Final Features Checklist - Richardng12/Terra_Tales GitHub Wiki
Final Features Checklist
This page contains the list of all the features we attempted, and also the relevant serious mapping associated with our game.
(*Y=Yes, N=No, P=Partial)
Features | Achieved?Y/N/P* | Comments/Description |
An engaging game world layout to go with the storyline (e.g. with scenes, objects, and actors)And/orsOne completely playable level | Y | Multiple levels each with a different theme. Each theme presents its own unique problems, object interaction, NPCs, and playstyle. All themes are linked together by an engaging storyline. Cutscenes after each level help engage the player and help the player realise the impact he has on each scenario. |
A clear game objective | Y | The antagonist lives in a world that is consumed by climate change. He must travel to the past and save the planet from climate change in order to change the future. To do so, he must save the planet’s oceans, forests, and cities. |
Central character (or avatar) design and functionality (or another related/corresponding feature if your design does not include a central character.) | Y | Our player must traverse the various worlds to fix the issues present. In addition to the basic movement expected in a 2D platformer, the player is a human avatar that is capable of picking up tools and using them. |
Various other characters with different mechanics (e.g. actions, speech, movement.) | Y | NPC speech and enemies(fire sprites) move and some fire projectiles.Different NPCS have different speech and interactions, there are fire sprites which move and can shoot fire projectiles, as well as oil splatters which move with AI. |
A scoring system (e.g. points/time – either explicit to player or implicit; provide details of how its implemented if implicit, including examples in code.) | Y | The player is given a score for each level. The score is determined by how long the player took to complete the level, and how many lives they had lost throughout the level. |
A welcome screen (e.g. select a game, return to welcome screen and ability to start again.) | Y | Welcome screen with “start” button (leads to level select screen), “credits” buttons, and “exit game” button. Level selections screens, in-game screens, and exit screens give a path to return to the main welcome screen. |
An exit screen (e.g. to congratulate player if finished all designed levels or to alert player to indicate game over.) | Y | Upon completion of the city level (the final level of the game), the player is taken to a “thank you” screen which notifies that the game has finished. The user is also able to enter their score at the end of the game |
Some aspects of RNG (e.g. random item generation, enemy attacks except random level generation covered under ‘design features’) | Y | Random item(rubbish) generation and random monster spawn location (fire sprites) |
Playtesting of all above features within your own team. | Y | All levels were thoroughly tested after each merge to ensure the merge was successful and o features were lost. |
Playtesting of all above features BY at least one other team. List which team(s) playtested your game. | Y | Team 5(SRS)Opened the game and played one level. |
Playtesting of all above features FOR at least one other team. List which team(s) you (members from your team) playtested for. | Y | Team 5(SRS). Bryan Ang and Hong Shi |
Design Features | Achieved?Y/N/P* | Comments/Description |
A player life/health system wherelives/health can be lost/gained/maxed out (e.g. 3 livesmax) | Y | A life based system was implemented with 5 hearts. Everytime the user gets hit by a fire sprite or oil splatter, the user loses a life. Life can be regained by planting a tree or putting trash into the right bins. |
Achievement system (e.g. rewards unlocked based onperformance.) | Y | A achievement system has been implemented with achievements popping up as a overlay/modal. When the user completes certain tasks such as planting a certain number of trees or extinguishing a certain number of fire sprites, achievements are unlocked. These achievements can be viewed on the main menu, as well as through the pause screen. |
A high score screen (and a mechanism for storing those high scores) allowing users to enter their name for the high score function | Y | Hi scores have been added, which can be viewed from the main menu, the hi scores are identified with a three letter name along with the score. Score is based on the objectives for the level, time to complete a level, and the number of entities destroyed (fire sprites or oil splatters). Score can be inputted once the user has completed the game. Multiple scores can be saved, with the highest score appearing on the top. |
Adding sound/music to the game and triggering on appropriate events | Y | There is different music for each level which fits in with the theme of each level. There is also a plethora of different sounds associate with different actions, such as hovering over a button, using the users water powers and indicators such as a pop up sound when a user finishes planting a tree. Jumping and |
Advanced Features | Achieved?Y/N/P* | Comments/Description |
WebGL | Y | Deployed a WEBGL application on a website for a user to play from. |
Level Generation - Fixed Level Design with increasing levels of difficulty | Y | Three different levels, Ocean, Forest, City which all have an increasing level of difficulty. There is also easy, medium, hard levels for each level which affect the spawn rate of monsters, number of objectives the player has to do and also the amount of time the player has to complete the level. |
Feature swap/ any additional features / any comments:While the above are basic features, if for some reason a feature does not apply to your game, give us a__good reason_ why it doesn’t and add an__alternative feature__ to this list that will be marked instead. Use this space to list any other features you’ve implemented and any other comments you may have._ |