Setup - Retrospring/retrospring GitHub Wiki

[!WARNING] This guide is outdated, please read the new documentation on self-hosting Retrospring here!

This page will cover general setup steps for your own local/production running Retrospring instance!


  • UNIX-like system (Linux, FreeBSD, ...)
  • Ruby 2.7.0+
  • Node 12+
  • Bundler
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis (for Sidekiq)
  • ImageMagick (for image processing)




  • Install Docker for your platform of choice
  • Follow the steps outlined in Setup/General
    • Configure your database using the environment variables given in docker-compose.yml
  • Build the Docker image for Retrospring and start up the required containers
    docker-compose up -d --build

Retrospring should be running on localhost:3000. You can access the container running the application using docker-compose exec web bash, this is where you need to run bundle exec rails * commands or interact with Rails from the command line in general

Note: If you are running Docker on WSL make sure you also clone Retrospring into a WSL mount to fully utilize the performance benefits of the subsystem

Mac OS

  • Install Homebrew
  • Run brew bundle in this project's directory to install all dependencies.
  • Install yarn using npm: npm install yarn
  • Follow the steps outlined in Setup

If you do not wish to install Node or wish to install it by means other than Homebrew, use HOMEBREW_BUNDLE_BREW_SKIP=node brew bundle


We've installed Retrospring on FreeBSD 10 using rvm. What we also did was creating a new, seperate user just for justask to run in. On FreeBSD, this is done with:

# pw user add justask


At Retrospring, we were using PostgreSQL as the database backend. The software might work on MySQL too, but that was not tested.

Installation from Ports (using portmaster):

# portmaster databases/postgresql93-server
$ sudo -u postgres psql -d template1
template1=# CREATE USER justask CREATEDB;
template1=# CREATE DATABASE justask_production OWNER justask;
template1=# \q

Try connecting to the database:

$ psql -U justask -d justask_production

Web Server

You'll need a web server that acts as a reverse proxy to Retrospring.


See docs/nginx.conf for the configuration we use on Retrospring.



  • Clone the repository
    git clone
  • Configure Retrospring
    • Copy config/justask.yml.example to config/justask.yml and edit its contents
    • Copy config/database.yml.example to config/database.yml and edit its contents


Install Dependencies

// Ruby
$ bundle install --without production mysql

// Node
$ yarn install

Export language files

$ bundle exec i18n export

Initialize Database

$ bundle exec rake db:prepare RAILS_ENV=development

Compile Assets

$ yarn run build
$ yarn run build:css

Run Application

$ bundle exec rails server


Install Dependencies

// Ruby
$ bundle install --deployment --without development test mysql

// Node
$ yarn install --frozen-lockfile

Export language files

$ bundle exec i18n export

Initialize Database

$ bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

Precompile Assets

$ bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production

Run Application

$ foreman start

First Steps

Now visit your newly created instance at localhost:3000 or the configured hostname and register a new account.


To give yourself administrator permissions there's two supported ways:


$ bundle exec rake 'justask:admin[your_username]' RAILS_ENV=...

your_username being your username and RAILS_ENV being set to either development or production

You can find more rake tasks to use here!

Rails Console

$ bundle exec rails c RAILS_ENV=...
> @user = User.first
> @user.add_role :administrator