Facial_Recognition - RicoJia/notes GitHub Wiki

Basic Modeling

  1. Discriminative Model:

    • Discriminative: gets a good decision boundary
    • Say now you have a picture, what's the likelihood of a pixel being skin pixel? (Belong to a class?)

    • Important note

      Maximizing P(measurment|class), posterior, => Max(likelihood density*prior)
  2. Generative Model is purely probablistic, came from a time when computers are sparse. Trying to Build representative probability model.

    1. Build a model for each category. Then see which model fits the best. Discriminative: generate a decision boundary, model the posterior.
    2. Use mixture of Gaussians for modelling. Parameterized models are great for small training data.

    1. KNN is good for larger training data
  • Other Advantages:
    1. Use prior knowledge, firm Probablistic Grounding
    2. Later models do not interfere with the previous ones.
    3. You can generate models as well!
  • Disadvantages:
    1. where to get priors?
    2. Doesn't cover the hard cases.
    3. If you have lots of data, doesn't help.
    4. Work with low number of dimensions.

PCA (Similar to Least Square Error)

  • Definition

    1st, 2nd... Principle components are axis of "maximum variance, i.e, least square error"
  • Set up a line: we need to normalize (a,b) first. We can write any function with a positive d. Errata: should be d

    Another way to look at a line - ax+by-d2 = 0
  • This axis, should be the axis for "least inertia" (inertia is proportional to their distance away from the axis.). Errata: below we mean to get least square error, not least mean square error, so no additional 1/n. This is equivalent to shifting the axis to (x_bar, y_bar), then getting projection onto (a,b)

    Set up for Square Error
  • Least Square Error Problem -> Maximizing Projection. The above can be seen as: minimizing projection onto n, with the origin being shifted to the mean. Note: B has been shifted to (x_bar, y_bar)

    Finding out that axis n is the eigenvector of a group of points
  • Another way to look at this is: we're getting the principle axes of the covariance matrix, which is B'TB'

    • Definition of covariance matrix

  • Using Lagrange Multiplier, one can find that the axis is the eigenvector of the group of points. Errata: below del n should really be gradient, that it, del(x)

    Let's Maximize Projection Instead of Distance
  • Finally, you can use some of the principle axes to represent points! The eigen-vectors with the largest eigen values correspond to the longest principle axes

  • Caveat: PCA is only good for a single class of points - cuz that's the principle axes of the ellipsoid!

    PCA is only good for a single class of points
  • Application in recognition: each NxM image is a point in NxM vector space, which is huge! So we want to get a linear subspace out of that

  • Trick for dimensionality: Each image is a point in the image space, (which is huge). How do we get the eigenvectors of M points? How many distinct eigen-vectors are there?

    • M-1 eigen distinct vectors are there, think about: in 3D, if I shift my origin between 2 points, I get 1 ev, if there're 3 points, I get 2.
    • Note in below derivation, A = B^T

We get distinct eigen vectors of AAT, then multiply them by A. There should be M-1 of them
  • Question: how did you get the direvative of the vectors?

  • Eigen Faces (1911, Turk, Pentland)

    1. Visualize the eigen vectors of those faces

    1. get mean and eigen vectors

    • If we subtract an eigen-vector off of an image, or add it back on, this is what we see

    1. get the coefficients, then reconstruct the image

    1. Notes

      1. It's a generative model because you can then classify a face that's closest to a class in the k-dimentional space.
      2. Working not too well if you mix face pics with other pics.
      3. Not working well with misalignment, say eyes are not in the same position

      Eyes are not aligned!
      1. Not working well with a distribution like this:

      On this axis, points are interleaved on this axis!
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