ROS2 - RicoJia/notes GitHub Wiki




  1. On windows docker might be easier. WSL: windows Subsystem for Linux
  2. foxy is long term release, 2020 -2023, Galactic, like a new features are rolling out into it. Foxy
  3. New features
    1. Behaviour tree (more flexible than state machines)
    2. Planners as ROS2 Actions
    3. Recovery behaviours as ROS2 actions
    4. Lifecycle Nodes for systematic launch
      • state machine
      • structural pattern, like you have to attach callbacks to configure a node, so the node will be configured, active, finalized.
  4. ROS 2 Structure
  5. Moveit - sdf for multi-linkage
    • Gazebo
    • vs Unity?
  6. Do we have a unified planning platform for robot arm and mobile platform navigation? (full rewrite)
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