NOTES - RevatureSFNTraining/Project_1_Amplifire_Pyrohm GitHub Wiki





William studied for the exams today and did trailheads to try and learn more stuff for the Admin Cert.

Matthew did studying.

John studied visual force and did trailheads.

Zabian spent time studying for the exam and discussed prepping for our project.

Julius studied html/css/javascript.


William is going to work on studying for the admin cert, work on the project 1.

Matthew is going to start working on project 1.

John is going to start working on project 1 VF page.

Zabian is going to work on preparing for our project.

Julius is going to figure out experience cloud hosting.



William worked on practicing VF, HTML, CSS, and JS and worked on project 1 a little bit.

Matthew worked on studying for QC and started working on project.

John worked on visual force page.

Zabian has been preparing for QC and getting setup for Project 1.

Julius studied old content for QC.

Veselin studied for QC, went over stuff from week 3 and 4.


William is going to work on cleaning up my org for project 1 and work on project 1.

Matthew is going to continue working on project 1.

John is going to push changes to repository and continue trailheads.

Zabian is going to work on studying and project 1.

Julius is going to start working on the VF page for project 1.

Veselin plans to get more familiar with my org for project 1.



William worked on setting up local github repository and setting up vscode for project 1 and started his VF page.

Matthew studied and worked on preparation for visualforce.

John set up the repository with teamates. worked on visual force page.

Zabian working on VF page and worked on trailheads.

Julius worked on VF page.

Veselin studied focus on force, and worked on some trailheads.


William is going to work on getting a basic framework for VF page completed by the end of the day.

Matthew is going to work on his project VF page.

John is going to figure out how to use the repository after cloning.

Zabian is going to continue working on VF page and trailheads.

Julius is going to figure out how to put the vfpage on the experience cloud website.

Veselin is going to work on trailheads and project 1.



William worked on getting a basic VF page for project 1 done.

Matthew Studied tests, worked with John on project.

John worked on VF Page. Integrated utility first CSS into VF Page.

Zabian worked on visualforce page.

Julius studied results of practice ADM exam.

Veselin studied on focus on force.


William is going to put some unique functionality on my VF page and study for the next practice exam.

Matthew is going to continue working on the project.

John is going to integrate more features into VF Page.

Zabian is going to continue working on the VF page for project 1.

Julius is going to figure out how to modify records with VF page.

Veselin is going to start working on vf page.



William worked on figuring out functionality for VF page and studied for Cert.

Matthew did a bunch of trailheads.

John worked on project. Figuring out how to make api calls.

Zabian worked on more visualforce trailheads.

Julius fixed experience cloud and added VF tabs to project.

Veselin worked on my visualforce page.


William is going to work on finishing up VF Page and adding it to the experience cloud.

Matthew is going to study for the admin cert and work on the project.

John is going to studying for adm. Integrating animation into project.

Zabian is going to add some style to my visualforce page.

Julius is going to add something fancy to VF transaction page.

Veselin is going to keep working on the page.



William  worked on finishing up the project. 

Matthew worked on project

John finished Project and worked on testing.

Zabian worked on finishing project

Julius  finished project

Veselin worked on project, studied for the adm cert


William study for admin cert

Matthew study for admin cert

John  study for ADM and take more practice exams

Zabian  finish testing

Julius study for the cert

Veselin going to study for the adm cert



William studied for adm practice exam and thought about p2. 

Matthew studied for exam

John  studied for adm and worked on aura trailheads.

Zabian studied more for the adm

Julius  studied for the adm cert

Veselin studied for adm cert


William get a list of features to give to Alchemy for p2, study more for the adm, and study for exams next week.

Matthew prepare for upcoming exams and  P2

John takes practice exam and start p2.

Zabian  need to take the next practice test and prepare for p2

Julius takes the adm

Veselin study for exam, take one till end of the day