Setup the server using docker - RewardedIvan/3DPS GitHub Wiki

Using docker


  1. Using a binary
  2. Windows
  3. Linux
  4. MacOS
    Most of the instructions are how to install docker lmao


  1. Go to the releases
  2. Download your corresponding platform


Do you have docker installed? No, Yes
While installing you should check add to path


  1. Clone this repo or download the zip
  2. Unzip the zip lmao, if you haven't cloned it
  3. Go ahead and enter the docker directory
  4. Replace the address bar's content to cmd yes
  5. docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile --tag "3dps"
    if anything fails with the building process, report it as a help issue, please look at the FAQ first, unless you know what your doing and absolutely sure it's a bug, then report it as a bug
  6. docker run --name 3dps --rm -d --volume "3dps:/db" -p 9991:9991 3dps (also repeat this command if you want to start it again) NOTE: to stop the container use docker stop 3dps
  7. All should be fine :D


Do you have docker installed? No, Yes

Install Docker

Arch based (eg. Manjaro, Endevour OS, Garuda, Arco....)

pacman -Sy docker

Debian based (eg. Ubuntu, Pop OS, Zorin OS, KDE Neon....)

apt install


emerge app-containers/docker

Red Hat based (eg. Fedora, OpenSUSE, RedHat Enterprise Linux)

yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli I recommend only for RHEL (RedHat Enterprise Linux)
zypper install docker for OpenSUSE, Fedora and distros that derive from them

Any other distro

with a different package manager probably has the docker package, I am assuming you know how to install packages if you are using it anyway, also you should let me add it to this list (: (make an issue)


install go and go install


use brew install docker


  1. Clone this repo or download the zip
  2. Unzip the zip lmao, if you haven't cloned it
  3. Open a terminal and cd to the repo directory
  4. Create the "docker" group and add your self to it, if your package manager doesn't already do that newgrp docker or groupadd docker, usermod -aG docker (username) all of these commands as root, also you need to relogin, package manager or not.
  5. docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile --tag "3dps"
    if anything fails with the building process, report it as a help issue, please look at the FAQ first, unless you know what your doing and absolutely sure it's a bug, then report it as a bug
  6. docker run --name 3dps --rm -d --volume "3dps:/db" -p 9991:9991 3dps (also repeat this command if you want to start it again) NOTE: to stop the container use docker stop 3dps
  7. All should be fine :D


MacOS is similar to linux (both are unix-like)
so you can install docker with brew or using docker desktop
and use the same instructions or at least that's what I know