Paneled Plots - RhoInc/sas-beeswarm GitHub Wiki

In this example, we produce a paneled beeswarm plot.

sas-beeswarm paneled

Prior to calling the macro, first determine the appropriate values for optional parameters rmarkers= (i.e., how many markers will fit along the response axis?) and gmarkers= (i.e., how many markers will fit along the grouping axis?). By default, the macro assumes the values of 60 and 80. These values work fine for default-sized SGPLOT output (640px by 480px). However, for SGPANEL, the appropriate values are quite different.

*---------- determine best rmarkers= and gmarkers= ----------;

data fillpanel;
   do panel = 1 to 3;
      do x = 0 to 75;
         do y = 0 to 35;

proc sgpanel data=fillpanel;
   panelby panel / columns=3;
   scatter x=x y=y;
   colaxis thresholdmax=0;
   rowaxis thresholdmax=0;

sas-beeswarm fill panel

The values 75 and 35 are arrived at through experimentation. Expect to have to test several values before getting a good fit.

With the values for rmarkers= and gmarkers= now in hand, producing a paneled beeswarm plot is essentially a 3-step process.

  1. Split the original dataset into smaller panel-specific datasets.
  2. Pass the panel-specific datasets to the macro one at a time.
  3. Stack the panel-specific output datasets back together again and send to SGPANEL.
*---------- dummy data generation ----------;

data dummy;
   do panel = 1 to 3;
      do trt = 1, 2, 3;
         do subjects = 1 to 30 - 4*trt*floor(sqrt(panel)) by 1;
            response = sqrt(trt)*sqrt(panel)*(rannor(1)+3);

*---------- beeswarm call ----------;

%macro panel;

   %do i = 1 %to 3;

      *----- split the dataset -----;
      data panel&i;
         set dummy;
         where panel eq &i;

      *----- call beeswarm once per dataset -----;


   *----- stack back together -----;
   data beeswarm;
      set %do i = 1 %to 3; beeswarm&i %end; ;

%mend panel;


*---------- plot it ----------;

proc sgpanel data=beeswarm;
   panelby panel / columns=3;
   scatter x=trt_bee y=response / markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled);
   colaxis min=0.5 max=3.5 integer;