it, do git add
    • More comprehensively,
      git stash                                       #save your work aside for working on higher priority tasks. make sure everything is commited or stashed
      git stash list                                  #check out a list of stashes, what is stashed from which branch. 
      # you can see the stashes, then apply it. 
      git stash apply stash@{0}                       #you can save the changes back to your branch. Note: this step does not remove the stash
      git stash drop stash${1}                                   #to  dump stash here.
      git merge branchB                               #on branch B, merging branch A
    • git stash show, see files in most recent stash
    • git stash show -p see diff
    • git stash save -m "msg" just like git stash
  4. git pull pull all branches

    • git pull origin BRANCH
    • git push is equivalent to git fetch REMOTE + git merge
      • You can also git pull --rebase, which shoves the local commits right after the remote commits. rebase is good for keeping a linear history
      • But now I prefer
         	git checkout develop
         	git pull 
         	git checkout feature
         	git rebase develop
         	#solve conflict
  5. git push

    • git push -u: -u is to make sure the branch on the remote host will be tracked, so git pull will work seamlessly.
    • git push origin --delete name, delete remote branch
  6. git add:

  git add . is dangerous
  git add -p file  # you can incrementally add files 
- git has a "buffer" called stage, which is the main difference from SVN. git add is "staging"
- git commit -am "": a is to add all tracked files to stage.
- Stage the new file. nothing being added right now but it's telling git that it's going to add something for commit
- ```git add -A```: **stage all files/deleted files, better than git add.**	
  1. git commit -m "message"

    • commit with a message. BE SURE IT's IN YOUR BRANCH!!
  2. Git Submodules - This has bee n a pain

    • git clone recursive clones the module and all submodules
    • Add git submodules:
    # 1 go to destination folder
    # 2. do this directly 
    git submodule add <remote_url>
    # 3. see list of submodules
    git submodule--helper list
    git add & git commit
    • update/download submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive
      • branch might have been switched
    • Tricky situation:
      1. say you are in ~/non_git_repo, and you have~/non_git_repo/git_repo
      • if you have ~/non_git_repo/git_repo/bash_file that does git submodule update --init --recursive
      • do ./git_repo/bash_file will fail, because you can't run git submodule in a non-git root
      1. How to remove a submodule
        Delete the relevant section from the .gitmodules file.
        Stage the .gitmodules changes git add .gitmodules
        Delete the relevant section from .git/config. This caches the older submodule HEAD
        Run git rm --cached path_to_submodule (no trailing slash).
        Run rm -rf .git/modules/path_to_submodule (no trailing slash).
        Commit git commit -m "Removed submodule "
        Delete the now untracked submodule files rm -rf path_to_submodule
        • When you test, If you have submodule inside a submodule
          • you must make sure you are on the right branch in every repo. Otherwise, you might see
            fatal: remote error: upload-pack: not our ref 578dd0a0ac8fe1104e9cafee6f6670d4561baddc
          • that means the cached submodule in ~/root/.git/config has been removed, but your submodule has not been updated. So delete your submodules and start over
            fatal: 'git status --porcelain=2' failed in submodule nonros/scheduler
    • git submodule sync
      1. submodule host url changes
      2. update local .gitmodules for the url
      3. run git submodule sync to update the local configs
  3. To download a concrete branch, first git checkout -b, then git pull

Status & Diff

  • git status

    • check out files that are added. It will show which
  • git diff

    • See differences you have made.
      • git diff BRANCH1 BRANCH2 Compare two branches
    • git diff of a certain path git diff develop feature PATH
    • git diff ignoring white space git diff -w develop feature
    • checking diff between current commit and last commit git diff HEAD^ HEAD, ^ means one prior commit
    • git diff file: see what's changed
    • git --no-pager diff --name-status origin/develop will show on the screen what pkgs have been changed
  • git log : show commit history

    • git log --format="%aN" -- FILE_NAME shows the authors of a FILE_NAME
  • git show FILE_NAME: show the file content; git show just shows files changed from the previous commits!!


Branching and Tagging


  1. git branch

    1. git branch -a
      • check all existing branches in your repo directory;
      • * means current branch; HEAD is the pointer pointing to your current branch
    2. git branch -d branch_name
      • deletes a local branch
    3. git branch -m rico/Refactored_REST_endpoint, change name of branch
  2. git tag: a pointer pointing to a commit 2. git tag v1.0 create a new tag - git tag v0.9 f52c633 create a new tag on this commit - git tag -a v0.1 -m "version 0.1 released" 1094adb add some msg 3. git tag to see all tags - git show TAG: see the tag commit info 4. git tag -d v0.1 delete tag - git push origin :refs/tags/v0.1 delete a remote tag, you don't have to delete the local tag 5. git push origin v0.1 push this tag to the remote machine - git push origin --tags push all tags - git push origin v0.1: so you can push a tag successfully

Jimmy's Github Rules

  1. Create a branch off of develop
    • rico/JIRA_ID_name
    • You can have multiple PRs under the same JIRA Ticket
  2. Github User name is First name + Last name
    • CHANGES.txt is generated this way
  3. Mark your PR as draft
  4. Make sure your tests have been passed! on ocean_builds
  5. Add tests if you add a new feature
  6. Do not run git add .
    • git commit -am "" Don't use that, use git commit -m
  7. Do not check in temp files. Use .gitignore for that
  8. Post on ocean_pr, even for comments addressed.
  9. Github Best Practices
    • PR should not live > 1 wk.
    • First work on your own branch. When you're close to finishing it, open a draft PR.
    • [QA-529] some fixes ... (informative title)
    • post a link to the Channel once code ready for review
    • Delete your branch




  1. How to write .gitignore?

    • * matches any char in file name, ** matches dirs before it
    • if you want to exclude a file in the current directory: /CMakeLists.txt
    • or a directory: /dist . / means directory, and is relative to where .gitignore resides.
    • git ignore
      # 不排除.gitignore和App.class:
      !.gitignore   #so you can't do git add -f
    • git add -f App.class override gitignore
  2. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

    • Continuous Integration
      • When you have a conflict, you want to find it quickly, even if they're in the feature branches.
      • CI will continuously build their versions(?), test the build (the tests are stored in a different locations) (What test?), and and Inform them (?)
  3. a bare git repo has only .git, with head, config, etc. mirror push to your own repo: git push --mirror<your_github_handle>/lab-exercises.git

    • Question: can you use ssh instead of https?
  4. semantic versioning: V 0.1.2 - the first major version, with 1st generation features, and 2 bug fixes

  5. if you see insufficient permission for adding an object, go change the file permission


    1. website: go to the root directory with "_site" directory, first jekyll build, then jekyll serve
  7. adding another account on your computer

  8. git bisect to find the bad commit that was causing trouble

    1. git bisect bad HEAD -> git bisect good <KNOWN_GOOD_COMMIT>
    2. Then git will jump to the middle commit
    3. Keep doing this, until we hit the bad apple
    4. git bisect reset. when you're done to jump back to HEAD




  1. Mirrored repos from github
  2. Show markdown
    • either do $`a^2+b^2`$, or do:
          a^2 + b^2




  1. render latex:
    • Render it, and copy the url from a drop down menu
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