~Homebrew~ Batty Zabella (Game Boy) - RetroAchievements/guides GitHub Wiki


1) Synopsis

Set Difficulty 2
Approximate time to master 1 - 2 hours
Minimum numbers of playthroughs needed 1
Number of missable achievements 9
Hardest achievement of the set Perfect 10

2) Introduction

A beautifully crafted Point and Click Adventure game with themes of comedy and horror. Guide the sassy Batty, our heroine of the story, through an atmospheric gothic tale of laughs, shocks and fourth wall breaks.

Ice Cold Blood (Kyle Sharpe) did a fantastic job with this game, which took the top spot in Itch.io's Top 20 Games of the Month: November 2022. You can support the developer and check out the sequel Batty Zabella 2, here on Ice Cold Blood's Itch.io page.

3) Tips

  • I highly recommend that you attempt a few blind playthroughs prior to following this guide in order to truly experience its abundance of charm. The intent of this guide is to inform players who are struggling with the missables.

  • You may notice that I've written this in a different order than the set list. The guide is purely chronological. Choosing to do these in a different order may (and probably will) softlock your attempt of completing the set in a single playthrough.

  • Shadow Banisher requires you to kill all non-boss enemies in a single life and session. You can complete this achievement around halfway through the game; until then refrain from quitting and be cautious with your health. After you've earned the achievement, you can quit and die as often as you like without much worry, just remember to save!

  • There are two save points in the game; both of which are beds. One is in your bedroom and the other is within the dungeon. When saving, you also replenish your health.

  • Pressing Select will open up a map of the area you are currently in.

4) Walkthrough

Deep Fried Mouse [Progression]
I came out when I smelled a freshly cooked meal.

Upon starting a new game, turn around and interact with the wardrobe to get dressed. Head out of the bedroom and into the hallway on the left. Enter Bat-Son's bedroom for a small cutscene. Head downstairs and navigate your way to the laundry room. Interact with the washing machine for a mousetrap. Head into the hallway containing the door for the backyard and interact with the mouse in the wall. Enter the kitchen, use the deep fryer and then get the bread from the fridge.

Agelenidae [Missable]
I came out when I smelled a freshly cooked meal.

Head back upstairs and into the hallway where Bat-Son's bedroom is, but DO NOT enter his bedroom. Instead, take the next door to find a black widow in the bathroom.

Powerful Chest [Progression]
Collect the batteries.

Leave the bathroom and enter Bat-Son's bedroom. Now would be a good place to save, so enter your bedroom and interact with the bed. Now to find some batteries. Head downstairs and into the basement, which can be found in the door to the left of the laundry room. Take the altar key from the wall and leave immediately as you will take damage from the monster overtime. Head upstairs, past the bathroom and enter the altar room. Interact with the statue and place the hairpin into the slot. The hairpin is now enchanted for a limited time, which allows you to kill the monsters. Go back into the basement and click on the monster multiple times until it dies (1/9). Head down the stairs, turn around and enter the backroom of the basement to find a chest. Enter the 4 digit combination, which is 1376.

Praise the Sun [Progression]
Collect the Sun Crest.

Navigate your way back to Bat-Son for another cutscene. Upon waking up, turn around and interact with the loose bricks at the bottom of the wall. Turn around again, interact with the hay and attempt to sit down. Interact with the hay again and take the branding iron. Turn around and push through the loose bricks. Navigate your way through the tunnel until you come to a split path. Take the right path and continue on quickly as there's another monster here. Climb the bones and exit the tunnel. Head left and up the spiral stairs until you reach a door. Enter the door, another monster is here so immediately take the next door on the left. Interact with the bed to save your progress. Exit the save room and go back to the spiral stairs. Continue further up the tower until you reach the next door. Enter and take another door to your left. You should now be in a room with a skeleton. After turning around, you will see another chest. The combination is Snake - Fish - Hand. Take the sun crest from the chest.

Gnaphosidae [Missable]
I scurried outside to hide after hearing a door in the cellar open.

Exit the room and move to the right. Continue on and enter the door on the right. Move left and take the crank. Retrace your steps back to the spiral staircase, before heading to the top and using the crank to open the gate. You'll be in a room with another statue. Take the right exit and pull the lever. You'll now be in your basement. Navigate to the back door and exit into the backyard. Turn around and move on into the cemetery. Wait for a while and a crow will show up. Throw a rock at the crow, take the key and leave the cemetery. Walk left away from the house and enter the shed to find another spider and an attic rod. Collect them both.

Theridiidae [Missable]
I hid down here when you and Husbano were talking.

Navigate your way back to the room with the sun crest door and go through it for a cutscene with Husbano. Make your way to the tunnels at the bottom of the spiral stairs and all the way back to the start. Here, you will find another spider.

Praise the Moon [Progression]
Collect the Moon Crest.

Go back to the room with the statue and through the sun crest door. Continue through the next door and you will be in a maze. The solution is: Left, Left, Right, Up, Right, Right, Up, Up. Turn the strange contraption. Go back down the spiral stairs and into the tunnel. Back-track to the split path and this time go left. At the end, you will find the moon crest.

Pholcidae [Missable]
That torture chamber over there gives me the creeps.

Head back to the top of the spiral stairs, turn around and enter the moon crest door for a cutscene. DO NOT continue along this corridor. Instead, turn around, head down the spiral stairs to the floor with the save room. Head past the monster and there is another spider.

Araneidae [Missable]
I prefer this one, the other had a big hole in the wall.

Travel back home and enter the downstairs bathroom, next to the back door, for another spider.

Soothing Bath
Take a nice warm bath to double your HP.

Head back to the moon crest door, and continue to the room past Bat-Son's cell for a cutscene. Go back home, upstairs and into the altar room whilst avoiding the monsters. Insert your hairpin into the statue again and attack the two monsters upstairs (3/9). There's another monster at the front door (4/9). After defeating it, a doorknob will drop. Go to your bedroom, fix the broken door and take a bath to double your max hp.

Make A Splash
Drop a deuce in the Make A Splash minigame.

Whilst you're in the ensuite, click the toilet multiple times to initiate a quick mini-game.

Shadow Banisher [Missable]
Defeat all non-boss monsters in a single playthough.

There's two more monsters in the tunnels underneath the dungeon (6/9) and another two on the same floor as the save room within the dungeon (8/9). The final monster is in the maze through the sun crest door. Left, Left, Right, Up. Kill the last monster and unlock the achievement (9/9).

NOTE: You may have to bless the hairpin multiple times whilst killing all of the enemies. Don't forget to keep an eye on your portrait to ensure you have enough health and rest at a bed where necessary.

A Symbol of Weakness [Progression]
Draw symbols around the skeleton.

Now you can save, die and reload at will without worrying about losing your Shadow Banisher progress. Go upstairs in your house. Interact with the right side of the floor and you should be able to see an attic hatch. Go up and interact with the boxes until your find a ritual book. Navigate to the spiral stairs and enter the room with the skeleton. Interact with it for another achievement.

A Tasty Treat [Missable]
Try a secret path without the necessary requirements.

Save the game, head back to the maze and go Up, Right, Up, Right, Left, Left to encounter a missable game-over cutscene.

Latrodectus [Missable]
That creature appeared out of nowhere, so I hid up here.

Reload the save, leave the house through the back door and into the backyard. Turn around and take the final spider.

Perfect 10 [Missable]
Get a Perfect 10 in the Ice Cold Blood arcade game.

Head back to the maze and navigate your way to the spider. After another cutscene you will find yourself in an arcade. Turn around and use the machine at the back of the room. The goal of the game is to get the ball in the white hole, whilst avoiding the black holes. The goal of the achievement, is to do it ten times without losing a ball. If the ball counter goes up, press B to back out and try again. This can take a while to get used to, but don't fret, take your time and it is easily doable.

Queen of Darkness [Progression]
Defeat the Queen and collect her statue.

Save the game and head to the same floor as the hanging skeleton. Take the other door and go to where you previously found the crank. Defeat the boss by clicking the spirals. If your health gets low, you can click the sparkles to recover some.

NOTE: If you are struggling, take another bath to apply the health buff again.

King of Darkness [Progression]
Defeat the King and collect his statue.

Save the game and this time head to just outside the shed in your backyard for another boss fight. No new gimmicks, just the same as before.

Princess of Darkness [Win Condition]
Defeat the Princess and save your family.

Get ready for the final boss. It's the same as before, so save the game and go save your family.