Getting Started - RhoInc/sas-beeswarm GitHub Wiki

This page illustrates a basic application of the %beeswarm macro.

We begin with some dummy data generation. The resulting dataset will have 4 different TRT groups each containing a RESPONSE value for 50 different SUBJECTS.

*---------- dummy data generation ----------;

data dummy;
   do trt = 1, 2;
      do subjects = 1 to 100;
         if trt = 1 then response = -3 + 6*ranuni(17);
         if trt = 2 then response = rannor(17);

Producing a beeswarm plot in SAS is a two-step process.

  1. Use the %beeswarm macro to add a new variable to your dataset.
  2. Use this new variable as the X= option in a SCATTER statement.
*---------- 1. macro %beeswarm uses dataset DUMMY and variable TRT ----;
*---------- to create dataset BEESWARM and variable TRT_BEE -----------;


*---------- 2. use dataset BEESWARM and variable TRT_BEE in a ----;
*---------- SCATTER plot -----------------------------------------;

proc sgplot data=beeswarm;
   scatter x=trt_bee y=response / markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled);
   xaxis min=0.5 max=2.5 integer;3

The resulting plot will look like this!

sas-beeswarm getting started