Wedding Peach - RetroAchievements/guides GitHub Wiki

Set developed by wolfman2000, guide written by benit149

Welcome to my first SNES guide which will cover Wedding Peach, a minigame collection based off of the 1995 magical girl anime Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach (“Legendary Love Angel Wedding Peach”). Many consider it to be a knock-off of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, but does have its own qualities that make it stand apart.

Before we begin, I have to address something with the controls that kept tripping me up. Japanese games tend to reverse the order of Confirm and Cancel buttons compared to English games. Make sure you get familiar with which button is your Cancel versus your Confirm, because it’ll save you a lot of headaches.

Anyway, the objective of this game is that the three girls – Momoko (pink hair), Yuri (brown hair) and Hinagiku (green hair) – hold a contest to decide who will get to have a date with their senior classmate. Each girl has a different classmate they ask out for their endings: Momoko’s is the brown-haired Yousuke, Yuri’s is the blonde-haired Kazuya, and Hinagiku’s is the black-haired Takuro. The girls participate in a series of eight different minigames and build up points to make it to first place. When you start the game, the series’ mascot Jama-P will walk in and explain the concept of earning four hearts so each girl can transform into their Angel form. The first option that comes up is the number of players:

Hitori (“One Player”) | Futari (“Two Players”) | San’nin (“Three Players”)

Just pick the first one to play against the computer. Next is which character you want to play as. Choose whoever you prefer, since no one has an advantage over the other. For the purposes of this guide, I will play as Momoko. The game will choose the other two on its own. Pay attention to their theme colors as well, since they will be relevant for certain minigames.

Now you have another set of three options:

Ohanashi (“Story”) | Minigame | Omake (“Extras”)

Minigame Mode allows you to practice each game until you get proficient enough to tackle them in Story Mode. Extras just has music and sound, along with an option to turn the transformation sequences on or off. The annoying thing about this game is that each time you back out of one of these options, you have to go through the whole process of choosing the number of players and the character you want to use all over again.

For Story Mode, you have three more options, which are basically 4 minigames, 6 minigames, or 8 minigames in a given day. The girls will spend three days playing these minigames, so this choice means you’ll either be playing 12, 18, or 24 minigames in a row before doing the Final Minigame. Don’t worry about playing perfectly for every minigame, especially since there is RNG to worry about. Simply do your best in each one and maintain a decent point lead over your opponents.

I’ll be writing this guide according to their order in Minigame Mode, going from left to right, top to bottom. If you have no clue what any of the Japanese terms mean, I’ll translate each one in their respective sections. They are as follows:

Piko-Piko Jama-P | Doki-Doki Slot | Pair Angel | Saint Something Four wo Sagase

Jama-P Hunt | Wai-Wai Tsuri Taikai | Ojamana Catcher | Ojama Dokoja

You’ll notice that for most of the achievements, there is the phrase, “No being transformed unless all of you are.” This refers to how the players can accrue hearts from doing well in the minigames. When they reach four full hearts, they can transform into their magical girl identity (Angel Peach for Momoko, Angel Lily for Yuri, and Angel Daisy for Hinagiku) and play the next minigame as an Angel rather than a civilian. Their Angel forms will allow you to score 50% more points compared to their civilian forms for one minigame before they revert back (5 points is rounded down to 7). If you’re doing Story Mode, you have the option to turn off the transformations in the Extras menu to prevent these sequences in the first place, both to make the game more fair as well as to save some time. If you’re doing Minigame Mode, you don’t have to worry about this since hearts are not gained here.

For each of the individual minigame cheevos, I suggest getting those in Minigame Mode so you can keep trying over and over, then just accept whatever result you get in Story Mode. Some of the minigames are rather difficult, so you’d want to practice them over and over until you get the hang of them, then tackle Story Mode. If you get a two-way tie, both characters will win the minigame. This is also true for a three-way tie, as I got a couple of times throughout my runs.

Now to go into detail for each of the minigames.

Piko-Piko Jama-P (“Toy Hammer Jama-P”)

This is the Head Smashing minigame, or Whack-a-Mole. The girls are positioned in the center of four holes, which Jama-P will pop out of for them to whack. Yousuke’s head will also appear, and you do not want to hit him or else you’ll lose 2 points (this is not affected by Angel transformations). The girls cannot move around during this minigame, so you need to use the four face buttons to strike in each direction. For instance, on an Xbox controller, Y hits up, X hits left, A hits down, and B hits right. You will want to fix your assigned buttons in RetroArch if your character is not hitting the correct holes.

This is pretty frustrating due to how quickly the heads pop up and down. What’s helpful is that if you see hearts pop up over your girl’s hammer, it means you’ve successfully hit your target even if it looks like you missed. Don’t pay attention to anything else other than your girl’s holes and press the buttons as fast as you can. It gets even harder as the heads will pop in and out faster the longer the game goes on. One thing I also noticed is that Momoko’s puffy long hair tends to obscure the topmost hole. Yuri’s hair isn’t as bad, so if you’re having trouble seeing the top hole, play as either her or Hinagiku.

Once you get into the minigame’s harder phase, a cheese strategy is to just choose a hole and keep whacking it over and over. Although you’ll inevitably hit Yousuke, you only lose 2 points compared to gaining 5 points for hitting Jama-P, so it’ll be a net gain in the end. It is heavily RNG dependent though, so you might do well in one run but miserably in another. Don't worry too much about it, so long as you can do well in other minigames.

Doki-Doki Slot (“Heartthrob Slot”)

This is the Slot Machine minigame. The three slots will spin, and you need to match all three segments for a given character. First-second match is 10 points, and all three matches is 20 points. If you have a first-second match and get the unique Jama-P slot on the bottom, you get 15 points. The slots spin pretty quick here, so it really is hard to get perfect matches. I slowed this down in Softcore mode to see if there was a discernible pattern, and it looks like it always rolls with the following, using theme colors since they’re easier to see than the characters:

TOP: Pink (Momoko) -> Bright Green (Hinagiku) -> Pink -> Dark Green (Yousuke) -> Bright Green -> Brown (Kazuya) -> Orange (Yuri) -> Orange

MIDDLE: Pink -> Brown -> Pink -> Orange -> Bright Green -> Orange -> Dark Green -> Bright Green

BOTTOM: Pink -> Dark Green -> Bright Green -> unique orange Jama-P slot -> Dark Green -> Brown -> Brown -> Orange

Furthermore, it is not the slot you choose that will stop, but actually the next one. This information isn’t particularly useful at full speed due to how fast the slots are moving, but there is a pattern at least. I tested turbo fire as well, and the result is actually pretty static if you just keep it held down. The achievement name Take Care Against RNG seems pretty apt here – there really isn’t a reliable way to always get first place beyond adjusting your eyes to the slots. In my experience, this was the worst of all nine minigames, so I just fast forwarded and mashed through it.

Pair Angel

This is the Card Match minigame, and definitely a tough one to get a lot of points on. The real crimp here is that all three girls will be running around on the board flipping cards, which is a huge distraction from what you’re trying to do, plus their bodies sometimes block what’s being shown on the cards. Their movement is also painfully slow. A girl’s chosen card will be indicated by their theme color around the card’s border. It is possible for one girl to flip a card, then another girl to steal it if they’ve flipped the same card themselves. This means you want to pay attention to the whole board and snipe any cards you see before your opponents can. Once all the cards have been flipped, a fresh set will appear for you to play again until time runs out.

One trick I figured out is that you can touch the edge of the card rather than walk into the center, allowing you to run over to the next card much sooner. Otherwise, it’s a good idea to pause the game and either memorize or write down the cards you turn, since all of the distractions can make things very confusing. A very poorly designed minigame, IMO, but it is what it is.

Saint Something Four wo Sagase (“Saint Something Four Search”)

This is the Flower Search minigame. For the record, the Saint Something Four refers to magical items used by the girls in the series, themed after the wedding tradition of including something new, something old, something borrowed, and something blue to one’s ceremony. Yes, there is a fourth magical girl, but she does not appear in this game.

This minigame is very simple, but also luck dependent. Jama-P will hide one of the four magical items beneath the rose bushes, and you need to search through each one until someone finds the treasure. Not much strategy is involved here, other than paying attention to the flowers your opponents turn up. It is entirely possible for the next treasure to be beneath the same flowers you turned up the previous treasure, so don’t hesitate to check again on the next turn.

Jama-P Hunt

This is the Shooting Gallery minigame. Each girl will have a targeting reticle in their respective theme colors and slightly different shapes, and the objective is to shoot the Jama-Ps that run around on the field by moving the reticle around and pressing Confirm. Partial hits (outside Jama-P’s chest) give 5 points, while direct hits (aimed more on Jama-P’s chest) give 10 points.

The best strategy I found is to position your girl’s reticle just beneath the center hole at the top, between the two bushes. Once you’re there, just keep shooting and you’ll nail some targets automatically, which often gives 5 points. It's much more efficient to farm a bunch of 5 pointers rather than struggling to try and get 10 pointers within the chaos. It’s an approximate spot though, and the targets’ movements are RNG, so while it’s not a perfect strategy, it’ll be easier on your eyes.

Wai-Wai Tsuri Taikai (“Exciting Fishing Contest”)

This is the Go Fish minigame, but it refers to fishing, not the card game. First, dunk your hook in the water with Confirm, then move it around in the water until it’s over a fish’s mouth and mash the button to quickly catch it. Pink fish are 10 points, orange fish are 15 points, and green fish are 20 points. Pretty simple once you get the hang of it, although moving the line around in the water can be rather sluggish. Just stay on your side of the tank and concentrate on catching any fish that are closest to your line. Don’t bother trying to move your line to the opposite side of the tank if you have no fish - wait for new ones to spawn in and grab those instead.

Ojamana Catcher (“Meddling Catcher”)

This is the Crane Game. Hold the Confirm button down to move the crane arm back and forth, then release to let it drop and grab. Getting any of the girls’ character dolls is worth 20 points each, while getting Jama-P is worth nothing. This minigame can get really annoying because not only do you have no direct control over the crane’s movement, Jama-P will also kick the dolls around, which happens way too frequently. Even worse is that the more rounds you clear of all dolls, fewer dolls as well as more Jama-Ps will show up in further rounds, making the process much more difficult and unfair. You are able to grab dolls while they’re in midair though, so if you can estimate how they’ll be kicked, you can predict when to grab.

Ojama Dokoja (“Meddling Wherever” – approximate translation since doko refers to where or anywhere)

This is the Window Shell Game. There will be three images, each one’s border colored by each girl’s theme color. The images will then shift around about 20 or so times, and your task is to select the picture that is assigned to your character, NOT any of the others! You also need to select your image as quickly as possible. Selecting your image first is 50 points, selecting it second is 40 points, and selecting it last is 30 points. A miss or an incorrect image selection is worth nothing. The minigame is done in three rounds.

A suggestion I’ve seen is to just keep your eyes focused on the center of the screen rather than trying to follow your image around since it eventually shuffles around too fast to keep track of. I also highly recommend focusing on the color of your image's background, rather than on Jama-P himself.

Final Minigame

This is the only game not accessible in Minigame Mode, so you need to clear Story Mode each time you want to play it. The villain Igneous and his bat familiar appear to cause trouble, and the girls transform into their Angel forms to chase after him at the school’s track field. There will be a forced transformation scene, even if you turned it off in the Extras menu. The objective of this minigame is to hit Igneous with the girls’ magical attacks five total times before you reach the goal line at 100 meters.

In order to get the A Devil’s Kiss Isn’t Sweet cheevo, you need to avoid tripping over the fire barriers that Igneous will hurl at the girls. If you trip over any of the barriers, the achievement will be invalidated. It is dangerous to attack because the girls can still be in the middle of their super long attacking animations when a barrier approaches, and you may not be able to jump in time. This can be incredibly frustrating to get if you don’t know what to do because if you trip even just once, you have to do the entire Story Mode all over again just to get another chance at this. I suggest choosing the four minigames per day option so you can reach this minigame as soon as you can.

Luckily, the fire barriers are not random. Pay attention to Igneous’ sprite – if his back is turned to the player, he’s activating one. This is made more obnoxious because even if your attacks hit him as he’s activating a barrier, they will bounce off him. The girls need to hit him when he’s flying around facing the player. When he’s hit, he’ll appear stunned, giving you a moment to breathe from jumping over barriers. This isn’t easy though, with how slow the girls move around compared to him, tripping over the barriers, as well as his bat familiar blocking attacks.

To get the three Story Mode achievements, you want your character to have the highest score after completing all of the minigames. I’m not positive if you have to hit Igneous during the final minigame, so I err on the side of caution and try to do so to get some score. You actually don’t have to beat him however – I lost on my 8 minigame days run and still got The Third Story Mode Cheevo no problem.

And that should cover everything. I hope this helps make playing this charming game a little easier. I played this for my Peak Streak on February 16, 2025, and it was an interesting experience.

  • Benit149, February 2025