ROS2 - RicoJia/notes GitHub Wiki
- On windows docker might be easier. WSL: windows Subsystem for Linux
- foxy is long term release, 2020 -2023, Galactic, like a new features are rolling out into it. Foxy
- New features
- Behaviour tree (more flexible than state machines)
- in ROS 2 we're coding behaviours for robot arm...
- Basics of behavior tree
- finally, we got simple commander API
- Planners as ROS2 Actions
- Recovery behaviours as ROS2 actions
- Lifecycle Nodes for systematic launch
- state machine
- structural pattern, like you have to attach callbacks to configure a node, so the node will be configured, active, finalized.
- Behaviour tree (more flexible than state machines)
- ROS 2 Structure
- Moveit - sdf for multi-linkage
- Gazebo
- vs Unity?
- Do we have a unified planning platform for robot arm and mobile platform navigation? (full rewrite)