RheinMainScala Talks & Discussion Backlog - RheinMainScala/meetups GitHub Wiki
In the meetup on Dec 1st, 2015 we discussed some topics which we might want to present to our group sooner or later. Most of the topics are intentionally kept short (so that the presenter can do something in some reasonable preparation time).
Update on March 1st, 2016: Marked presented topics by DONE
A) Programming
A1. "Hatefactory": Scala stuff which "supports" unreadable code and might get you a hated person by your colleagues. So what should one avoid?
A2. Patterns: Which design patterns (like the GOF patterns) should still/not be used in Scala?
A3. for-Comprehensions: How exactly does this work? [DONE by Markus in February]
A4. Mixin and Traits // we had some basics on traits earlier this year already
A5. _ : The char formerly known as the underscore // Franck volunteered for this topic [DONE by Franck in January]
A6. Operator Naming
A7. Type Level Programming // addresses this topic
B) Tools
B1. SBT: How does the Scala Build Tool really work?
B2. Property Based Testing // This will be addressed in "Functional..." book's chapter 8 anyway
B3. Usage of Scala Tests and Specs (for example to test some Java code, so that one has a smooth migration path to sneak Scala in your project)
B4. Scala <-interaction-> Java: Do's and Don'ts // Markus G. can do a rant herefore
B5. Gatling // Kristine wanted to show us how to use Gatling and its Scala DSL (and hence how to get rid of this stupid JMeter-XML stuff for load testing) [DONE by Kristine in March]
C) Frameworks and Architecture
C1. Akka: How do Actors work? (Meanwhile we should know as this stuff is from 1973 ;-) [DONE by Martin A. in March]
C2. Spark: Big Data in Scala // We might have an expert for that topic available soon, details to follow
C3. ScalaJS // Franck wanted to look into this
C4. Play // Martin A. volunteered to introduce the Play Framework to us (Martin L. can help out, but only for the Java-version of the framework - but we have some slides on the architecture and some examples, can be transfered perhaps)
D) Using Scala in the real world
D1. Genetic Algorithms // Martin L. loves GAs and wants to implement something here
D2. Event Sourcing & CQRS // Markus wants to implement something here