💻 Commit - RhianLopes/MyCows GitHub Wiki
Commit messages must follow the following pattern:
<type>(<scope>): <topic>
feat(UserLogin): add the persistence data in the User Login
fix: ajusts all bugs on User persistence
The Type refers to what type of commit it is, whether they are...
: New features or new Tests -
: Bug fixing or testing -
: Code improvement or Business Rule increase -
: Remove code
The Scope must serve to reference a Functionality, Document or Architecture, ex: UserLogin, README, Order...
Must be written in American English, exception of cases where reference is made to some external Technology or Api in another language.
Must be written following the pattern CamelCase in its writing, except in cases where several files and functionalities are modified.
Subject should also be written in American English, as well as the Scope, and should not have any accents in your writing.
The subject should briefly and clearly summarize what was done, modified or removed in the commit.