~Hack~ Pokemon Sword and Shield Ultimate Plus - RetroAchievements/guides GitHub Wiki
Pokemon Sword and Shield Ultimate Plus is a revolutionary GBA demake for the respective Gen VIII Switch title/s. The hack was originally developed by PCL.g and Jeanstars; then later translated and updated by Phantonomy; keeping it as close to the original source material as possible.
At the time of writing, no POC guide exists, hence the guide, so first and foremost, I apologise for any inaccuries you may come across. These findings are mostly from the wiki created by Phantonomy and from my own testing whilst creating the set and subset. For those looking for a less 'wordy' and more DIY guide, here's a link to the wiki.
Core Set: ??? achievements worth ??? points.
POC Subset: ??? achievements worth ??? points.
You thought Unbound was a grind? Good luck to all you brave (and poor) souls who take this challenge on.
Raid Dens: "Hold my beer".
Thanks, RyCuLe.
Exeggcute / Meowth (G) / Diglett (A) / Typhlosion (H)
(Galar, Alola and Hisui Variants)
Piplup {Trade} / Bidoof {Old Rod} / Pichu {Egg}
{Register Method}
Metapod [7] / Shiftry [Leaf] / Sylveon [Move: FairyType]
[Evolution Requirement]
Combee -> Vespiquen [21 & Female] <>
< Can be acquired elsewhere in this section >
Prior to the first badge, as with most POCs (if not all), is the most harrowing part of this hack. To make life a little easier, EXP Share is automatically enabled and furthermore, you can find a Lucky Egg relatively early within Wild Area 1 SE (refer to the included maps if the location naming conventions are a little on the confusing side).
Pokemon found within the Wild Area scale to the lowest level Pokemon on your team. This can, to some degree, make the grind a little less tedious. There is also a Nurse, along with a Vendor, who can be found within Wild Area 1 SW.
Auto-run and Turbo Boost (for the Rotom Bike) are your best friends to ensure you minimise your time spent grinding through levels. You also receive the ability to Fly very early in this game; prior to the first badge. This will assist in getting around the map quickly.
Pokemon may be more efficiently caught in other areas. This guide serves to list the Pokemon available in a near chronological fashion. Referring to the Dexnav is key to see how close you are to completing an area.
The game features both day/night and a weather cycle. I'm not sure exactly which Pokemon appear at specific times, but I'm going to assume it stays fairly accurate to the original game. Feel free to use the RTC if you're struggling to find a specific 'mon at a certain time.
Raid Den strategies are key to efficiently completing this POC. Save scumming is highly recommended to ensure you get the right Pokemon show up. Do NOT waste time catching a Raid Den mon that can be caught elsewhere. Instead, catch only the Pokemon that are exclusive to Dens as listed in the guide below. Again, feel free to abuse the RTC.
In the early game, Zigzagoon/Linoone with Pickup are your best friends (Thievul can also be useful). The first two sections require some evolution stones which aren't available to buy until after you obtain your second badge. Keep a Zigzagoon/Linoone on your team (or multiple) to ensure you collect enough stones, Rare Candies and Nuggets whilst grinding out levels. Thievul learns Thief just after evolving, this will enable you to pickpocket Clefairy for their 5% hold Moon Stone, which could be a quicker alternative than Pickup.
Pre-Badge 1
The moment you've all been dreading... and if you haven't thus far, you soon will be.
There are 9 Starters to fully evolve, none of which make it into the top 5 highest levels for this section. Yikes. In addition to this, there's also some Pokemon which have evolution stone and happiness requirements. Daunting, I know. Here's some extra information regarding the aforementioned.
5 Highest Levels
β Salamence [50]
β Klinklang [49]
β Noivern [48]
β Hatterene [42]
β Mr. Rime [42]
β Piplup for Eevee on Route 1
β Chikorita for Eldegoss in Wedgehurst
β Cyndaquil for Carkol on Route 2
β Totodile for Drednaw in Wild Area 1
β Treecko for Girafarig in Wild Area 1
β Torchic for Diglett in Motostoke
β Fennekin for Greedent in Motostoke
β Shinx for Yamper on Route 3
Gift Pokemon
β Rockruff <>
β Porygon
Item Evolutions
β Umbreon [Moon]
β Clefable [Moon]
β Nidoking [Moon]
β Nidoqueen [Moon]
β Espeon [Sun]
β Bellossom [Sun]
β Heliolisk [Sun]
β Exeggutor or Leafeon or Shiftry or Vileplume [Leaf 1/4]
Happiness Evolutions
β Snorlax
β Lopunny
β Roselia
β Togetic
β Sudowoodo
Key/Helpful Items
β Leaf Stone
β Drake Fossil
β Fish Fossil
β Lucky Egg
β Fly Map
Total Registered Pokemon
Pre Badge 1 = 258
That's the formalities out of the way; let's get this started, shall we?
β Starter I -> Starter II [16] -> Starter III [35]
β Skwovet -> Greedent [24]
β Wooloo -> Dubwool [24]
β Caterpie -> Metapod [7] -> Butterfree [10]
β Hoothoot -> Noctowl [20]
β Blipbug -> Dottler [10] -> Orbeetle [30]
β Rookidee -> Corvisquire [18] -> Corviknight [38]
β Nickit -> Thievul [18]
β Piplup {Trade} -> Prinplup [16] -> Empoleon [36]
β Chikorita {Trade} -> Bayleef [16] -> Meganium [32]
β Seedot -> Nuzleaf [14]
β Lotad -> Lombre [14]
β Yamper -> Boltund [25]
β Chewtle -> Drednaw [22]
β Purrloin -> Liepard [20]
β Zigzagoon (G) -> Linoone (G) [20] -> Obstagoon [35]
β Arrokuda {Old Rod} -> Barraskewda [26]
β Bidoof {Old Rod} -> Bibarel [15]
β Cyndaquil {Trade} -> Quilava [14] -> Typhlosion [36]
β Doduo -> Dodrio [31]
β Gastly -> Haunter [25]
β Bunnelby -> Diggersby [20]
β Exeggcute
β Girafarig
β Eevee -> Sylveon [Move: FairyType]
--------------> Umbreon [Moon]
--------------> Espeon [Sun]
β Patrat -> Watchog [20]
β Lillipup -> Herdier [16] -> Stoutland [32]
β Flabebe -> Floette [19]
β Skiddo -> Gogoat [32]
β Taillow -> Swellow [22]
β Gossifleur -> Eldegoss [20]
β Trubbish -> Garbodor [36]
β Wooper {Old Rod} -> Quagsire [20]
β Shellder {Old Rod}
β Totodile {Trade} -> Croconaw [18] -> Feraligatr [30]
β Pikachu
β Ekans -> Arbok [22]
β Gothita -> Gothorita [32] -> Gothitelle [41]
β Deerling -> Sawsbuck [34]
β Nincada -> Ninjask [20 & Random]
β Nidoran f -> Nidorina [16] -> Nidoqueen [Moon]
β Dedenne
β Ralts -> Kirlia [20] -> Gardevoir [30]
β Solosis -> Duosion [32] -> Reuniclus [41]
β Bounsweet -> Steenee [18] -> Tsreena [Move: Stomp]
β Grubbin -> Charjabug [20] -> Vikavolt [Thunder]
β Scraggy -> Scrafty [39]
β Tentacool {Old Rod} -> Tentacruel [30]
β Nidoran m -> Nidorino [16] -> Nidoking [Moon]
β Clefairy -> Clefable [Moon]
β Oddish -> Gloom [21] -> Bellossom [Sun]
β Munchlax -> Snorlax [Happiness]
β Natu -> Xatu [25]
β Mareep -> Flaafy [15] -> Ampharos [30]
β Buneary -> Lopunny [Happiness]
β Combee -> Vespiquen [21 & Female] <>
β Croagrunk -> Toxicroak [37]
β Wingull -> Pelipper [25]
β Slakoth -> Vigaroth [18] -> Slaking [36]
β Budew -> Roselia [Happiness]
β Treecko {Trade} -> Grovyle [16] -> Sceptile [36]
- Leaf Stone
- Drake Fossil
β Elekid -> Electabuzz [Happiness]
β Tauros
β Togepi -> Togetic [Happiness]
β Bonsly -> Sudowoodo [Happiness] <>
β Shuckle
β Meditite -> Medicham [37]
β Elektrike -> Manectric [26]
β Kecleon
β Inkay -> Malamar [30]
β Helioptile -> Heliolisk [Sun]
β Stufful -> Bewear [27]
- Lucky Egg
β Koffing -> Weezing (G) [35]
β Growlithe
β Tyrogue -> Hitmonlee [20 & Attack > Defence]
β-----------------> Hitmonchan [20 & Attack < Defence]
------------------> Hitmontop [20 & Attack = Defence]
β Tropius
β Fletchindr -> Talonflame [35]
β Timburr -> Gurdurr [25]
β Venipede -> Whirlipede [22] -> Scolipede [30]
β Beedrill
β Trumbeak -> Toucannon [28]
- Fish Fossil
β Torchic {Trade} -> Combusken [16] -> Blaziken [36]
β Fennekin {Trade} -> Braixen [16] -> Delphox [36]
β Rockruff {Gift} <> -> Lycanroc [25]
β Machop -> Machoke [28]
β Klink -> Klang [38] -> Klinklang [49]
β Sizzlipede -> Centiskorch [28]
β Cherubi -> Cherrim [25]
β Pancham -> Pangoro [32]
β Shinx {Trade} -> Luxio [15] -> Luxray [30]
- Fly Map
β Rolycoly -> Carkol [18] <> -> Coalossal [34]
β Diglett -> Dugtrio [26]
β Hippopotas -> Hippowdon [34]
β Roggenrola -> Boldore [25]
β Noibat -> Noivern [48]
β Drilbur -> Excadrill [31]
β Clawitzer {Old Rod}
β Milcery
β Pumpkaboo
β Meowth (G) -> Perrserker [28]
β Porygon {Gift}
β Hatenna -> Hattrem [32] -> Hatterene [42]
β Shelmet
β Foongus -> Amoonguss [39]
β Meowth -> Persian [28]
β Pidove -> Tranquill [21] -> Unfezant [32]
β Sandile -> Krokorok [29] -> Krookodile [40]
βJoltik -> Galvantula [36]
β Toxel -> Toxtricity [30]
β Applin
β Wishiwashi
β Cutiefly -> Ribombee [25]
β Pichu
β Mime Jr. -> Mr. Mime (G) [Move: Mimic] -> Mr. Rime [42]
β Daramuka (G)
β Yamask (G) -> Runerigus [???]
β Ponyta (G) -> Rapidash (G) [40]
β Abra -> Kadabra [16]
β Castform
β Bagon -> Shelgon [30] -> Salamence [50]
β Riolu -> Lucario [Happiness]
β Sewaddle -> Swadloon [20] -> Leavanny [Happiness]
β Exeggutor or Leafeon or Shiftry or Vileplume [Leaf 1/4]
You've made it this far, I'm impressed! Once you have all 258 Pokemon, go ahead and challenge Milo.