C++_Data_structures - RicoJia/notes GitHub Wiki
Most ordering (sort, map, set), are naturally ascending. To get a descending sequence, use greater
// greater definition constexpr bool operator()(const T &lhs, const T &rhs) const { return lhs > rhs; // assumes that the implementation uses a flat address space } std::multimap<int, string, std::greater<int>> mp; //makes the second element go first, resulting in a descending arr std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), [](int a, int b){return a > b; })
list: list::erase() ===== vector deque: vector.erase(std::remove(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 3)) - have pop_back() ===== map.erase(key) multimap multiset set
does not work with reverse_iterator directly! (e.g, rbegin())
==== deque.insert(iterator, value); vector.insert() ==== multimap.insert() multiset.insert() ==== map.at(); // complain if key doesn't exist map[]; // most versatile map.insert(); // won't insert if key exists unorderede_map.insert() unordered_set.insert()
emplace is well supported by STL containers
Main motivation is to avoid creating and destroying temp obj
- Its ability to take in args only means you don't have to contruct a temp obj yourself (like push_back)
- push_back = emplace_back, push_front = emplace_front
It can do everything insertion can
- insert = emplace (this is used by node-based containers (except std::forward_list), which comrise the majority of the STL containers)
- emplace_after (std::forward_list)
(associative containers such as map and set)
- non-node-based containers are: vector, deque, string also has this
- insert = emplace (this is used by node-based containers (except std::forward_list), which comrise the majority of the STL containers)
In a few cases, emplace_back might be worse than push_back
- Container going to reject the new value as a duplicate (e.g,
)std::unordered_set<std::string> s {"haha"}; s.emplace("haha"); //a temp will be created for duplicate comparison.
- You have to create a ptr and allocate the memory as part of contructing the obj
std::list<std::shared_ptr<Widget>> ptrs; void customDeleter(Widget*) dl; // new Widget's ptr will be perfect-forwarded to the ptrs, allocate memory for itself. If exception occurs, there'd be memory leak! ptrs.emplace_back(new Widget, dl); //no memory leak, because you're creating shared_ptr first, which will take care of it. ptrs.push_back(std::shared_ptr<Widget>(new Widget, dl)); ptrs.push_back({new Widget, dl});
- Container going to reject the new value as a duplicate (e.g,
- in set, map, you can do
. - However, for vector and list, you need to do
#include <algorithm> // which returns end() if nothing is found. std::find(vec.begin(). vec.end(), something);
- in set, map, you can do
- Basics
- iterator algebra
- adding two pointers/iterators together e.g, a+b, 两个都有address. 所以你无法a+b, 只能a-b!
- Iterator types:
- output iterator: output_iterator ++ 是可以指向下一个元素的
back_inserter 是一种output iterator, ostream_iterator(cout, " ")也是output iterator
#include<iterator> std::copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::back_inserter(vec2)); // back_inserter is a library function that constructs a std::back_insert_iterator. Equivalent to std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector<int> > back_it (vec2) it = something; // This will call push_back() on the container. So the container should have push_back. *, ++ does not work on back_inserter.
- Const Iterator
- 什么是const iterator? 是iterator over const type. 所以, 他是node_itr。 const T 在这里成为了type. Const iterator can point to different const objects.
- General rule of thumb: use const_iterator if you're not modifying any element.
- const_iterator: const object 需要const_iterator 来access
- C++98, C++11 and C++ 14 const_iterators,
- C++98: don't use const_iterator, as there's no portable way to convert const_iterator -> iterator
- C++98: vector.insert(iterator),const_iterator here won't work, you must have a regular iterator
- C++11: vector.insert(const_iterator, 1998), more practical.
- C++11: non_const_vector.cbegin() can give you the const_iterator.
- C++11: std::begin is introduced.
std::begin(const_vector) will give std::vector<int>::const_iterator.
- C++14: std::cbegin(), std::rbegin() is introduced.
- C++11, you can define your own cbegin:
template <typename Container> auto cbegin(const Container& c) -> decltype(std::begin(c)){ return std::begin(c); // yields const_iterator }
Design your own iterator
- Design your own const_iterator: make it a template, and add bool to see if it's constant iterator
#include<type_traits> template <typename T, bool is_const = true> //we need to make this a separate class because of b++ and it cannot be in class ls for the underlying ls object class node_itr //= , != can be synthesized. { public: typedef typename std::conditional<is_const, node<T>*, node<T>* >::type node_T_ptr;}
- iterator 要可以转化为const_iterator, 但是const_iterator 无法转化为iterator。 同时要保证iterator =iterator, const_iterator = const_iterator. 如下是一个copy constructor
node_itr(node_itr<T,true>& n):data(n.data){} //for conversion bw non-const to const.
- 你不用在定义其他的,因为synthesized = 就是要copy 你指向的address,进而如果你modify 了一个object,你的iterator 有可能被Invalidate.
- 你需要unqualified type (比方说去掉const volatile int 中的const volatile)来,这样你的pointer也是unqualified,也就有了弹性。不过,你需要用std::remove_cv_t来转换iterator 到const iterator. (c++14)
一定要保证使用iterator 时,你用pass by value, 而不是pass by reference
ls(const_iterator b,const_iterator e){uncrear(); ls_crear(b,e);}
可以考虑当std::iterator 的child class
template<class Category, class T, class Distance = ptrdiff_t, class Pointer = T*, class Reference = T&>. Argument 1: check out cpp reference for the iterator you want to implement, Argument 2: the type of object we are going to iterate over. Argument 3-5: use the default value.
conversion operator:
operator node_itr<const T>() const
template里边可以进行简单的Type 处理. 比如
template<class T, class unqualified_T = std::remove_cv_t<T> > // specify node_itr<const T> for const_iterator
- destructor 不应该destroy 指向的delete,除非是在erase 里. 因为一个iterator 的消失本身并不代表指向的对象也会消失. 8.eg.
template<class T, class unqualified_T = std::remove_cv_t<T> > // specify node_itr<const T> for const_iterator class node_itr:public std::iterator< std::bidirectional_iterato node<T> > { public: node_itr(node<unqualified_T>* d = 0):data(d){} //not node_itr& cuz it will be out of scope. but return a new node_itr?? If not, you have to modify data, which means you can never have a const iterator T& operator*() const { return data->val; } operator node_itr<const T>() const { return node_itr<const T>(data); } private: node<unqualified_T>* data; } typedef node_itr<T> iterator; typedef node_itr<const T> const_iterator;
- std::string is a typedef alias to
- std::string is a typedef alias to
regular expressions - replace something std::regex e("\."); string result; std::regex_replace (std::back_inserter(result), address.begin(), address.end() ,e,"[.]$2");
string Basic Operations
insert and replace,
string +=
is same asstring.append()
, as += is implemented usingappend
strng.replace(pos, num_char, "content"); //use ptr. string.append(char); unique string.append(string) string.append(char*, size)
concatenate int to string
#include <string> // std::string, std::to_string str+std::to_string(int); //post c++11.
Compare 2 strings
s1!=s2 ret = s1.compare(s2); // equivalent to pos = (s1>s2), neg = (s1 < s2)
will compare strings one char at a time
find in string, return
// return position of the first char, or string::npos if nothing is found. str.find("substring", 4); //4 is the starting pos
delimit: use
, which reads delim and puts strings in a string.void delimit(const string& str){ std::stringstream ss; ss<<str; std::string str2; vector<string> ret; while (std::getline(ss, str2, ' ')) ret.push_back(str2); for (auto s: ret) cout<<s<<endl; }
get a
const char*
to underlying string:string.c_str()
- std::to_string: to_string(123.56) = "123.56";
- Small Value Optimization (SSO)
- String allocates dynamic memory, which is expensive heap action
- compiler reserves a fix number of stack space to avoid that.
! in C++,
is not legal, you have to have one string obj first! also, "" is char[], '' is char -
char 16_t[]
cannot be directly converted to std::string
! in C++,
- Basic char* opertations
#include<cstring> funcs
- memcpy (you need memory allocated, like char[40], or str_ptr = new char[])
- strlen; best way to get length of string. Not counting Null
- char* c = "lol" is deprecated, use const char* c = "lol" instead.
- can you pass char arr into char*?
- char arr <--> char*, allowed
- string::substr(pos, length)!! not string::substr(start, end)
- return a newly constructed string.
- if string is shorter, as many as used
- stringstream.str() returns a copy of string. Therefore they are temp objects, rvalue, and
doesn't work - ss.str("somestring") - sets s as the contents of the stream
discarding any previous contents
- c++ 11 invented initializer_list, which unifies copy construction with (). Also called list initalization, or uniform initialization
3 ways to initialize:
int i(27); int i = 27; int i{27};
= or ()
both have restrictions.- std::atomic doesn't support =
- default initialization of non-static members in class doesn't support ()
class Foo{ int(3); // doesn't compile }; std::atomic<int> i = 3; //doesn't allow, atomic = invokes copy constructor here, but std::atomic is non-copyable!!
is meant to be uniform.{}
is neither an expresion, nor a statement, it's forauto
is a temprorary array of const T
- c++ 11 invented initializer_list, which unifies copy construction with (). Also called list initalization, or uniform initialization
#include <initializer_list> // 1 for (auto i : {1,2,3}) cout<<i<<endl; //{} will be automatically converted to std::initializer_list // 2 void foo(const std::initializer_list<int>& ls){ std::vector<int> vec; vec.insert(vec.end(), ls.begin(), ls.end()); cout<<ls.size()<<endl; }
Create a ctor with initializer_list if you can
Most regular cases, without ctor with initializer_list, {} and () calls the same ctor
#include <initializer_list> class Foo{ public: Foo(int, bool); Foo(int, double); } int main(){ Foo f{3,true}; //same as Foo f() }
- Once you add ctor with initializer_list, the compiler will choose the initializer_list ctor.
Add initializer_list ctor CAREFULLY. If cannot be used directly, conversions are made
class Foo{ ... Foo (std::initializer_list<long double> l ); operator float(){} } Foo f1(); Foo f2(f1); //copy ctor Foo f3{f1}; //f1 will convert to float, float convert to long double, then calls default ctor. Foo f4{std::move(f1)}; //since operator float does specify & or &&, it can be used to convert to float, then long double, then default ctor
Add initializer_list ctor CAREFULLY. If cannot be used directly, conversions are made
- If no coversion is available, then it tries to find another suitable ctor.Narrowing-conversion is not considered "cannot be converted"
- Empty initializer_list will call default ctor
- std::vector is not a great design, as () and {} has very different meanings
Most regular cases, without ctor with initializer_list, {} and () calls the same ctor
List initialization doesn't like "narrowing conversions" among built-in types. This is a design choice
- narrowing conversions means "not all values of datatype can be stored", such as int to uint8_t
// 1 class Baz{ public: Baz (std::initializer_list<int> l){} }; int main() { // narrowing // Baz b({1.0,2,3,4,5,6}); }
- narrowing conversions means "not all values of datatype can be stored", such as int to uint8_t
pay attention to auto, which can be deduced into initializer_list.
why list alone doesn't compile?
int main() { {1,2,3}; return 0; }
is not an expression, and a braced-init-list may appear on the right-hand side of assignment
Most vexing parse is: if anything can be interpreted as a function, it will be. Examples:
// most vexing parse class Foo{ public: Foo(int i){}; Foo() = default; }; // most vexing parse Foo f(1); //You're creating an object Foo f2(); //May not compile as "function"
Exception The only difference between auto and template is in initializer list (C++11 & 14): auto will be deduced into
, but template won't and gives you an error//ok auto a = {1,2,3}; //compiler error! template <typename T> void templated_fn(T) {} templated_fn({1, 2, 3}); // "{1, 2, 3}" is not an expression. It has no type, so T cannot be deduced templated_fn<std::vector<int>>({1,2,3}); //this works templated_fn<std::initializer_list>({1,2,3}); //this works
- Common Basics
- Internally, unordered_map and unordered_set are both using hash-table; map and set are using red-black tree. Search, insert, delete are all o(log(N))
#include<unordered_map> // using Hash table under the hood. o(1) using std::unordered_map
- For sets and maps, if you have a custom data type, (or something like std::tuple), you need to provide a custom hash function.
#include <unordered_set> #include <unordered_map> #include <tuple> #include <functional> typedef std::tuple<int, char> nkey_t; // Implement a hash functor class CustomHash { public: // Implement a hash function std::size_t operator()(const nkey_t& k) const { // This could be a bad hash function anyway std::size_t h1 = std::hash<int>{}(std::get<0>(k)); std::size_t h2 = std::hash<char>{}(std::get<1>(k)); return h1 ^ h2; } }; int main() { std::unordered_map<nkey_t, std::string, CustomHash> umap; std::unordered_set<nkey_t, CustomHash> set; nkey_t key{1, 'a'}; umap[key] = "AAA"; set.insert(key); }
- Basics
Reminder: values of types without user ctor will be zero-initalized here. (provided with value).
std::unordered_map<double, double>::const_iterator it= mymap.find(key); if (it==mymap.end()) //map::find(key) will return an iterator to the value, or unordered_map::end.
Random access:
at() is safe.
const map, const unordered_map
can only work withat()
: 因为[]没有const-qualified overloading (即[]会改变map里边的值)。
need to use
on map iterators. can't doit < map.end()
and must do it != map.end() instead.#include <iterator> std::advance(iterator, distance);
: same in map-
if key already exists, the element won't be inserted. Return iterator to an iterator. (note in unordered_map it's different)
std::unordered_map<int, int> mp = {{3,4}}; // test insert and iterator auto it = mp.insert({1,2});
- [] will insert the key with default value, if it's not there yet.
const unordered_map<int, int> z = {{5, 6}}; int val = z.at(5); //Success! int val = z[5]; // Bad, because const doesn't work here! // this is a pair for (auto i = z.begin(); i != z.end(); ++i) { cout<<i->second<<endl; }
if key already exists, the element won't be inserted. Return iterator to an iterator. (note in unordered_map it's different)
: number of elements-
count(key). So in
unordered_map, map
, it's always 1.multimap.count()
is > 1
count(key). So in
Erase to get rid of a pair.
- map.erase(iterator) or map.erase(it1, it2), or
- map.erase(key); returns size that has been erased if erase by key.
- erase a non-exisitent key? A: that's perfectly fine. You will get zero as output
order after erasing is preserved in both
unordered_map, map
- Thread safe for const functions only.
when map is const is good
- Order of iterators is ensured!
- map is implemented using self-balancing tree. It is red-black tree, where self-balancing will take O(1)! Insertion and deletion will be O(logn).
self-balancing tree:
there're only black and red
root needs to be black
the "black depth" is the same on each branch (black depth: number of blacks from root to leaf)
new insertion is always red
null leaf nodes always black.
No 2 consecutive red nodes, but 2 consecutive black nodes are legit.
multiple elements can have the same key, always sorted
- because of this, there's no array index operator
. orat()
- so you also have to use insert
- because of this, there's no array index operator
. Returns(start_itr, end_itr)
. If not found, its pairs will be the first itr after key.auto itr_pair = mmp.equal_range(1); for (auto i = itr_pair.first; i != itr_pair.second; ++i) { cout<<i->first<<" "<<i->second<<endl; }
#include <unordered_set> //using hash table
- operations:
- insert
std::unordered_set<double>::const_iterator it = myset.insert(element); //return an iterator to the element. (newly added or already existent) or myset.insert(beg, end);
- find
- insert
- std::pair:
Before you use pair: can you use a 2d vector or 2d array?
- c++ 11 beyond can use std::pair{a,b} to initialize
- pair.first, second
- simple example:
#include <iostream> #include <utility> // for std::pair using namespace std; int main() { int j = 10; std::pair<int, int*> p; p = std::make_pair(j, &j); cout<<p.first<<*(p.second)<<endl; }
- std::tuple
#include <iostream> #include <tuple> using namespace std; int main() { auto t = std::make_tuple(1,2); int i, j; std::tie(i, j) = t; cout<<i<<j<<endl; i = std::get<0>(t); // C++14 }
constructs a tuple<int&>, then tuple=
assigns the refereces. Hence can be used to unpack a tuple.int i, j; std::tie(i,j) = std::make_tuple(i,j); // equivalent to std::tuple<int&> {i,j} = std::tuple<int>{2,1};
auto return_pair(){ return std::make_tuple(0, 'D'); // deduced as std::tuple<double, char>; }
tuple length and tuple_cat:
#include <iostream> #include <tuple> template <typename T> auto get_tuple_size(T& item){ return std::tuple_size<T>::value; } int main() { auto tp1 = std::make_tuple(1,2); //C++14 auto tp2 = std::make_tuple("online", 3); auto new_tp = std::tuple_cat(tp1, tp2); std::cout<<get_tuple_size(new_tp); //c++11 return 0; }
std::pair -> std::tuple
native conversionstd::pair<int, int> p {1,2}; std::tuple<int, int> tup(p);
- e.g,
#include <set> multiset<int> s; s.insert(12); s.insert*(10); s.insert*(10); s.insert*(2); //ascending order for(auto it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++){ cout << *it <<endl; } auto it1 = s.find(90); auto it2 = s.find(10); s.erase(it1, it2);
- why not vector?
has fixed size, wherevector
is dynamically allocating stuff. -
vector DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY return unused space
vec.clear(); cout<<vec.capacity()<<endl; // this still returns a large number vec.shrink_to_fit(); // this will return the unused memory back to OS
- why not
traditional array
?- This is a proper object.
void foo(int *p, int len){} std::array<int, 4> arr = {1,2,3,4}; foo(arr, arr.size()); //illegal, cuz arr does not decade into int* foo(&arr[0], arr.size()); //This is legal foo(arr.data(), arr.size()); // also legal arr.empty(); for(auto &i : array){} //sort, std::sort(arr.begin(), arr.end(), [](int a, int b){return b < a; });
- This is a proper object.
- quirks:
constexpr len = 3; std::array<int, len> arr = {1,2,3}; // must have constexpr length
- Initialize using ternary: You cannot initialize an array using ternary itself. Use a proper if else statement. Below is wrong:
int c_inc[] = (r_inc == 0)? (int[2]){-1, 1}: (int[1]){0};
- This is wrong because ternary needs an expression (6+7 is an expression, a= 6+7 can be executed, hence it's a statement) but initializer list is neither an expression nor a statement.
- singly-linked list, more memory efficient than
- The only container that does NOT have .size()
- ofc, no bi-directional access
- singly-linked list, more memory efficient than
: inserting elements from one list into another, and delete the elements in the other list// ls2 is needed so elements will be removed. ls.splice(ls.end(), ls2, ls2.begin()); //Trap: this only moves single element ls2.begin() to list. ls.splice(ls.end(), ls2); //move the entire ls2 here ls.splice(ls.end(), ls2, ls2.begin(), ls2.end()); // insert ls2 at the endl // Powerful use: // Before: mylist1: 1 10 20 30 3 4 after: 30 3 4 1 10 20 mylist1.splice ( mylist1.begin(), mylist1, it, mylist1.end());
- two threads splicing at the same time guess is fine, but iterating through them will cause a race condition.?
mylist.insert(it1, it2)
is also fine
is a bi-directional iterator, only supports++a
, nota+n
vector::front, vector::back() returns reference
- ptr to the raw array of vector:
- ptr to the raw array of vector:
Push_back needs dynamically allocate memory.
is slower than vector, since vector is more compact- push_back needs an copy assignment cosntructor.
push_back might create temp object or move it, even for rvalue ref. use
, which builds in place. -
works with args too//So push_back will push Widget&& reference. template <class T ..> class vector{ public: //std::vector<int> will pass int as T, so this has to be rvalue. void push_back(T&& x){} void push_back( const T& value ); template <class ... Args> void emplace_back(Args&& ...args); // This is truly a universal reference } std::vector<int> v; v.emplace_back(12); // So 12 will be deduced to rvalue. v.emplace_back<double>(12.5); // This is an edge case, will push 12 to the vec v.push_back(12); // this is an rvalue, no doubt
remove-erase idiom: remove does logical remove, erase deallocate the memory
v.erase(std::remove(v.begin(), v.end(), item), v.end());
- erase an element during iteration:
returns the itr after the erased element. But for vector, since it's contiguous, we just need ++itrfor (auto it = vector.begin(); it!= vector.end();){ if(...){ vector.erase(it); } else{ ++it; } }
- erase an element during iteration:
// array to vector: actually copy. int a[] = {0,1,2,3}; vector<int> b (a, a+4); // a+4 is like .end() in a[] //Initializing a double vector vector<vector<double> > y_list = {{0,0,1,1,0}, {0, 0, 1,0}}; // reserve without initialization: before allocation, we need to find large enough memory. Reserve just does the finding vec.reserve(n); // construct vector from map std::vector<std::string> routes; std::for_each(callback_query_map_.begin(), callback_query_map_.end(), [&routes](const auto& pair){routes.emplace_back(pair.first)}); //use a map's iterator to initialize vector: vector<std::pair<int, Vertex> > a(map.begin(), map.end())
reverse a vector:
std::reverse(vec.begin(), vec.end())
Check if a vector has distinct elements:
bool is_distinct(vector<int> vec){ unordered_set<int> s; for (auto i: vec) s.insert(i); if (s.size() == vec.size()) return True; else return False; }
- Before you use vector: Do you need push_back, erase, etc? If not, you can use an array array?
#include <cstring> int arr[100]; memset(arr, 0, sizeof(arr)); //I tripped here before: it must be sizeof(arr), as this is the number of bytes you need
- [] does not check bounds, since You don't pay for what you don't use
- Basic Example
std::stack <int> stack stack.push() stack.pop()
this is implemented on top of another STL container, hence called "container adaptor". The functionalities are very basic:
- size()
- emplace(), push(c), pop()
- front(), back()
- queue.empty()
- queue.swap(another_queue) //swap their contents.
void basic_queue(){ // Cannot do list initialization on queue // std::queue<int> q = {2,3,4}; std::queue<int> q; q.push(1); // No queue::top() // q.top(); cout<<q.front()<<endl; q.pop(); }
dq.push_back(); dq.push_front(); dq.pop_back(); dq.pop_front();
- deque has all basic functionalities as vector.
indexing is not as efficient, as deque does not have a contiguous memory.
This is double ended queue, where
- Elements can be added/deleted at the front and the back
- You can have random access like a vector
- Contiguous memory may not available.
- This is a linked list of array, where new elements are stored in these arrays. when arrays are full, you allocate more memory and insert them in the linked list.
- priority_queue
: like managing a heap, but without accidentally mess up the ordering. Good explanation- summary
push() top() pop()
- example
int main() { // pq is a "container adapter", i.e., on top of an existing container like std::vector or deque // allows duplicates, which is like std::multiset // O(log(n)) Internally this is a heap std::priority_queue<int, std::vector<int>> pq; // by default, top of the pq is the greatest std::vector<int> vec = {24, 3, 15, 26, 38}; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) { pq.push(vec.at(i)); } while (!pq.empty()){ cout<<pq.top()<<endl; pq.pop(); } }
- summary
- Implementation summary
// Time complexity for traversing and insertion: log(n): 2^0+ 2^1 + 2^2 + 2^n // the simple way is to just use a node and externally keep track of it, instead of having a node class and tree class. // For Insert's recursion, it is easier to pass in the pointer externally than managing the child's pointer in the current function. // When doing recursion, we want to only worry about the current node's status // print- becareful with printing sequence. You print left, then middle, then right
- Use array to store all its elements. Each node must be < or > than children
- insert:
- put an element at the end of the array
- compare with its parents
- then move up based on the sorting criteria
- Remove top of heap
- take out the root
- put the last leaf to the root
- "heapify" the heap:
- compare the last leaf with the two child leaves
- move the leaf node down the tree
- time complexity: o(1)to find max, o(lg n) for deleting a node, insertion
in python, you do
- pop the first element,
- then move the last element down the tree, o(logn) .
- equivalent to
- In A*, main challenge is when we update the cost of a heap element, we cannot efficiently move the modified heap element up or down.
does not support that, std::make_heap will take O(n) no matter what your queue is like. otherwise, find min of the vector every time, which is o(n) every time. - std::make_heap for minimum heap, so you have more flexibility to modify nodes!
#include <algorithm> struct node{ double cost; int id; node (double cost, int id):cost(cost), id(id){} }; // min heap struct greaters{ //【注意】: std::greaters 重名 bool operator()(const node& a,const node& b) const{ return a.cost > b.cost; } }; int main() { node n1(30, 1); node n2(40, 2); node n3(50, 3); node n4(60, 4); node n5(70, 5); vector<node> vec{n1, n2, n3, n4, n5}; make_heap(vec.begin(), vec.end(), greaters()); while (vec.size()>0){ cout<<vec.front().id<<" "; // pop_heap()之后, 这还是个heap!,所以你就不用make heap 了。 pop_heap(vec.begin(), vec.end(), greaters()); // 【注意】你需要pop_back, 因为pop_heap 不会自动把最后一个给弄出去! vec.pop_back(); // 注意, 只要当前的是heap,那么你可以push_heap 来接着构建heap a.push_back(1); push_heap(a.begin(), a.end()); } return 0; }
Represent a graph: use an adjacency matrix, implemented by sparcematrices in armadillo
- Armadillo: ease of use, beats eigen.
key to prerformace: 1. closeness in memory, hash table spreads 2. lack of conditional statements
copying is not a huge deal until you're super concerned
Sometimes, when you have complicated referencing issues, you can store data in lists and let objects find a way to index them.
queues, locks for multi-threading. Don't start with multi-threading.
is remainder, not modulo.-5 mod 3 = 1
,-5 % 3 = -2
. % always the same sign as the divisor,mod
same sign as the dividend - int range is
-2^31 <= n <= 2^31 -1
:-int(min) = -(-21....48)
, not representable in int.
- max of vector: std::max_element(vec.begin(), vec.end())
- referencing
auto itr = sum.back().end();
gives seg fault, or heap buffer flow -
return a:x * c
precedes *. -
std::find(itr, itr2, num)
. Map:map.find(key)