commands_scripting - RicoJia/notes GitHub Wiki


Basic Commands



  1. Intro

    • text editors are not word processors, like word, because word will introduce additional formatting, e.g, "" turned into curly
    • Motivation: if there's a list of tasks that you need to do in the future but rarely do, put them in a script, like Matt's dockint.
    • It's fast to develop, despite a bit slower than C++ project.
  2. some commands are not shell built-in, like uptime (they might be random shell scripts, programs, stored in /usr/bin/whatever).

  3. Run a script:

    # 1. create a separate shell, so shell variables exist in a separate shell
    # 2. source or "dot space script"
    source PATH_TO_SCRIPT

Non-system commands

  1. read -p VARNAME1 VARNAME2 #reading variables from stdin.
    • read values into variables
      echo "1 2" | while read VAR_A VAR_B
  2. whereis show the binary file of a command
  3. less: see what's in a file without text editor.
  4. whoami: prints user ID
  5. groups: see all groups of user on your computer.
  6. id: UID, current groups, other groups.
  7. su USER_NAME: switch to a different user? How to create a different user on Linux?
  8. echo THINGS_YOU_WANT_TO_WRITE >> file
  9. eval $STRING run a string as a command:
  10. ls -halt
    • More common: ls o*: all files starting with o
    • ls [op]* see all files starting with o or p
  11. Create soft link: sudo ln -s EXISTING_FILE

System commands: many of these can be found in man bash

  1. hostname: name of the machine. like username @ hostname
  2. uptime
  3. date %F%N to get the current date
    • basename: strips off the last portion of a string; dirname: strips off the directory portion of a string.
  4. echo "$(dirname $(realpath ${0}))", $() is also called command substitution
    • # expands to the number of arguments.
  5. $(pwd) pwd is a command.
  6. Networking
    • netstat: shows ports, like TCP, UDP ports . Use netstat -nutl | grep -Ev "FIRST LINE"
  7. Reloading a bash file
    • . ~/.bashrc
    • If you have .bash_aliases, they need to be sourced explicitly

Misc Commands

  1. zip & unzip

    • tar.gz: tar -xf archive.tar.gz (tar means "tape archive").
      1. Natively, the archive is not compressed.
      2. Also, you may need sudo.
      3. It removes absolute path and keeps only the relative parts within the archive. So you can extract the file without overwriting the original file.
      4. Old syntax: tar xvzf .... instead of tar -xvzf, but this old style is rigid. with hyphen, you can do tar -f FILE_NAME -c
      5. flags
      • f means file name (so it's a must)
      • c is to create an archive
      • t means to list, v means verbose,
      • z is to work with gz, including compressing or uncompressing files in tar
      • gz means to compress it. you can do gzip TAR_FILE
      • gunzip means to uncompress it. Or some ppl name it .tgz
      • -P means allows absolute path in file name.
    • xz: compress, decompress xz -z file will make the file: file.xz in place. -d is decompressing.
  2. tree command: generates a tree!

    • sudo apt install tree
    • tree -a directory
    • tree -I ".pyc" #ignore pyc
    • rsync: copy files to ssh computer's folders root folder and above, you don't have access to other folders.
    • ssh-agent bash, ssh-add is specific to a shell. try to do this in the current shell
  3. du FILE: estimate file memory size

  4. curl

    • -s means silent, hids progress bar, etc.
  5. sudo dmidecode -t system | grep Serial serial number

  6. Event Designator: a reference to a past command in history. ! starts a history substitution

    • !v is the most recent command starting with a v.
    • !! last executed command.
    • !$: $ copies the last argument of the last command and puts it here E.g,
        cat FILE
        ls -l !$  #!$ is FILE here.
  7. cat (display file on stdout. But can be used to redirect file, too)

    • cat file1 >> file2 (file direction) will append to file2
    • cat file1 > file2 (file direction) will overwrite to file2
  8. It's possible to run sudo in one command:

    IP=$(sudo arp-scan -l | grep Raspberry | cut -f 1)
    ssh -YC "pi@${IP}"
  9. xclip: to ctrl-v xclip -sel clip < FILE


Basic Scripting


  1. Example

    • chmod +x add execution to all: owner, other group users, all other users. without this, you will have permission error.
      • example
         #!/bin/bash #1. # #is sharp in music, ! is "bang". **Shebang determines which program to run this file.Important because other ppl may not have the same login shell!**. 2. In other cases 
         #Add high level comments
         echo "something" #this is a **"shell builtin"**. to see if a command is a shell built in, do ```type echo```
         echo "I want to live in ${COUNTRY}"  
         #1. variable is just a key-value pair, with name and memory allocated to it           #2. **No space around =** 3. when referencing a variable, use ${}, or just $if nothing before/after the variable name.  
         #3  **old style is to use `` as $**
  2. Naming rules for bash files

    1. only letters, numbers, _
    2. do not start with numbers
    3. ppl like UPPERCASE, since case matters here.
  3. Read Manpage:

    • ... means you can have multiple of these
    • [] is optional, no [] means not optional.
    • always read help or man page, see if there's any dependency on configuration files. Some of these settings might be different
    • [+FORMAT] means you should include"+"
    • exit returns the return status of the last command
  4. help

    • every shell command has help on it. like help COMMAND.
    • non shell built-in commands may not have help
      • Check if a command is shell command use type -a COMMAND
    • You need man COMMAND for that.
  5. Search for a command

    1. The most common one is type -a
    2. But if type -a cannot find a command, do which COMMAND, this searches $PATH. People always do export PATH=${PATH}:new_path
    3. if $PATH does not have the command, do locate COMMAND.
      • locate searches index generated by updatedb, which is run everyday periodically
      • locate doesn't necessarily give you the most updated info, but it's fast
      • locate respects the sudo priviledges, so you need sudo to see the hidden ones.
    4. you might need find, which searches the sub-directories under a given path in real time, slower
      • find PATH -name userdel
  6. foreground, background:

    1. Motivation: you can run processes in parallel

      • prog &: puts things on the background (e.g., uncompress something large)
      • background job will still print on the screen, but it is a child process
      • Otherc child processes: things enclosed in (), redirection using pipes
      • cannot communicate with the parent I/O, so it can be achieved through reading/writing to different files
    2. check jobs(or ps, which is to see all processes ), top (you can sort by CPU using top!).

    3. fg %PID - foreground a job 3. bg %


  1. \ is the to switch lines

  2. "" "" vs ' ': "" (expand variables, '' (print exactly what's in the '', everything inside '' will be treated as one)

    • bash will just find proximate ' ' and " "
    • '' keeps whole strings intact, whereas " " will let bash evaluate them first. So if you do "{print $2}", then bash will evaluate $2 before the string gets passed into awk!
  3. {} vs () are keywords

    • {} will make code blocks run in the current shell (the shell you're using), while () will run in a sub-shell
  4. Pipes

    • Programs after pipes are run in their own shell, so changes to variables will be local to the sub-shell. e.g, echo "1 2" | read A B; echo "${A} ${B}" , after ; , pipe ends. So A, B do not get returned to the parent shell.
    • echo "1 2" | {read A B; echo "${A} {B}"} {} makes AB running in the current shell
  5. execute command: echo `ls` - execute the command line


IO commands


  1. stdin and stdout: keyboard and pipeline are stdin. Standard output is the screen. if there's an error, the error comes out as stderror

    • echo gives an output, so it can be used as an stdin thru pipeline, and preserves new lines, etc.
      echo " machine pypi
    • if you want to pass an argument to an interactive command in a non-interactive way, use pipeline, and echo the outputs as many times as required by the input
    • Keyboard, Screens are all files. Each file has a file descriptor that tells the way to interact with the file
      • FD0 : stdin
      • FD1: stdout
      • FD2: STDERR
    • pipe: from one program to another. one program that reads from stdin can take pipe as input, and if it accepts output for stdout, it can send into a pipe.
  2. Positional arguments

    • ${0} is the path to the script (first thing in the commandline)
    • ${1} is the first argument.
    • ${#} number of arguments
  3. $PATH: lists for searching for commands. Not the same for every computer.

    • The way to check which file is executed for a command is: which COMMAND , this is the first file on $PATH
    • You can add a custom command by adding to /usr/local/bin. This will have a higher priviledge than /usr/bin.
      • Check all matching files for a command: which -a or type -a, they will check $PATH
      • If you delete the file, then bash might put this in a hashed location, which means you need to manually forget all hashed locations.
    • "A B C": Pass in multiple words as one input
      • $@ vs $*: With double quotation marks, first gives you a list of inputs (starting from the first argument), the latter gives you the all inputs as one input. Without "" they are the same
    • shift: shift all positional arguments down by 1, and takes out the first positional argument. shift x #shift x arguments
  4. Redirection, works with STDIN, STDOUT, files:

    • > works with all commands and overwrites the file, like echo SOMETHING > FILE. A pipe redirects output from&to a command, not to a file.
      • >> is to append to the new file
    • read LINE < File or ${VAR} # new line will stop it, so reads only one line
    • 2>&1: makes STDERR become STDOUT (see file descriptors).
      • 2> means directing STDERR in the output , & means using a file descriptor instead of a file name. 2>&1 forces 2 to become 1
      • COMMAND_YIELDS_ERROR | cat #this will not pipe STDERR msg to cat, so you need to convert this into STDOUT,  COMMAND_YIELDS_ERROR 2>&1 | cat or COMMAND_YIELDS_ERROR |& cat  **cat does not take in STDERR, so &> or |& redirects both. **
      • if you're bugged by errors like "Permission denied, use 2>/dev/null" to make them disappear
    • echo "SOMETHING" >/dev/stderr prints something as stderr.
      • or echo "SOMETHING" >&2
    • redirect to the "blackhole": /dev/null. This will only return a new line char.
    • >> doesn't work with sudo:
       sudo echo "SOMETHING" >> /etc/hosts #sudo is on echo, not on /etc/hosts
       echo "SOMETHING" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts   #use tee instead
  5. getopts

    • Example in dream byobu
      while getopts 'vl:s' OPTION 
              #1. getopts are used more often, '' is optional, h: means argument is following. OPTION will store the current option, a built-in OPTARG will store the argument. 
              #2. Also, use a while loop to parse all arguments.  
              #if an Option is not there, OPTION will have a random char.
          case ${OPTION} in
                  echo "VERBOSE"
                  echo "now length is ${PASSWORD_LEN}"
                  echo "SPECIAL CHAR"
              ?)  #? is for one single character. 
                  echo "Please supply valid options" >&2  #send this to STDERR
                  exit 1
    • ${OPTIND}: index of the next argument to be read, starting at 1.
  6. df: disk free. check disk space usage.

  7. here document?

    • in many shell scripting languages
    • section of code, treated like text


Math and Find



  1. floating point: python -c "print 4.0/5.0"
    function float_eval(){
      local FLOAT="$(echo "scale=2; $*" | bc -q 2>/dev/null)"
      echo ${FLOAT}
    res=$(float_eval $NUM1)
    echo "the result is ${res}"
    • ++ only works with integer, not with floating point.
    • In some other languages, you may use let or expr
    • see code


  1. grep, vim can use regex. when you search in vim, DO NOT enter space, if there's no spacing.. When using grep, do grep -E, so we're making sure to use extended regex.

    • grep 'asdf dsfa', if you have space, there must be ' '
    • grep '134 asd' will still give you a match like '134 asd asdfas'
    • if you want to find an exact match, use grep '^134 asd$'
    • grep -v 'SOMETHING YOU DON"T WANT TO SEE' #-v is to print everything but
    • The line is the basic unit here: line matches the pattern will be displayed here.
    • grep KEYWORD file: searches KEYWORD in file
    • grep -A #_of_lines_to_show something_to_search file_name
  2. regex commands

    • ^a means line begin with a.
    • a{3} means 3 consecutive a.
    • t$ means line ends with t
    • extended regex: grep -E 'SOMETHING|Or_Anotherthing'
    • grep -A3 some_word: 3 lines after the matching line of grep.
    • grep -i case insensitive. By default grep is case sensitive
    • for docs, pipe them into less, aka a (pager): can do searches, etc.


Word Processing



heredoc is a multi-line function - it's treated as a separate file. dream byobu example

sed (Stream Editor), tr

  1. Stream: text from one process to another thru pipe; one file to another thru redirect; one device to another.

    • Standard input is standard input stream
    • It is used to edit streams such as removing lines, making substitutions, like Macros in Vim. However, it does not require someone to start vim!
  2. basic uses: / is delimiter. Between the delimiters is regex.

    # replace, s is the substitute command
    sed 's/SEARCH/REPLACE/g' #flag g means global, all occurances
    sed 's/REPLACE/SEARCH/2', #replace the 2nd occurance
    sed 's/SEARCH/REPLACE/ig'   #means case insensitive and global. 
    sed 's/SEARCH/REPLACE/igw NEW_FILE_NAME'    #w means to write to a new file, with only the modified lines
    sed -i.bak 's/REPLACE/SEARCH/ig' # in place editing, since sed itself does not modify the original file. Also supply a suffix to make a backup copy. .bak is the suffix, no spacing here.
    # delete
    sed '/SEARCH/d FILE #You can also use this to remove comments, and empty lines:
    sed '/^#/d' FILE #remove comments
    sed '/^$/d' FILE   #remove empty lines
    #  execute multiple sed at a time
    sed '/^#/d ; /^$/d' FILE
    #use -e for each command
    #use a script with all the commands
    echo "/^#/d" >> commands.sed
    echo "/^$/d" >> commands.sed
    sed -f commands.sed
    # Address range
    sed 'START,END s/dwight/rico' FILE  #START, END can be a line number, or regex that the start line contains
    • escape chars: if you want to replace /home/etc with /lol/looll, since / is already a delimiter, you need to escape /. There are 2 options:
      1. use \ to escape echo "/home/etc" | sed 's/\/home\/etc/\/lol\/loool/
      2. use a different delimiter, right after s. / is just the default delimiter here.
        echo "/home/etc | sed `s#/home/etc#/lol/lool#`"
  3. replace using tr:

  • tr -s 'CHAR' \\012
  • \\012 means '\n'
  1. if a string contains a substring:
    if [[ "$STR" == *"something"* ]]
    • quoting: '' is the strong quote, where everything is treated literally, whereas "" is the weak quotes, some chars are treated in special ways
    • $ is variable expansion. So $STR expands STR without putting that into a string.

cut, awk

  1. Basic concept: cut, awk both separates a file line by line, according to delimiters

     #"one,two,three" becomes field_1 field_2 field_3 ... 
  2. cut: gets a range of char of each line

     printf "12345\n67890" | cut -c 2  #prints 2,7 on two lines
     printf "12345\n67890" | cut -c 1,2  #prints 1,2; 6,7 on two lines
     printf "12345\n67890" | cut -c 2-4  #prints 2,3,4;7,8,9 on two lines
     printf "12345\n67890" | cut -c 2-  #prints 2,3,4,5; 7,8,9,0 on two lines
     cut -c 1 FILE_NAME 
    • echo sends a new line, printf doesn't; echo doesn't allow formatting,printf can do formatting like %d
    • UTF-8 chars takes up multiple bytes
    • delimiter, \ is by default a line continuation char
      echo -e "1\t2\t3" | cut -f 2  #prints 2, \t is tab witn echo -e
      echo -e "1,2,3" | cut -d ',' -f 2 #delimiter is ,; it can work with csv file as well (see info)
      cut -d ',' -f 1 --output-delimiter='' test.csv
      cut -d ',' -f 1- --output-delimiter=' ' test.csv
    • csv is separated by commas
         echo "1,2,3" >> test.csv
         echo "4,5,6" >> test.csv
         cut -d ',' -f 1,2 test.csv #prints 1,2; 4,5, note that the original delimiter is still there. 
         cut -d ',' -f 1,2 --output-delimiter='*'     #prints 1*2;4*5
    • One Drawback is that you can only have a single-char delimiter!! which leads you to awk
  3. awk: cut cannot handle delimiters with multiple chars

    • basic usage:
      • $awk '{print $1}' print the first "column" of the whole sentence, the natural delimeter is space
      • echo "1,2,3" | awk -F ',' '{print $2" ,"$3'}' # field_1, field_2, field_3
      • ',' is the delimiter, {} is actions, " ," is what to print instead of the input delimiter.
      • Natively, cut keeps the delimiters, but awk prints spacing.
    • echo "1,2,3" | awk -F ',' '{print $NF}' # NF gives the last column
    • echo "1,2,3" | awk -F ',' '{print $(NF-1)}' # you can do simple math here as well
    • awk is really good at different white spacing, and it thinks spacing is just one space, like
      1 2 3
      1    2 3
      awk '${print $1, $2}'#will print 
      1 2 3
      1 2 3
  4. Sort

    • -n for numbers, by default, it's by the first number before space
    • -r for reverse
    • -h for sorting human readable inputs, i.e, reads K, M,G ...
      du -h DIRECTORY | sort -h   #if you use -n it's not gonna work
    • -u unique entries, no repetition
    • -k and -t
        echo -e "4,3,2,1\n9,8,7,6" | sort -t ',' -k 1 #sort knows delimiter is , and we sort by the 1st field 
  5. Uniq: how many input items are unique?

    • uniq alone needs input to be sorted
    • -c count how many are unique.
  6. wc: word count

  7. du -ch *08-Mar* is to find the total size of certain files


Control Flow


  1. case

    case ${1} in
    start)  #this is the pattern "start". We try to find **an exact match** here. so you want *. 
    echo "hehe"
    ;; #is to end case. 
    *)  #all other cases
    echo "HEE"
  2. functions

    1. Basics
      function log(){   #keyword function is optional 
      if [[ "${GLOBAL_VERBOSE}" ]]
          echo "${GLOBAL_VERBOSE}"
          echo "${@}"
          local DUMMY_VAR="${1}"
      readonly GLOBAL_VERBOSE='false' #many ppl do it this way
      log 'heh'
    2. you can create a function in command line, and check that by type -a FUNC
    3. Variables don't have to be local, a lot of ppl do that. Global Variables might cause issues when functions try to modify them.
    4. return: -echo: to actually "return something"; -return only works with int exit codes
    5. one-line: if ps aux | grep some_proces[s] > /tmp/test.txt; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
      • each line must terminated by newline or semi-colon
      • then, else do not need ;.
    6. elif also needs [[ ]]
    7. Inside function we can't read args from the command line directly, because they're reserved for function args
      function print_param_value(){
          value1="${1}" # $1 represent first argument
          value2="${2}" # $2 represent second argument
      print_param_value "6" "4" # Space-separated value
      # You can also pass parameters during executing the script
      print_param_value "$1" "$2" # Parameter $1 and $2 during execution
  3. Conditional, if. see code

    1. basics
      • spacing matters, [[]] is an alias for test, new line is equivalent to ;
      • "" keeps one string with spaces intact
      • eq, lt; = for comparing strings, == is bash only
    2. $? is a special operator, returns the execute status of the most recent command. it may return > 1.
    3. This is in help test: if [[ -f FILENAME ]]
      • -f check if file exits (regular type),
      • if[[ -e "/home/ricojia"]], -e means if a file exists, regardless of type (socket, node, directory, etc.)
      • -d means if a directory exists.
    4. if [[ A ]] || [B] is or, &&
  4. for loop

    for VARIABLE IN 1,2,3   #or for VARIABLE in {a..b}
    • for loop in one line: for i in 1; do (); done do stuff with all names: no need for ls
      • if you can just use mkdir, echo, rm, you can use xargs, no for loop needed
        ls | grep pkg | xargs -i echo "{}/production"
        ls | xargs rm -rf   #if rm -rf complains that the input arg list is too long (like 10000)
  5. while loop

    while CONTROL_COMMAND   #CONTROL_COMMAND can be anything that returns true/false, 


Common Small Tasks


  1. random number in [0, 2^16, 65536]: ${RANDOM}

    • You can also use *sum as well. These sums represent the Hex sum of a huge chunk of data, so the integrity of download can be checked. Sha1sum, sha256sum, etc. Usage: sha1sum file. Man page said it can be used to read a file or stdin. So it's compatible with pipe. Most commands are like this too!
    • You can "chain" pipeline: $(date +%s | sha1sum | sha256sum)
    • say you have defined S="asdfaqwer":
      • echo "$S" | fold -w1 | shuf | head -C1 : fold is to squeeze an input string into 1 byte, shuf is to "shuffle them", head-C1 is to output the string.
    • system log: log hardware events. you can add to it by logger -t tag_name "msg".
  2. read everyline of a file

    	for F in $(cat FILE_PATH) ; do
  3. go thru all file names in a directory

    	for i in $(ls $(pwd)/boost) ; do 
  4. Add things to an array and read the array

    arr=("a" "b")
    for t in ${arr[@]} ; do	#[@] means all array elements. 
        t	#is an element of the array
    for i in ${!arr[@]}; do now i is the elements
  5. export lines matching certain pattern to a file: grep -o "PATTERN" FILE_NAME > another_file

  6. bash

    for i in {10..45}
        grep -A 1 127.0.0.$i:554 wh_batches.log | grep decode_time | cut -b 50-70 #keep only 50-70 bytes | head -500 #the top 500 | sed 's/.$//'| perl -e '$last = 0; $s = 0; while (<>) { if ($last>0) {$s += $_ - $last;} $last = $_ } print $s/500';  
    • echo "lolsdf" | sed 's/.$/9/'. sed 's/REGEX/string/', . is any char but new line, $ means at the end of line


Common Commands


  1. Pip
    • pip show pedantic, that gives you version, required_by, metadata, etc.


General tips


  • Avoid using pwd, since pwd might be different as you navigate. Use $(dirname $(realpath ${0})) as much as possible
    • realpath is used here to get the absolute path.
  • Map out all the direcotries, avoid using relative paths. ls
  • Avoid hard code the version numbers. major, minor, patch




  1. condition: if [-n "$NULL_STRING"]: returns true if string is NOT null. if [-z $NULL_STRING] returns true if string is Null

    • [[ -d FILE_PATH ]] if file path exists
  2. condition truly is: if return_value: if groups $USER | grep -q docker; then ... is totally valid. grep -q docker returns 1 if keyword is found. -q means quiet

  3. tail -n1 shows the first item on the top

  4. set -euo pipefail, see ref

    • This is set because by default, bash script doesn't halt at errors. Here any errror will stop the script, and fails loudly
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️