ML_Project_Notes - RicoJia/notes GitHub Wiki
- ReID: eventually "suggest" with confidence.
- make some recordings, even using bag labeller
- how to split the training and testing data? maybe cross validation? mismatches during learning, well... right now we start evaluating once there's at least one sample under that track id.
- Classifier:
- nit:
- when do mismatches happen?
- misclassification (svm)
- tyr ovr
- camera view is faulty
- (could there be a swap?)
- camera view captures part of the figure
- camera view is not complete and it happens to look similar
- Dark region case (Filip and I look similar)
- misclassification (svm)
- when do mismatches happen?
- nit:
- What do we want from machine learning?
What do you like:
- Build a product that directly brings concrete value. But my product, doesn't have to be one single product??
- Robotics:
- Reinforcement Learning; Planning with robot
- Computer vision: it's less of "issueing actions", but is an extremely important aspect. I think I'd like to keep growing in this aspect. I've worked on ReID (simple machine learning techniques), human tracking systems (particle filtering and various velocity models based).
- Non-Robotics
- Recommendation systems: I think this helps people explore things more to their likings, while helping a business grow.
- LLM: A startup idea I saw was pretty cool: filling out immigration forms.
- ZERO passion for optimizing ads - it doesn't create concrete values in my opinion.
- Robotics:
- Eventually, have my own company
- Build a product that directly brings concrete value. But my product, doesn't have to be one single product??
I want to become a machine learning engineer. Because:
- The world is moving towareds more AI, well machine learning based approaches. It's crucial to know conventional control theory, optimzation methods, but machine learning is where the spark is, I think
- Robotics costs a lot: an AMR costs $4000 (like fetch base); Kinova arm: $25000; Nuc: 500... For machine learning, you can get started on a $300 GPU
- In my current job, you spend a lot of time testing on hardware. I don't feel like I'm working on actual AI problems ()
What was the thing that pulled you into Robotics?
- Build something that physically change people's lives. Also, I thought control engineering was really cool.
Do you still like it?
- Yes. But building a robust system is costly. I need $$ for building my own robots, and my own company.
- It's likely not profitable for a long period of time, either.
- To make it robust could be very tedious. I feel like I'm out of touch with machine learning.
What was the thing that you DIDN'T choose Machine learning in the first place.
- I was focused on understanding robotics theory, control systems, kinematics, programming. So I can spin up a robot. But now, ML is more integrated into robotics for more computational power.
- Optimizing ads is lame ...
- Optimizing Uber, google maps; chat GPT feels like a lot of people are working on them, already. It's pretty saturated.
What changed your mind?
- Recommendation system could be interesting. It's very profitable. However,
Tell me about what you know about a machine learning engineer's life
- 90% time of data cleansing, preparation, you don't really get to build models yourselves. You train the models, which could also be a tedious job.
What aspects of machine learning do you want to work on? The ones in robotics already?
- Intro to Machine Learning–ud120
- Machine Learning
- Must consider what you have; If you don't know NLP, but just how to run models, you don't necessarily see the key pain points.
- linear algebra, differential vector, calculus
- numpy & pandas:–ud170
- statistics: Intro to Statistics–st101 Intro to Descriptive Statistics–ud827 Intro to Inferential Statistics–ud201 Time Series Forecasting–ud980
- Robotics: dataset hard to find; Saycan:
- DATA; Sim2real: data problem: randomize in simulation. Learn everything (friction coeffiction,
- model based / model free RL wind policy.) Not working; not with start ups; So much money;
- Tesla: machine learning, so they are able to do cameras
- Visual servoing, button pressing: RL. How to get data.
- Market robots: nobody is
Software: glass ceiling. It's easier to do
- Reward.
- Computer vision; go stores: shutdown;
- Things took off; LLM: afterthought; Has to happen in robotics. 10x cheaper;
Next things in Robotics:
Data2Real; Machine Learning Based. Train Everything. RL - simulation will
- Model free RL.
- Sergey Levine: Youtube Lectures:
Harjatin: track record. Open Source everything you make: github, blog post;