Point_Cloud - RicoJia/notes GitHub Wiki


Basic Concepts


  1. [x,y,z], from Lidar, SfM, CAD, RGBD Camera, Depth from images. Iphone has RGBD for face recognition (so cannot be fooled by image)

    • Perception: object detection, classification
    • 语义分割: how to segment a group of point clouds from another, and interpret them.
    • Also need to calibrate Lidar and RGB camera.
    • How to represent a 3D?
      • use triangles and put them in meshes. But triangles are complex (in older games before)

      • Voxel grid: wasting a lot of empty cells
      • Octree: can represent an object when there is one, but quite complex.

  2. Challenges:

    1. Sparsity: point clouds far away will not be recognized properly
    2. Irregular: Not like pixels in a picture. No guarantee that you'll find points within a radius
    3. Lack of texture. 3 ppl walking side by side might be recognized as a car.
    4. Unordered: will confuse deep nets, just by swapping two examples.

    5. Rotation invariance for recognition
  3. Methods

    1. classical: explanable: controllable. But hard to model semantics.
  4. SLAM: loop closure, registration? what is registration?

  5. Great books:

    1. probablistic graphical models, principle and techques
    2. Pattern recognition and machine learning (christopher bishop)
    3. Machine Learning, a probablistic perspective
    4. Computer Vision: models, learning and interference.
    5. Bayesian Reasoning and machine learning. (David barber)
    6. Deep learning: simple, object recognition is much better. But it's a black-box. Requires GPU, FPGA, and more difficult to find a job LOL
      • Data collection, date labelling, data training.




  1. open3d
    • numpy -> open3d.PointCloud

      # Pass xyz to Open3D.o3d.geometry.PointCloud and visualize
      pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
      pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(xyz)
      o3d.io.write_point_cloud("../../TestData/sync.ply", pcd)
    • open3d.PointCloud -> numpy

      import open3d as o3d
      pcd_load = o3d.io.read_point_cloud("../../TestData/sync.ply")
      # convert Open3D.o3d.geometry.PointCloud to numpy array
      xyz_load = np.asarray(pcd_load.points)```
      [[-3.00000000e+00 -3.00000000e+00 -3.89817183e-17]
      • make sure no inf in the point cloud
    • orientation: red is +x, green is +y. In default view, z is pointing outwards

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