Meta Constitution - RichardAlexanderGreen/WorldGovGame GitHub Wiki
What are the patterns present in a typical constitution?
- Motivation: What is the basic purpose of the constitution?
- Scope: Where (geography/collective) is the constitution relevant? (Association / Province / Nation / Planet)
- Evolution: How will the constitution be enacted? How may it be amended?
- Process: How are proposals submitted, debated, budgeted, executed?
- Roles: Who has which responsibilities? How are people/entities selected for each role?
- Constraints: What organizational actions are forbidden? What organizational actions are required?
Ethics, Aesthetics, and Opportunities are the source of proposals.
- Proposals are meant to improve some quality -- generally the "quality of life" for those affected.
- A proposal identifies a goal: What should be improved? (and Why when that is not obvious).
- A proposal defines a solution or solution-enabling action to be enabled/funded.
- Ethical/Compassionate attitudes inspire proposals to reduce the harms experienced by some affected group.
- Aesthetic/Optimistic attitudes inspire proposals to improve infrastructure, enable research.
Rules and Ethics regulate citizen, representative, judicial, and executive behavior.
- Rules and Guidelines indicate the constraints and responses expected of participants.
- Rules define the process and forms of censure.
- Group ethical standards motivate censure initiatives and prosecution.