Hacking 3Dash - RewardedIvan/3DPS GitHub Wiki

Modifying the assembly of 3Dash (aka hacking)


  • Use unity's "IMGUI" for well, gui (buttons, text and other stuff)
  • Original dnSpy contains malware, please don't use that
  • Check out my reverse engineering, you will get familier with the client without looking at the code


  1. Download dnSpyEx
  2. Put the Assembly-CSharp.dll in to dnspy (you can find this in _data/managed)
  3. Also there is a PathCreator.dll inside the directory
  4. Do whatever you like :D you just have to know C#
  5. Then File > Save Module


  1. You can use wine to open exes (it may be a bit laggy though)
  2. You can compile dnSpyEx, make sure you have dotnet
git clone --recursive https://github.com/dnSpyEx/dnSpy
cd dnSpy
dotnet build


I have no idea