Python_Third_Party - RicoJia/notes GitHub Wiki
- pudb for multiple processes
esc esc up
to close window - set break point another file
: preferences - to quit:
- last command in command window: ctrl-n, p
c-contiguous array: array's rows are contiguous. f-contiguous (fortran) is columns are contiguous.
stride: number of bytes per dimension in 3D array, (bytes_per_page, bytes_per_row, bytes_per_item).
vectorized functions is to apply the function on each element of the array.
numpy axes: by default, 1d is a column vector
- note: rgb like [X,Y,3] cannot do frame multiplication directly, because you can only multiply [3,] array with it.
performance issues:
is slow because it returns a copy of an array. Alternative:np.core.umath.clip
faster -
np.zeros(shape=a.shape, dtype = np.int32)
is 100 times faster thana=np.zeros_like(a).astype(np.uint32)
: returns True any element along the axis has element true.
- random.randint(low, high=None, size=None, dtype=int)¶
- works with negative values as well
- random.randint(low, high=None, size=None, dtype=int)¶
sorts along an axis (ascending order), and return the indicesarr = np.array([4,2,3,1]) np.argsort(arr) # see array([3, 1, 2, 0])
- if you want descending order, use
- np.flipud():axis 0;
axis 1
- if you want descending order, use
: returns the index of the smallest element -
Round numbers:
np.round(np_array, decimal_places)
round(num, digits_after_decimal_point)
round(4.567, 2) #4.57
AttributeError: module 'zipfile' has no attribute 'open'
: type in module name:zip_file
instead ofzipfile
sym.collect(J_dot, T)
, collect all terms together
- reformatting using: autopep8
pip3 install --upgrade autopep8 autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive
- from RGB values to JPEG
pil_img = Image.fromarray(np_image, 'RGB') pil_img.thumbnail((800, 800)), format="JPEG", quality=35)
- plt - show in real time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.clf() plt.title("Reid Descriptor") plt.plot(flat_descriptor) # plt.plot(np.arange(1), descriptor[:, :, 1]) # plt.plot(np.arange(2), descriptor[:, :, 2]) plt.pause(0.1)
is for uploading to AWS
- distance_cost_matrix = pairwise_distances(track_pos, det_pos)
array([[1., 1.], [2., 2.], [2., 2.]]) array2([[1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.]]) # number of features should be the same # returns the distance b/w each sample in 1 and 2 pairwise_distances(arr1,arr2) array([[0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ], [1.41421356, 1.41421356, 1.41421356, 1.41421356, 1.41421356], [1.41421356, 1.41421356, 1.41421356, 1.41421356, 1.41421356]])
- dataframe
track_eval_df.to_csv(OUTPUT_LOCATION, index=False)
math.hypot(p2[0]-p1[0],p2[1]-p1[1], ....) #hypotenuse np.linalg.norm(p2-p1)
random number
s = np.array([0,0]) e = np.array([10,10]) np.random.uniform(s,e) #float np.random.uniform(s,e).astype(int) #int # multiple times: #Return random floats in the half-open interval [0.0, 1.0). 5 * np.random.random_sample((3, 2)) - 5 # array([[-3.99149989, -0.52338984], # random [-2.99091858, -0.79479508], [-1.23204345, -1.75224494]])
np array. see code
- invert a np array
- Other examples
# access arr = np.zeros((2,3,3)) arr[1,2,3] =1 # see a whole dimension arr[1,2] # see array([0., 0., 1.]) # a tuple can access np array ls = [1,2] arr[tuple(ls)] #see array([0., 0., 1.]) #shape print(arr.shape) #see (4,) # ndim a smart way, because arr doesn't necessarily have a row number print(arr.ndim) #see 1 # stacking arr1 = np.array([1,2,3]) # or creating an empty array: arr1 = np.array([]).reshape(0,3) np.stack((arr1, arr2), axis=-1) #[1, 1], [2,2], [3,3] # has two random values np.empty([2]) # same shape as arr np.zeros_like(arr) # copy an array arr2 = np.copy(arr) # default is float, which DISTORTED COLORS. img = np.zeros((row_num, cln_num)) img = np.zeros((row_num, cln_num), dtype=int) # or img = img.astype( # Count non zeros: num = np.count_nonzero(arr) # array indexing using another array a = np.array([1,1]) arr = np.eye(3) arr[tuple(a.astype(int))] #see 1 # masking, np masking (Boolean indexing: shows only indices with True. Not applicable to list) arr = np.arange(5) #[0, ... 4] arr > 3 # see [F, F, T, T, T] arr[arr>3] # actually applying a mask: showing only True ones arr1 == arr2 # gives [True, False, ...] np.array_equal(arr1, arr2) #this gives the right T/F # reverse array np.flip(mat, axis=0) # Flatten array([[1., 2., 3.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 9.]]) arr.flatten() # array([1., 2., 3., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 9.]) # inf foo *= np.NINF np.isinf(foo) # transpose arr.transpose() # dot product of two vectors, arr2) # applies element-wise multiplication arr1*arr2 # Broadcasting: two different shaped arrays may be added together, if the last dimension matches [1,2,3] + [ [0,1,2], [2,3,4] ] # each row is added by [1,2,3] # or scalar [1,2,3] + 5 # max of whole array max_dim = np.max([3, img.ndim]) # array comparison if (np.all(np.array(p[0]) < np.array(frame.shape[0:2]))):
KD tree
from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree
# add color # need every point to have a color pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np_rgb) # need to be in [0, 1], float
click for creating cli tool