CUDA - RicoJia/notes GitHub Wiki


  1. Structure

    Memory Architecture with Low-capacity, High Bandwidth Memories
    • This is for caching values without the slow DRAMs.
    • Global Memory is slowest in the figure. All threads of any block may access it.
    • Const memory is for storing read-only data (to host)
    • Shared memory can be accessed by threads on the same block, slower than register, faster than global memory
  2. a group of threads is called a block, a group of blocks is a grid. A kernel is one grid

    • a block is run by one "Streaming Multiprocessor", which is shared by multiple CUDA blocks.

    Cuda Architecture
    • max 1024 threads on a block, 65536 blocks max
    • To create the function
  3. Memory limits

    • global memory (on Device DRAM, 2^31 bytes)
    • Constant memory (65536 bytes)


Some nice slides

  1. You cannot print a device inside a __global__function. calling a __host__ function("std::vector<unsigned int, std::allocator<unsigned int> > ::data") from a __global__ function("histogram_gmem_atomics") is not allowed

  2. Basic compiling:
    nvcc -o out -ljpeg

  3. data types

    • float4 is a struct with x, y, z, w,make_float4(a,b,c,d)
  4. device quantifiers

    • host is CPU, host code can
      1. manage memory on both the device and the host
      2. launches kernels on the device.
    • Typical workflow:
      1. Declare and allocate memory host and device
      2. Initialize host data
      3. Transfer data from host to device
      4. launch kernel
      5. Transfer data from device back to host
    • function qualifier:
      1. __global__: function called from host and executed on device
      2. __device__: function called on device and executed on device
      3. __host__: callable from host only. Ordinary C function, but can access device memory
      4. mix style __host__, __device__, CPU, gpu code, reduce code-duplication
        __device__ __host__ void init(int _w, int _h, int _subs) {}
  5. tutorial Nice to have a "grid-stride" loop. That is, increment by a 2d-grid size. This way, you can fully expand along the number of the grid size.

    • Also, this can maximize memory coalescing (global memory is also allocated in a logical "grid" fashion, so if thread 0 executes 0, 1256, ... within a single warp, we can maximize the number of threads accessing the same shared memory block, which reduces number of memory loading). See here


  • For cuda, .cu file is required, so you have to build a static lib with that. (D)
    1. Because NVCC (the cuda compiler) can only recognize .cu files.
    2. Usually ppl put CUDA kernels into .cuh (D)
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