Adding an Artist - RevolutionTech/perdiem-django GitHub Wiki

An artist will need to have a profile set up before adding any projects or campaigns. This information will also be tied to music when it is released. It’s important to have all of this information as accurate and descriptive as possible. The more details an artist profile has the more likely it is for people to feel compelled to invest in their campaign.

Step 1: Select Add Artist

Step 2: Add artist name

Step 3: Add genre (can add multiple or create new)

Step 4: Add Slug

Step 5: Add Location (Latitude and Longitude are auto calculated)

Step 6: Add Admins (users who have access to this account)

Step 7: Add relationship of admin

Step 8: Add Bio (can add html video, fonts, etc..)

Step 9: Add Photo (will be cropped into square so use photos that are able to be cropped)

Step 10: Add Music (from soundcloud)

Step 11: Add Socials (Facebook, Twitter, etc..)