The Grinch (Dreamcast) - RetroAchievements/guides GitHub Wiki



Set developed by Excessiveiser

Guide created by Cushionydragon3
Set Difficulty 4
Approximate time to master 8 - 12 hours
Minimum numbers of playthroughs needed 2
Number of missable achievements 4 (The Thrill of the Heist, I Ain't Ever Gonna Bee-Have, Scoutmaster Grinch, and Wrapped Traps and Sappy Sentiments)
Does difficulty affect achievements? Only applicable to the Sup-a-Dow minigames
Hardest achievement of the set Wrapped Traps and Sappy Sentiments


Welcome to the guide for Dreamcast version of The Grinch video game! I'll start this out by saying this game isn't particularly very good, but it's definitely not one of the worst games ever in my opinion (Trust me, I've played through the entirety of Bubsy 3D). One main issue that stems from it is that the game doesn't do a great job at telling or showing you what needs to be done in order to progress, and that's exactly what this guide was made for!

Due to the way this game is designed, this guide will be formatted a little bit differently than some of the others. I will not only provide a standard walkthrough for how to obtain 100% and get all achievements, but I'll also explain the mechanics as well in their own sections.

With that being said, let's jump right in and start learning the basics of being the Grinch!

Grinching for Dummies

So, you absolutely despise Christmas; the entire season, no less? Well, fear not! This section will cover everything you need to know to master the art of Grinching!

Basic Controls

As the Grinch:

  • Control Stick - Move the Grinch around, obviously
  • B - Jump
  • B in midair - Ground Pound, referred to in-game as "Pancake"
  • Y - Interact with objects when prompted or grab pushable objects
  • Hold Y while moving - Sneak
  • X - Unleash your bad breath
  • D-pad Right - Summon Max
  • D-pad Left - Pull up gadget menu; use control stick to cycle through gadgets

As Max the Dog:

  • Control Stick - Move around
  • B - Bark
  • D-pad Right - Return to controlling the Grinch


  • Tap L or R - Reset camera behind your character
  • Hold L or R - Turn camera around
  • L + R simultaneously - Enter/Exit First person mode; Use control stick to move camera around
  • Start - Open pause menu

Important Items and Whatnot

Here, you'll find a multitude of collectibles and other gimmicks that will be important to your quest to ruin Christmas.


This lovely little bar in the bottom right corner of your screen acts as your health. Taking damage or getting assaulted by jolly who-citizens will cause this bar to fill up, with the circles becoming green to indicate it. You can lower this bar by either smashing presents or completing tasks. If it fills up all the way, however, the Grinch will have a meltdown, and you'll be sent back to the beginning of the area from where you spawned in.

Tip: Don't fret! In the event that your bar fills up, any progress you've made in the level will remain perfectly intact! Plus, you can't get a game-over, which makes this system pretty forgiving


Ugh... Presents. A symbol of giving that's enough to make a Grinch vomit! Do yourself a favor and DESTROY THEM ALL! You'll find these scattered throughout all the levels, with some being in plain sight, and others being much more obscured. They also come in 4 different varieties.

  • RED - The most common of the colors, and can be smashed in a multitude of ways, including pancaking them, shooting at them, running into them as max, or just straight up jumping on them is enough to break them.
  • GREEN - Not a creative color, as it's functionally the same as the red ones... but now it's worth 3 gifts!
  • PINK - A less common variant worth 5 gifts, but is tougher to crack open. Usually has to be pancaked, and in some cases, shot with the egg launcher.
  • YELLOW - The most valuable type of present, worth a whopping 10 gifts. However, they can only be destroyed by pancaking them or by using the Grinch Copter

Rotten Eggs

Your main source of ammo in this game that can be acquired via these plants. You'll get varying amounts of eggs dependent on how many eggs are on the plant, with 1 egg giving you... well, 1, 2 eggs giving you 3, and 3 eggs giving you 5. These glorious fruits of the noble hen are essential fuel to your gadgets, and a total of 200 eggs can be held at maximum.

Tip: The egg plants take quite a bit of time to fully grow, so you may want to have fast-forward on standby.

Nitro Eggs

A special type of ammo, appearing only in the Dump. These extra spicy eggs carry enough power to destroy certain objects made out of metal, but due to their raw power, you can only carry 5 of these at a time. Make these shots count!

Tip: You can quickly respawn these after pickup them up by putting the spawn point for them out of the camera frame, then back again


Objects jutting out of walls that can be used to swing across gaps or to higher places. Grinches are much more acrobatic than you'd think! The poles are a bit confusing to work with, so here's a simple set of controls to help you out:

  • Press B below pole - Grab onto pole
  • Control stick left or right on pole - Adjust position on pole
  • Hold X - Spin
  • Press Y, while spinning and above pole - Change the direction you're facing
  • Press B, when not spinning - Drop down
  • Press B, while spinning - Jump from pole

Tip: Although it may seem like the Poles work against you, whether it seemingly isn't registering your inputs or not sending you high or far enough, there IS in fact a way to time it so you can get more consistent jumps and fail less. First of all, you need to press B as the Grinch is swinging under the pole, using the "Whoosh" sound effect that plays when you swing as a guide. Jumping off earlier will give more horizontal momentum, while jumping off later while give you more vertical momentum. Use this to your advantage to maneuver between poles at various heights.


It's not easy bein' green, or a Grinch for that matter; because in public, you stick out like a sore, neon-colored thumb! Having a disguise on you will help you to blend into the crowd, whether it be in Downtown or by the lake! Bear in mind though, that wearing a disguise will prevent you from using gadgets and your bad breath, leaving your only method of defense as pancaking.

Tip: It's highly recommended that you don't press left on the D-pad while wearing a disguise, otherwise you won't be able to rotate the camera around with the shoulder buttons until you find a place to un-disguise yourself.

Hearts of Stone

Your heart may be 2 times too small, but that doesn't mean you can't get stronger! One of these rare items can be found in each level, and upon collecting them, they will increase the capacity of your Exhaust-O-Meter! Suffice to say that these will be very useful in your playthrough, and you should spend your time looking for them.


Scattered remains of the plans for all of you gadgets, strewn across various locations. Some are more out in the open, while others need some thinking to obtain. And speaking of gadgets...


The Grinch has a wide arsenal that can be obtained by finding blueprints and taking them back to Mount Crumpit. Here, you can boot up your supercomputer and use its interface to repair the blueprints in the form of square-shaped jigsaw puzzles.


These spectacular doodads allow you a better view of things from far away! Using Y to zoom in and A to Zoom out, you can focus your sights on so much more! Gifts, scenery, characters, hazards, naked women*, all with the click of L and R!

*Game does not actually include any instances of naked women

Rotten Egg Launcher

This device will give your attack range a sizeable upgrade, allowing you to shoot foes and other objects without the need to get up close and personal. You can use it by entering First Person mode and using the B button to shoot. It will consume one egg every time you fire, but don't worry, because the trajectory of the eggs is completely straight, which makes aiming really easy!

Rocket Spring

Are your legs too weak? No worries! Legs are overrated! Who needs em when you have a fricking jetpack?? By charging up with B, you can get to higher places or cross larger gaps. Just don't screw up the jumps, as a fully charged blast costs 4 eggs!

Slime Shooter

For when eggs aren't rancid enough, use this contraption to immobilize your enemies! This takes a charged shot and 5 eggs to process it, and it also travels in an arch. Don't mess up your shots too many times, otherwise, you'll wind up consuming more eggs than Sam-I-Am! May have varying effects on enemies. Can also be used to interact with other certain objects.

Octopus Climbing Device

Are you finding yourself stuck standing in front of a flat wall? Well, this gadget's got the answer to your, quite honestly, very peculiar problem! Simply jump up to a flat wall and you'll be able to climb up it like [SUPERHERO NAME WITHHELD DUE TO COPYRIGHT ISSUES]. Once you get to the top of a wall, press B to release yourself and climb up from hanging on the ledge.

Marine Mobile

This bad boy will allow you to explore the depths of Wholake!

......That's it, really.

Uh... Let's take a look at the controls!!!

  • Control Stick - Turn your sub left or right, as well as up or down when moving through the water
  • A - Propel yourself through the water
  • X - Propel yourself through the water, but faster (Be careful, as bonking into walls will cause you to take damage)
  • L + R on the surface - Dive back below
  • B on the surface - Jump up out of the water

Grinch Copter

The pinnacle of your engineering ability, allowing you to fly to locations you could never access before, and shatter unreachable presents with your sharp, spinning rotors! Use B to take off, as well as to gain height, but be warned: As you hold down B, your rotten eggs will deplete! Use this gadget wisely!

Note: While the Grinch Copter isn't necessary to beat the game, it IS however necessary for 100%, as some presents and a mission absolutely require it. It will also make traversing across levels much easier.

Know Your Foes

It's no big surprise that the Grinch just about hates everyone that evokes the slightest hint of happiness, or just straight up hates anything that breathes. The point is, the Grinch has MANY enemies. From innocent, curious children to even bigger, burlier beasts, here's how to deal with every enemy in the game!



Annoying little buggers that fly around Downtown Whoville, looking to possibly sap some blood as a wintertime treat. They'll fly towards you if you get close, and they'll deal half a point of damage. Take 'em out with your bad breath!



These wretched crotch-goblins that dance to the music in Downtown are too curious for their own good! If you get too close to them, they'll get clingy and force you to mash left and right in order to get them off before they fill your Exhaust-O-Meter. Shooting eggs or slime at them ought to teach 'em a lesson!

Snowballer Who-Children


Lousy brats that run around Downtown Whoville and the Ski Resort in Whoforest, peddling you with snowballs. Fire back at them with eggs or slime them like the vermin they are!



Harmless denizens of Whoville, who run away from you if they see you. To get some more entertainment value, shoot them with one of your gadgets or use your bad breath! Make sure to ruin their day even more by smashing the presents they drop!

Whoville Guards


Hardheaded killjoys that have a vendetta against your kind! Get too close and they'll open fire on you! You can't scare them off, but you can temporarily stun them with your Slime Shooter!

Tip: Sliming a Guard will also cause them to drop a yellow present. This is absolutely crucial information if you're going for all gifts.



Uptight nobodies seen spraying and protecting the trees throughout Whoforest. Getting up close won't yield any good results, even if you try sneaking! Shoot them from afar and destroy their hard work while they're down!



Mischievous bullies who throw snowballs at you from afar, and sprinting away from you when getting too close. Rotten eggs do absolute zilch, so you'll have to try and chase 'em down or slime them, and give them a whiff of your bad breath! If you want to be extra disrespectful, pancake them while they're stuck in the snow!

Winter Who-Beasts


Beware! If you see a hole in the ground, then you've stumbled upon a Who-Beast den! These gnarly brutes have no regard for those who are smaller than him, and will claw at those who get too close! Shooting at them will bring no avail, but your bad breath should be strong enough to scare em off! Use it whenever they're vulnerable!

Tip: With good enough timing, you can scare off a Who-Beast right as he pops out of his hole.

Anti-Grinch Ops


One of your most dangerous foes, especially considering that they were most likely tasked with neutralizing you, and you alone! They patrol the ski resort, and will freeze you if you're spotted, which deals a whopping 4 points of damage! In order to take care of them safely, you must sneak behind them while their back is turned and give them a whiff of pure, unadulterated halitosis! You can also use the Slime Shooter to stun them, but be careful, as they'll break free real fast!

White Mountain Hooligans


These weirdos with a strange German heritage of sorts dance around on top of pillars, knocking off anyone that comes onto them. Strangely, their attire comes with a major design flaw with a painted target that's just begging to be shot at. Shoot em enough times and they should fall off!

Tip: Pancaking them might yield an extra reward...

Carrier Robots


Worthless heaps of junk that seem to do nothing but carry around and place boxes throughout the dump. Getting up close will have some shocking results, so put 'em out of their nonexistent misery with a nitro egg!



Bothersome balls of metal that fly around back and forth, opening fire upon close contact and preventing you from accessing certain areas. Get rid of these robotic bastards with nitro eggs, too!



This big lug does nothing but stand around on top of a sewer pipe. Nothing seems to affect him, not even Nitro Eggs.... If only there was something around that was heavy enough that could knock him off, like a wrecking ball of sorts...

Power Plant Guards


These losers roam around the power plant, with their long tasing rods and a massive itch to shock some trespassers! Unfortunately, their weapons are no match for your bad breath, so spray them once they're close enough to make 'em run of like the rest of the cowards you've faced!



Great, more children. These wretched things behave just like the children over at whoville, but instead of snowballs, they have slingshots. Take em out the same way you did with the children all the way back in the town.



Prickly little critters, native to the south shore of Wholake. They'll roll towards you if you get too close, but shooting them with rotten eggs from a distance is enough to scare em off. Plus, you'll get some of their thistles, too! They could be useful...

Darned Birds


These rare enemies only appear at the overhang structure as you enter the north shore of Wholake. They can't be defeated as your attack options are limited by your disguise, so run like the dickens!



Distant cousins of the Mosquitoes you encountered all the way back in Whoville. These lakeside pests are more annoying, as your disguise prevents you from using your bad breath! Luckily, there should be a bug zapper nearby if you encounter one, so luring it to there would be a good idea.



The biggest threat to national security. These hostiles creatures can be found in the north shore of Wholake, and will charge at you if you stand around for too long. Despite their intimidating size, they can be quickly taken care of with a simple pancake.


And so, the game begins...

IMPORTANT: This game does not have an auto save feature, so it's imperative that you save in the Pause menu as often as you can in case you softlock or crash.

Perfecting the Art of Grinchiness (2)
Complete the Tutorial in 'Mount Crumpit'.

Not really anything I can say here, this is a tutorial.

Fact: 90% of game journalists quit right before they beat the tutorial level

Once you pull the lever down and make it to the central hub, enter the first and only available Vacuum tube to Downtown Whoville, which is where we'll begin our Grinchy antics!


Christmas Card Conundrum (3)
Shuffle all five racks of mail in 'The Whoville Post-Office'.

With Christmas around the corner, there's bound to be all kinds of mail sent in and out, whether it be Christmas cards, gift cards, letters to relatives, letters to Santa, eviction notices- Whatever, you get the point! The post office is perfectly primed for you to screw up all the mail addresses!

Unfortunately, there's a blasted guard standing outside the post office, and he's not going to let you in on short notice. If you want to get in, you'll need a disguise.

  1. Go into the Countdown-To-Christmas Tower (The big tall building with the giant number 030 on it). Make sure you sneak past the Guard who's sleeping on the job.
  2. Grab the Who-Cloak that's immediately to your left and exit the tower.
  3. Find and enter a Telephone Box and don your Whovillian disguise.
  4. Enter the post office, with the guard being none the wiser!

Now that you're inside the post office, make your way past the security camera on either the left or right side. In order to unlock the doors, you'll need to send Max through the ventilation system and find the correct path that matches with color of the light emitting from the door you're standing in front of. Once you make it through, there will be a button that Max can press to temporarily open the door for the Grinch. Hurry up though! It only lasts 10 seconds. Walk up to the shelves and simply press Y to shuffle the mail.

After shuffling 4 of the mail shelves, Cindy-Lou Who will call for her father, who foolishly leaves door number 5 open. Go inside, collect everything, and then shuffle the last of the mail, and you'll have completed one of your first missions!

Now, exit the post office and remove your disguise for your next missions.

Reduced to Mere Piles of Powder (3)
Smash all ten Snowmen throughout 'Downtown Whoville'.

Once you're out of that stuffy costume, you can finally return to some good ol' fashioned mayhem! If you really wanted to, you could've also done this mission before shuffling the mail. Regardless, you need to butt-bash all 10 of those stupid snowmen!

If you want locations for all of the snowmen, then look below:

  1. By the starting area, right in front of you when you enter the level
  2. In the area to the right of the post office
  3. Past the starting area, on the elevated blue platform next to the houses
  4. In the center of the area, right in front of the Christmas tree
  5. To the right of the Christmas Tree, near the snowball kid
  6. Another one, directly to the snowball kid's right
  7. Right by Christmas Countdown Tower, on the left
  8. In front of the building with the giant crown on it
  9. In the area to the right of the Town Hall, near a snowball kid
  10. In the area to the left of the Town Hall, in front of the snow wall

And that's it! Snowmen are now an extinct species!

Grinchsy (3)
Paint over ten posters throughout 'Downtown Whoville'.

All these posters of Mayor August May-Who plastered throughout are really tipping you off! It's like their smug aura is mocking you! Perhaps you could give all these posters a bit of an artistic makeover?

But before you can begin bringing out your inner Van-Gogh, you'll need some paint, and that guy on the scaffolding by the post office seems to have what you're looking for! Swing on by with the poles, and pancake the platform he's on to send him flying! Now to begin your smear campaign!

  1. On a platform directly to the right of where you enter the level
  2. On house in the same area as snowman #3
  3. On the other side of the iron fence from where you confronted the painter
  4. In the area to the right of the post office
  5. Near Poster #3, near the underside of the bridge
  6. Near Christmas Countdown Tower, on a platform to the right
  7. Near Christmas Countdown Tower, on the platform to the left with the pole
  8. In the area to the right of Town Hall, next to the building with the giant crown
  9. To the left of Town Hall, on a wall parallel to the telephone box
  10. Directly by the previous poster, on an elevated platform

And Voila! The Mayor's political image has been given a total facelift!

Green Eggs and Sham (3)
Assemble the Rotten Egg Launcher.

Hopefully, you should be able to find all 4 blueprints for the Egg launcher as you explore throughout Whoville, but just in case, here's a small guide with all the locations:

  1. In room 5 of the Post Office
  2. Inside the post office, right next to where you entered. (Only appears after shuffling all the mail)
  3. On a platform to the left of Town Hall
  4. Near Christmas Countdown Tower, on a platform on the left side that you need to pole jump to

Once you've got all the blueprints, head back to Mount Crumpit and assemble the Rotten Egg Launcher!

Note: The only way to return to Mount Crumpit is via the Vacuum Tubes.

Now, before you scurry off to Whoforest, return to Whoville, as there's one more thing we need to do.

All Eyes on the Grinch! (3)
Assemble the Binoculars.

Tip: While the Binoculars are not explicitly required to beat the game, they'll be incredibly useful as they WILL make aiming with the rotten egg launcher and the slime shooter several times easier.

We're returning simply to collect the binocular blueprints and nothing else. First, make sure you've grabbed the blueprint on top of the post office, then head to the town hall to shoot the clock hands and open the doors, confusing everyone else in the process. Enter the City Hall and go to the door beneath the stairs that leads to the archive room. Once you're in, you might think there's nothing of interest, but look closely: Some of the lockers on the walls are slightly higher than the others. You need to pull these lockers out with the Y button and you'll get the 3 remaining blueprints for the binoculars!

Once you have all the blueprints, exit the town hall and return to Mount Crumpit to assemble the gadget, concluding our visit to Whoville... for now, at least.


Ah... Whoforest. A peaceful resort filled with lush, festive pine trees, an ever-present blanket of pillowy snow, and a fresh, breezy air that makes a perfect spot to fill one with holiday cheer...

...And it's enough to make a Grinch vomit!

Pungent, Putrid Perfection (3)
Droop ten trees with your bad breath throughout 'Whoforest'.

First things first, get rid of those damn Christmas trees! The achievement description tells you exactly what you need to do, and here's where you need to do it (Mind the Who-migators!):

  1. Right where you spawn into the level, completely unguarded
  2. By the first yellow house
  3. Literally right after walking past the yellow house
  4. Right as you make it to the central area, to the left, by the ice wall
  5. Next to the giant tree
  6. Past the previous tree, under a cliff side
  7. Behind the white house near the ski lift
  8. Next to the green house near the ski lift
  9. In front of the green house on the higher ground
  10. Near the pink house on the higher ground

Let's see the who-citizens try to hang ornaments on THOSE for a change!

High into the Who-Air (3)
Assemble the Rocket Spring.

This one needs to be done as you need the Rocket Spring to actually progress through the next two missions and certain areas in the rest of the game. You should hopefully be looking for all 9 of these while you're taking care of the trees, but in case you missed any...

  1. Right behind the Vacuum tube at the start of the level
  2. By the first yellow house
  3. Right in front of you as you enter the central area
  4. In the little cave, right by the Who-Teenager
  5. Right behind the green house near the ski lift
  6. On a platform to the right, after the pole-swinging bit
  7. Next to the green house on the higher ground
  8. Near the pink house on the higher ground
  9. On the top of the tree, accessible by shooting the spinning target

Once that's said and done, return to your home base and get buildin'!

The First Spritz of Sticky Snow (3)
Sabotage the Snow Cannon with Glue in 'Whoforest'.

Return to Whoforest with the Rocket spring in tow. Head to the central area, then climb up the poles and beeline all the way to the left. There's a little alcove with a blocked off cave containing a bucket of... something? Break the wall with your rotten egg launcher, and it's revealed to be Glue! You should know what to do now.

This Ain't Santa Coming Down the Chimney! (3)
Dump ten beehives into cabin chimneys throughout 'Whoforest'.

Okay, in all seriousness though, all you gotta do is grab the Beehives by shooting at them, switching back to the rocket spring, pick 'em up off the ground and toss them into the chimneys. The locations of the houses should be obvious so i won't list them, but be careful, as you only have 15 seconds from the moment you pick up a beehive to drop it into a chimney. If you fail to do so... you might want to run.

I Ain't Ever Gonna Bee-Have (5)
Collect all nine Slime Shooter blueprints in 'Whoforest' in a single visit without getting stung by bees inside any cabin.

WARNING: This achievement is MISSABLE! It is recommended that you go to the pause menu and save your game before entering any of the houses, and if you mess up, quit to the main menu and reload from there.

Once we've gotten done bee-ing a total menace, it's time we do some additional damage by trespassing into the who houses and stealing the blueprints for the slime shooter! If you want to do this without getting stung, make sure you run counterclockwise as you enter a house in order to prevent running directly into the bees, as they're still pretty upset over you dropping their homes into someone else's home! The orange and green houses by the ski lift, as well as the house on top of the tree, don't have any blueprints.

Tip: Try not to go for the presents in the houses while you're doing this, as it might be a bit too risky. Do it after you get all the blueprints.

I'm Not Just Green, I'm Practically Oozing With It! (3)
Assemble the Slime Shooter.

Finally, once you've finished collecting your first missable achievement, return to Mount Crumpit and assemble the Slime Shooter!

Whoville Re-visit

Before we head to the dump, we have all the gadgets necessary for completing the rest of the tasks in Whoville. So, how about we go back and cause some more mayhem?

Rotten to the Core (3)
Shoot ten rotten eggs into windows throughout 'Downtown Whoville'.

Some who-citizens seem to prefer staying inside during this snowy weather, but that won't stop you from grinching them, too! So, let's get cracking!

Get it? It's an egg-oriented mission and I said cracking!

....God, I'm lonely.

Some Windows might be hard to spot, so here's a checklist to help you get things sorted:

  1. Directly to the east of where you enter the level, high up
  2. Above the post office
  3. In the area past the post office, on the brown building
  4. On the building you used to get to the painter, facing towards the Christmas tree
  5. Across the starting point, next to the breakable snow wall
  6. In the area to the right of the town hall, on the roundish building
  7. In the area to the right of the town hall, on the platform that can only be rocket jumped to
  8. On the top of the building with the giant crown
  9. On the right side of the area outside Christmas Countdown Tower
  10. On the brown building, across the bridge from the building where the painter used to be
A Devious Facelift (3)
Give the Mayor Statue in 'The Whoville City Hall' a new makeover.
The Thrill of the Heist (5)
Complete 'Modifying the Mayor's Statue' in 'The Whoville City Hall' without sneaking in the hall or using the Grinch Copter.

WARNING: This achievement is MISSABLE! The Slime Shooter is absolutely required to do this.

Head to the city hall, and go inside to begin your next task.

Simply slime either of the guards to get past them easily, and head to the safe room. Push the cabinet to the left and pull out the safe, and then pancake on top of the safe to crack it open. This will give you the sculpting tools needed to modify the statue.

Exit the safe room and go to the door across to where the statue is. Be careful, as the statue is guarded by hidden lasers! Use your bad breath to reveal them, and jump across them to the button that deactivates them and simply walk up to the statue.

Rewriting the Calendar (3)
Advance the clock forward in 'Countdown-to-Christmas Tower'.
Behind Enemy Lines (5)
Complete every mission in 'Whoville'.

Our last stop here is in Christmas Countdown Tower. The Who-citizens seem to not be very good at tracking time, so let's give em another surprise to stress 'em out some more!

Go inside the tower, and use the Rocket Spring to grab the lever on the ceiling and pull the door down, then go up with the platform.

The tower mostly consist of gear puzzles that you need solve in order to progress. The first one, you just need to simply pull all the levers once, then hit the button.

For the second one, pull the first and third levers to lower the platform, then push the box onto the platform. Afterwards, pull the third lever again the reverse the gear direction

The third one is the most complicated. First, push the box towards the red-tinted gear, then stand on top of the box and push said gear to put it in place. Pull the 1st lever to put the gears with the belts on them into the proper position, and press the button to have the gear on the bottom rod be inserted. Push the box onto the platform, then pull the 2nd and 3rd levers so the gears are lined up with the top rod, and then pull the pull directly next to platform you came in on. Press the button and you should be good!

The final puzzle involves you having to hit the 5 colored bells in the correct order with the Rocket Spring. Using max, go into the guard's bedroom, and observe the painting with the bells to memorize what order they need to be hit in. Don't forget to grab the Hammer!

Note: The order the bells need to be hit in are randomized each playthrough, so you have to use the painting and do it the legitimate way. (...Or ya could just bruteforce it, but that'd be a waste of eggs!)

Enter the control room, and give the Bell Man a good whack to end this mission!

Return to Mount Crumpit so you can head to the next world.

The Dump

Nothing says fine dining better than the Whoville Dump! While you're out here getting grub, perhaps you could pull off some more pranks, while you're at it?

Do note that if you want get around this level, you need to deactivate the electric gates to the other areas by going in the sewer pipes and pressing the buttons. They're timed though, so be quick!

The Junkyard Becomes Our Banquet Hall (3)
Steal ten pieces of Pizza from birds throughout 'Whoville City Dump'.

Seems like some darned seagulls have beaten you to lunchtime! Don't worry though, there's still some leftovers you can snatch from them! This one should be easy. Just find a flocks of seagulls, run up to them, and shoot whichever one has the pizza with your egg launcher. (Ironic, isn't it?) Rinse and repeat 9 more times.

Waste Not, Want Not! (3)
Gather ten pieces of scrap throughout 'Whoville City Dump' and feed the computer.

To acquire scraps, you just need to take out the carrier robots that roam around the dump. They should be easy to find as they make beeping noises and are easily distinguishable. Once you have all the parts, go to the area past the green-lit tunnel and find a funnel with a metal grate over it. Smash it open with a nitro egg and dump the parts in to give the computer his much-needed meal!

They Prey at Night, They Stalk at Night (3)
Corral ten rats into the sewage container in 'Whoville City Dump'.

Past the red-lit tunnel is an area full of rats, and a passage to the Mayor's sewage system. You know exactly what must be done.

First, shoot the wooden planks above to give the rats platforms to walk across. They'll run away from the Grinch, but they'll loyally follow Max. Maybe they're mistaking Max for the giant rat that makes all of rules? It may take some time to corral them all, but be patient! Good things come to those who are patient... most of the time.

The Bitter Taste of Who-bris (3)
Rearrange and reconnect ten pipes throughout 'Whoville City Dump'.

All these constant jets of steam are really starting to get on your nerves! You need to find a way to reconnect them, and maybe reroute them to someone else.

These are a bit harder to notice than the other objectives, and can be rearranged by either Swinging on them, shooting them, or pushing them. Of course, here's a guide to help you find them all:

  1. On the left side of the starting area
  2. In the starting area, on the platform in-between the entrances to the tunnels
  3. Inside the sewer pipe in the starting area
  4. Right after exiting the blue-lit tunnel, requiring a rocket jump to reach
  5. Inside the sewer pipe, in the area accessed via blue-lit tunnel
  6. Behind the electric fence on the right, near the Power Plant entrance
  7. Right by Gerald
  8. Inside the sewer pipe that Gerald was standing atop of
  9. In the Rat area, where it needs to be pushed

Once you found the 9 so far, it should shut off all the steam in the area, allowing you to finally go to the area where Who-Bris' shack is. Here, you have to solve a simple puzzle by aligning the pipes so they connect to the shack. Make sure you turn off the steam first by turning the valve! After this, pull the switch near the valve, then the one to the right, then the one behind. Finally, pull the switch next to the valve again, and turn on the valve to fire things up!

A Clean Shave (3)
Give the Dump Guardian a bad case of babyface in 'Mine Field'.

One more thing before we leave: Shave the Dump Guardian's beard! He's probably been waiting months for it to grow out, and it'd be stupid to not go and ruin all of his progress!

However, if you go to the entrance to the area where his house is, which is by where you took care of Gerald, you'll quickly realize that his backyard is littered with landmines! All of this over a beard?

First off, shoot the mattresses to give yourself some platforms to get across. After that, Slime the Orb-Bot so it doesn't shoot at you, but be careful! Once you slime it, you'll only have 60 seconds to get across. Quickly pull out your Rocket Spring and use it to jump across the gaps over to the Guard's house!

Once you make it across, go into the garage and grab the scissors. You can't trim a beard without em!

Now, go into the Guard's house, but make sure you're sneaking throughout the entire time, as the guard's lack of clutter in his house allows for sound to be amplified, alerting him of intruders. Carefully make your way up the stairs and to his bed to give him your signature "newborn baby" cut!

Note: Falling onto the landmines or getting caught by the Guard will send you back to the start, so be cautious.

Nature's Very Own Grappling Hooks (3)
Assemble the Octopus Climbing Device.

All 9 of the blueprints can be found all across the Dump, and it can be easy to lose track of where everything is. Use this list for help:

  1. Inside the sewer pipe in the starting area
  2. On a ledge, in front of the Power Plant entrance
  3. Inside the sewer pipe, in the area accessed via the blue-lit tunnel
  4. Inside the sewer pipe that Gerald was standing atop of
  5. In the area with the all the rats, in the tunnel to the Mayor's house behind a grate
  6. At the start of the path to Who-Bris' shack
  7. By the Guardian's house, near where the Heart of Stone is
  8. Right beside the Garage near the Guardian's house
  9. Inside the Guardian's house, under the staircase

Once you've found all the blueprints and completed all but one of the tasks for the Dump, head back to Mount Crumpit to construct the Octopus Climbing Device. And instead of going straight to Wholake, we can go and take care of some unfinished business.

Whoforest Revisit

In order to complete the next mission, we need to get to the ski resort. Unfortunately, the cable car requires an access card, and we need to find it. If you've been paying attention while collecting the Slime Shooter blueprints, you might recall seeing a chest in the house with the 3 blueprints. Go back to that house and use the slime shooter on the bees guarding the chest so you can smash it open. Here, you'll successfully find the access card.

Go to the lift area and get into the cable car to make your way to the ski resort.

Who's Going to Be the Toast of Whoville Now? (3)
Slime the Mayor's skis in 'White Mountain Ski Resort'.

Once you get to the resort, make your way up the mountain until you find a house. Here, you'll find a no-slime sign, which is where the mayor's skis are. However, there's a guard dog that's way too friendly for your liking, and you need to momentarily stun him in order to get to the skis. You'll notice that occasionally, the dog will walk under areas with snow above him. Shoot the snow piles with the egg launcher to bury him! Be hasty, as you only have 15 seconds before the mutt breaks himself free and potentially sends you back to the start of the area.

After ruining the Mayor's skis, head back to the cable car.

What An Explosive Party! (3)
Replace the birthday candles on the cake with fireworks in 'White Mountain Civic Center'.
To Winter Wonderland We Go! (5)
Complete every mission in 'Whoforest'.

It's time to end off Whoforest with a bang! After getting off the cable car, head to the left and use the Octopus Climbing Device to climb up the ice wall into the next area, that being the White Mountain Civic Center.

Before you climb up the wall, pull the lever so you can activate the bridge, then climb up before the timer runs out and run across the bridge. Here, you'll find the first spinning target you can shoot to obtain one of ten fireworks.

The other targets are scattered, and should be fairly easy to spot due to how they stick out. But just in case, here's where you can find the rest:

  1. On a wall to the left by some trees, past the bridge
  2. Right next to an Anti-Grinch Op
  3. On the second pillar with the hooligan
  4. On the third pillar with the hooligan. Only max can run across the log
  5. On the balcony of the banquet chalet
  6. On the roof of the banquet chalet
  7. At the end of the area with the giant snowballs
  8. By the Entrance to the cave that you need to rocket jump to
  9. This last one is complicated. Sneak past the bats to enter the cave, then shoot the icicles to form platforms and rocket jump up them. Platform across and climb up the walls, then, once you get up, shoot the wall of snow and take care of the Anti-Grinch Op. Go to the right and swing across the poles carefully to get the final firework stick.

Once you've found all the fireworks, go to the banquet chalet and shoot the ropes hanging up the sign to take care of the guard. Then simply go inside and interact with the cake to end the mission.

Once again, return to Mount Crumpit.

The Dump Revisit

Before going to wholake, we can go back to the Dump and complete the last mission, that being shutting down the power plant!

Lights Out for Whoville! (3)
Cut off all the power to Whoville in 'Generator Building'.
A Merry Junkyard Jamboree (5)
Complete every mission in 'The Dump'.

This mission won't be very simple, as you'll need to do quite a bit of traversing to accomplish this. So, you better put your running shoes on!

First, head to the entrance of the plant by going through the blue-lit tunnel. What you need to do is slime the cameras so you can deactivate the electric field on the ground. After this, you can climb up the door with the OCD.

Once you make it into the plant, go to the square blue platform on the ground, and breath multiple times into the fan to get the platform up and running. Make your way up, and find the button to shut off the electricity for the power line so you can make your way across them.

Tip: If you want to move faster when shimmy across the power lines, hold down the X button to start swinging, then keep moving left or right.

Now, you'll notice the path is blocked by a wall of electricity, and that beyond that wall is a red button. Push this button using max, and the other buttons you see will turn from white to red. As max, you need to press all of these buttons within the allotted time, and then the gate will open for you.

Go to the pipes on the left side, and use the rocket spring to make your way up without having to worry about getting hit by the steam, then use it again to reach the platform. Turn off the electricity like you did earlier, but this time, make sure you shoot the conductors that are blocking your path. Do another button puzzle with max to move on.

In this next section, you need to go down and use your bad breath on the fans to raise the platforms so you can make it across.

Tip: Right before you attempt to jump on the first spinning platform, the camera will switch to a locked angle. This can throw off your depth perception and cause you to fail the jump. An easier way to to do this is to go into third person mode so you can time when you need to jump a lot better.

In the final section before you enter the generator building, you need to open the doors at the other side of the power line, which is locked. Make your way across the line, and drop down into the area blocked off by electric force fields. Shoot the green button on the generator to open the door. You'll have 50 seconds to reach the door, which should be plenty of time.

Tip: You can climb back up the platforms without having to use the rocket spring by grabbing the ledges, which saves a lot of time. Don't forget to hold down to move across the power line faster!

The Generator Building

You've made it to the core of the power plant, and now this is where the fun begins. In order to make your way up, you need to get to the platform that's being guarded. You can't just walk on over as the guard will electrify the ground, so what you need to do is slime him. He won't make it easy, as he'll jump around frantically to dodge your shots, but as long as you can slime him and give him your bad breath in time, you'll be good to go.

Tip: If you see any grates on the ground, then a guard is guaranteed to be on it, so stay aware.

Once you've made it up, go to the right and use the Octopus Climbing device to climb up the steel walls. You'll need to slime the cameras so that you can get through the door. Shoot the green button in front of you shut down the first generator, then go back down and head to the left where the electric gate was, and go onto the moving platform.

Shoot the green button next to the power line to shut it off. When you get to the electrified walls, you'll need to use the Slime shooter on them so they can safely be climbed up. Make sure have spare nitro eggs to take care of the Orb-bot. After going through the door, make sure you turn around so you can shoot the green button and deactivate the power line you'll use later. Go up the wall, then next to the active power line and enter third person mode, as there is another green button hiding behind the metallic structure. Go on the now deactivated line and shoot the green button by the guard to deactivate the second generator, and then continue across to deactivate the third.

Go back down to where the door passageway is, and go across the power line nearby to get to the final button. Take care of both the guard and the orb-bot, then shoot the final button to shut down all of the power. Afterwards, you can enter the vacuum tube to the right at the start as a shortcut back to the central dump, and then return to Mount Crumpit from there.


And now for the final area! Despite not being all that related to Christmas, Wholake remains a location that who-citizens enjoy coming to. Let's change that, for the worst, of course!

Note: Unlike the previous areas, the game will automatically boot you back to Mount Crumpit once you complete at least 3 tasks in Wholake.

You've Been Demoted! (3)
Obtain the Scout Costume in the 'Lakemaster's Cabin'.
Scoutmaster Grinch (5)
Defeat the Lakemaster in 'Wholake South Shore' without taking damage.

WARNING: This achievement is MISSABLE! The Lakemaster can only be fought once in a playthrough. If you take damage, or if the icon for this disappears while you fight him, exit the cabin through the fireplace and re-enter it. For added protection, save your game before you fight him.

Before you do any proper tasks, you should focus on getting yourself a scout disguise, as Grinches aren't allowed into the North Shore. Sneak past the bats and go the bridge that should be in front of you as you make your way out of the cave. Use the Rocket spring to reach the branch and swing on up, then use it again to get on the roof. Enter the house by going down the chimney,

Once inside, you'll see the Lakemaster enjoying a nice meal, and seems to be indulging enough not to care about you. Breathing on him should change that, and initiate the first and only true boss battle in the entire game.

The Lakemaster's fight is actually quite simple. Just run in either direction to avoid his projectiles, then breath on him to get his hat. Afterwards, repeat this, but pancake him when he falls over to get his shirt. Finally, he'll charge towards you in a last ditch effort to get rid of you. Note how there are moose heads next to the fireplace. Lure him into the walls beneath them to finally get his pants, and you'll have successfully obtained the scout costume! Now go through the chimney to exit house.

Partaking in a Prickly Pursuit (3)
Shoot thistles into ten hanging scout shorts throughout 'Wholake South Shore'.

For this mission, you'll need some por-who-pine thistles. They can be used as ammo, and to 5 of them can be stored like the nitro eggs. There are four racks of these you'll find throughout the south shore:

  1. To the right, before the bridge to the lakemaster's cabin
  2. In the middle of the area, behind a kid
  3. Further away from the entrance to the north shore
  4. On the high ground, directly after climbing up the wooden wall
(Un)Pitching a Tent (3)
Disassemble ten tents throughout 'Wholake South Shore'.

Another scattered item mission, in which you have to pancake the tents, so I'll just go ahead and put the list here:

  1. On the high ground, by the Summer Who-Beast. Shoot the beehive to make him go away
  2. Same as above
  3. On the high ground, on the other side of the rope, which you must rocket jump to grab
  4. Next to the first rack of shorts
  5. Directly to the left after you go under the rock overhang
  6. In the alcove with the roaming porc-who-pine
  7. In the neighboring alcove, without the porc-who-pine
  8. Under the second rocky overhang
  9. Next to the outhouse
  10. In the middle of the area, on the platform requiring both a rock that needs to be pushed and a rocket jump.

After this, don your scout disguise and head to the north shore. We won't be here to do any tasks, but instead, explore the area items such as presents, blueprints, and the final heart of stone.

Four Sizes Too Small (5)
Collect all four Heart-of-Stones in the game.

Hopefully, if you've been exploring enough, you should have this achievement by now. But if not, here's a checklist of every Heart and their respective locations just in case:

  • Whoville - In the post office, right in front of the fifth door, literally impossible to miss
  • Whoforest - In the Ski Resort, sitting atop a curved rock formation
  • The Dump - Sitting in a corner, on the left side of the Dump Guardian's house
  • Wholake - In the North Shore, inside the area with the blue house. Use Max to go inside the green house and cover him in black and white paint, then go outside, find the skunk and use Max to lure him to where the guard is so you can scare him off. Collect the heart as the Grinch, since Max is just a tad too short to collect the heart.
Not Battery Operated (3)
Assemble the Marine Mobile.

The blueprints for the Marine Mobile can all be found in Wholake, with 8 in each shore respectively. Wholake is pretty sizeable and open, so a guide for the locations would be greatly beneficial:

  • South Shore
  1. At the beginning of the bridge leading to the Lakemaster's cabin.
  2. On top of the Lakemaster's Cabin.
  3. In the middle of the area, in an alcove where the por-who-pine roams around
  4. In the middle of the area, on the platform you used a rock to climb up to
  5. Near a sad, pathetic-looking tree
  6. Near the 3rd rack of shorts, away from the entrance to the north shore
  7. Behind the Summer Who-Beast
  8. Across the rope on the high ground, right next to the tent on the other side
  • North Shore
  1. On a ledge, below to the left of the bridge you came in through
  2. In the garbage bin across from the guard standing outside the blue house. Requires you to push a stone block of the edge to access it
  3. In the garbage bin near the green house. Also requires a stone block to be pushed to break it
  4. Right behind the green house
  5. Inside the green house, where max gets covered in paint
  6. Right behind the blue house
  7. Inside the red house, hiding behind the cabinet
  8. Across the tree branches you can swing on from the red house. Requires the Sonic Scarecrow and quick timing as a giant bird blocks the last branch, and you only have 8 seconds to get across

Once you've got everything in the North Shore collected, head back to Mount Crumpit to assemble the Marine Mobile

Note: I personally recommend you go to the Mayor's Villa area to get two of the Grinch Copter blueprints before heading back, that way you won't have to traverse as much ground after assembling the Marine Mobile

A Submersible-Sized Scare (3)
Gather five parts for the Marine Mobile in 'Wholake Submarine World'.

Heading back to the lake, immediately go to the Marine-Mobile to take yourself to the underwater world. Here, you'll need to find five parts so you can give the children a big scare! While you're at it searching for parts, explore this area for presents and blueprints, too! (Presents can be broken in the water by touching them while going at turbo speed)

Warning: For unknown reasons, the sound effects for when the Marine-Mobile moves around are bugged, which causes the volume of them to become Very loud, especially when going at turbo speed. It is highly recommended that you turn your volume down for this game when in this area to prevent total carnage on your eardrums.

  1. A fish swimming around the central area. Use turbo speed to catch it
  2. Same as above
  3. A squid in a patch of kelp. Push a sea cow into it with turbo speed to get rid of the kelp
  4. A sea anemone in a cage. Hit the target at the surface to get to it
  5. A cow skull hidden in the sunken ship. Hit the stalactite to access it.

Once you've completed this mission, you'll return to Mount Crumpit, and hopefully with all blueprints for the final gadget!

Science in Ending Yuletide (3)
Assemble the Grinch Copter.

The Grinch Copter Blueprints are unique, as there 4 scattered throughout each of the worlds. This makes them a bit trickier to track down, so here's a list of where they all can be found:

  • Whoville
  1. Inside the safe room in city hall
  2. Inside the room with the statue of the Mayor in city hall
  3. Inside the guard's bedroom in Christmas Countdown Tower
  4. Inside the control room in Christmas Countdown Tower
  • Whoforest
  1. In the Ski Resort, in a cave only accessible by max, with the entrance behind an ice cube with a present
  2. In the Ski Resort, by the fence in the area with the dog
  3. In the cave in White Mountain Civic Center, where you have to shimmy across a ledge in order to get to it
  4. In the cave in White Mountain Civic Center, trapped in an ice block that requires an icicle to be shot at to break
  • The Dump
  1. In the first section of the power plant, inside a small tunnel at the end
  2. About halfway through the first section of the power plant, on the platform across a bridge
  3. In the Generator Building, right where you enter. Can only be obtained after shutting off the power
  4. In the Generator Building, in the spot where you deactivate the third generator
  • Wholake
  1. In the Mayor's Villa area, at the edge of a tree branch after past the roof of the villa itself
  2. In the Mayor's Villa area, at the entrance of the cave where the Old Man resides
  3. In the Submarine World, under one of the overhangs
  4. In the Submarine World, above an arch

Taking care of unfinished business

Before we can cover the final section of the game, we need to go back to each of the levels to get the remaining gifts, as well as doing a challenge achievement and finishing the rest of Wholake. For the gift achievements, I will be listing only the presents that can be considered hard to find or easy to miss.

Shattered Dreams of a Whoville Christmas (10)
Squash all 500 gifts throughout 'Whoville'.
  • Don't forget to slime ALL of the guards, including the ones inside the town hall
  • You can shoot the painter when he's on top of the Christmas Tree for a green present
Not a Single Present Under Any Tree (10)
Squash all 750 gifts throughout 'Whoforest'.
  • Remaining presents that require the Grinch Copter are found in the Ski Resort, up in the sky
  • Don't forget to pancake the Who-teenagers after breathing on them for another present
  • Same goes for the dancing hooligans on White Mountain after you knock them off the platform
Wreckage of Ribbons and Bows (10)
Squash all 750 gifts throughout 'The Dump'.
  • Near the entrance to the power plant, there is a pink present hiding behind the pipe on the left
  • There are 3 yellow presents on the roofs on Who-Bris' shack
Power Plant Flight Test (10)
Using the Grinch Copter, make it to the end of the map in 'Whoville Power Plant' in under 20 seconds. (See Comments).

Before we head back to Wholake, go to the power plant for a time trial challenge. What you must do here is that you need to reach the other side of the map in just 20 seconds, from the start of where you enter to walking into the exit to either the Generator Building or outside the power plant. The timer will start once you activate the Grinch Copter, but in order to prevent you from getting an unfair headstart, the achievement won't activate if you go past Max's initial spawn point (If you start from the Dump), or if you go too far from the balcony (If you start from the Generator Building). This one is tricky, as not only do you have to navigate through the area almost perfectly, but you can also lose a crap ton of eggs. The best way to do this is to simply practice your runs and learn the optimal route.

PRO TIP: You might notice that when trying to turn the Grinch Copter with the control stick, you may wind up losing control or going slower, which is absolutely detrimental to your time trial. HOWEVER, I personally have found that using the camera to rotate the direction your in while holding up to be a much more effective way of turning without compromising your time, so use that as a way to get around that pesky one turn after the second gate!

May the Brace and Bit be With You (3)
Drill ten holes into canoes throughout 'Wholake North Shore'.

Going back to Wholake, we can finish up everything else there is to do here. Starting out with the Boats, which should be easy, since you most likely already found the drill in the red house and all you need to do is press Y on the boats and occasionally swing on cranks to pull boats out of the water. Heck, this mission is so easy I won't even need to post a list of locations!

A Whippersnapper? What's That? (3)
Obtain the Hook from the Old Man in 'Mayor's Villa'.

The final mission of Wholake is to find a rope and hook to turn the Mayor's bed into a makeshift jetski. Go to the cave and talk to the old man. He'll tell you that he'll gladly give you his hook if you can bring him 5 scarves from the who-scouts, which are all across the level and require different tactics to take out.

  1. Starting from the cave, go down to the lower area and take out the scout by the water. Run past his slingshot projectiles then use your bad breath on him while he's reaching for more ammo, and repeatedly do it until he falls into the water. Remember to pick up the scarves after dealing with scouts
  2. This next scout wearing the propeller hat is tricky, as you need to chase after him on the Grinch copter and use your bad breath on him. I'm honestly not too sure if there's a good strategy here so all I can say is good luck.
  3. Number 3 is on the small pier, and requires the same method as the first one to take out.
  4. This one can be found on the tree stump near the beginning of the area. First, pole swing on the crank to wind up the battering ram, and then shoot one of the beehives above the scout to obstruct his vision. Quickly press the grey button to send him for a dip.
  5. The last scout is found at the platform above the Mayor's Villa, which requires the Grinch copter to reach. This one is weird, as you need to breath on him to stun him, then use the rotten egg launcher to push him off the area that isn't fenced off. You definitely wouldn't know how to do this on a blind playthrough

Once you've obtained all the scarves, go back to the Old Man to receive your reward.

A Wet Dream (3)
Hook the Mayor's bed to the motorboat in 'Mayor's Villa'.
Why Settle for Merit? Settle for Demerit! (5)
Complete every mission in 'Wholake'.

Now that we have the hook, all we need is the rope, which can be found on the scale near the battering ram. Simply go onto the platform to lift up the boat, then use Max to grab the rope. The guard outside the Mayor's villa will only let scouts in, so break out your disguise and make sure you shot down the supports holding up the boulder, that way you can use it to seesaw your way up to the villa. Once you're in, make sure you sneak to the front end of the Mayor's bed, then press Y once the prompt shows up.

Sunken Remnants of Yuletide Joy (10)
Squash all 1,000 gifts throughout 'Wholake'.
  • 2 red presents and a yellow one can be found at the top of the waterfall in the Mayor's Villa
  • Many yellow presents are hard to spot in the mayor's villa due to being so high up and because of the draw distance, so look around with the Grinch Copter as much as you can.
Snuffing Out the Holiday Spirit (25)
Squash all 3,000 gifts in the game.

If you're reading this after the achievement popped up, then congratulations!!! You completed all of the standard missions, smashed all the presents, assembled all the gadgets, and collected all 4 Hearts of Stone!

...But your work isn't quite over yet. Before you begin the final true mission, head back to Mount Crumpit, as we have all the presents necessary to unlock all the Sup-A-Dows.

The Sup-A-Dows

A Seasonal Sup-a-Dow Session (10)
Complete all Sup-a-Dow's on 'Real Tough' in a single session.

This section will cover the bonus minigames that can be accessed on the upper floor of Mount Crumpit. Each minigame must be played with the settings set to "Alone" and "Real Tough".

Spin n' Win

The first minigame acts as a test of your pole-swinging skills, in which you must get to the end in 30 seconds or less. This is a very tight time limit, and you cannot dilly-dally or make any mistakes or else you won't make it in time. Refer to the tip I bring up here for more effective attempts. With enough practice, the order and timing you do for each pole should become muscle memory.


The second minigame acts as a test of your pancake ability, and is generally the easiest of the 3. Here, you need to squash 12 pumpkins in 45 seconds. This one is simple, as you just need to run up to the pumpkins that spawn and squash them with your behind. Just don't squash the rotten pumpkins, as they can get you stuck. You can identify the rotten ones as they are more of a dull yellow color, rather than a vibrant orange.

Copter Race

The final minigame, which serves as a test of your skills with the Grinch Copter. Here, you need to make it to end end while flying through all of the glowing rings. This one is the hardest of the bunch, as not only does it have the tight time limit of 30 seconds, but it also requires you to make tight maneuvers in the air. Like I said before, the camera helps out tremendously when turning, and make sure you keep a steady momentum while keeping yourself controlled.

The Final Mission

You've messed up the mail system, you've vandalized the downtown district, you've made Whoforest uninhabitable, you've ruined the mayor's skis and his cake, you've starved all the seagulls and wrecked all the robots, you've made everyone feel down in the Dump, you've brought upon a blackout in the power plant, you've made all the campers unhappy in Wholake, and you've pulverized every last present you could possibly find...

...But everyone is still celebrating Christmas.

This has to stop. You need to pull off your biggest grinch yet; Becoming Santa, and stealing the entire holiday!

On Crasher! On Thrasher! On Vomit and Blitzkrieg! (5)
Gather all five Sleigh Parts.

Of course, you can't be Santa if you haven't got a sleigh, but you don't have enough parts to build one! You'll need 2 exhaust pipes, a pair of runners, a tire, and a navigation system. Luckilly, these parts should be able to be found in each of the areas you've visited.

  • Downtown Whoville: A truck can be seen moving around the central area, and you must shoot eggs into it when the doors on the back open up. Shoot it around 4 times and you'll receive the first pair of exhaust pipes. You can also cheese this by putting Max in front of the truck, stopping it dead in its tracks)
  • Whoforest: A Who-teenager at the beginning will challenge you, offering you his skis if your dog, Max, can beat him in a race to the cable car. Remember that max can't jump, so make sure you optimize your path well, and you'll obtain the skis to act as your sleigh runners in no time!
  • The Dump: Head to Who-Bris' shack. Here, you'll find an open window with a diagram of sorts. What you need to do is push the chess pieces on each board so they match the position on the diagram. Getting it right will open the garage door.
  • Wholake: A kid past the wooden wall will challenge you to see if you can shoot 10 crows within 15 seconds. Succeeding will award you with his GPS. (Make sure you have the rotten egg launcher pre-equipped!)
  • Submarine World: A strange seahorse creature will challenge you to collecting ten pearls in 45 seconds in exchange for his twin-end tuba, which would make for a great exhaust pipe! Not much to this one, just go fast and stay on the path. (RIP Headphone users)
Disappointment 'be the Sweetest Carol in the Air (5)
Neutralize Santa and discover the true meaning to Christmas.

Return to Mount Crumpit and head to your sleigh to begin your last mission: TAKE DOWN SANTA.

The first thing you need to do here is make sure that all those presents the fat old coot drops don't get delivered. Move your sleigh over to them to simply pick them up, but don't miss any, otherwise you'll have to start over.

Tip: Follow Santa's path to obtain the gifts more accurately

Now for the second task, which is to shoot that bastard down!

Tip: There's no crosshair for you to aim with, so your best strategy is the stay behind Santa and SPAM THE B BUTTON LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW!

And that's it. Enjoy the final cutscene with minimum-wage voice acting and Max doing the Mannequin challenge!

The Bike Race

You're a Blast Good Player! (5)
Come in first place in the secret Bike Race.
The Ride of Your Life (10)
Complete the Bike Race in under 1 minute and 25 seconds. (See Comments).

When you've finished with the cutscene, you'll be taken back to Mount Crumpit, right by the area where you got into the sleigh. However, a motorbike will appear next to the bookcase. Get on the motorbike to enter the bonus bike race. Although the time trial for this might seem easy, do not be fooled by the short time limit. Completing the bike race in under a minute and 25 seconds is, in my personal opinion, the hardest achievement in the set due to how much effort you need to put into completing it and all the requirements for you to actually get it:

  • You CANNOT let go of the A button. If you let go of it or even so much as tap the X button for even a few milliseconds, that could be enough to jeopardize your run.
  • You also can't hit any of the obstacles even ONCE, as if you do, they will stop you dead in your tracks and require you to drive around them which is a massive waste of time. This is especially annoying with hazards like the falling trees which can easily mess you up, and the cars that come barreling towards you with little to no time to react. *The ramps can also be difficult as you initially don't know how to do a wheelie, but the input for that is L and R simultaneously. *Lastly, you also need to treat this minigame like you're racing against a time trial ghost in a Mario Kart game, where you have to optimize your path and cut as many corners as possible in order to get the best time.

So yeah, this challenge is pretty friggin difficult. But the bottom line is that in order to win, you need to memorize where all the hazards are on each lap, know which corners to cut, and to never stop accelerating.

Once you win the race, the credits for the game will play, and you'll be booted back to the title screen.

But we're still not done, as we have one more achievement left.

Start a new game, and this where we'll begin the final challenge.

The Minimum Present Challenge

Wrapped Traps and Sappy Sentiments (25)
Complete the game without squashing any more than ten gifts.

Now that you've played through the entirety of the game, it's time to do it again, but this time only doing the bare minimum!

Although this achievement has more points than The Ride of Your Life, I consider easier. Why? Because this achievement allows the usage of save-scumming in case you mess up. You're gonna want to save as often as possible, especially around certain sections. Bear in mind you don't need to beat the game without collecting any presents, you just need to do it with 10 or less. And this doesn't mean the boxes themselves, but rather the point values, which means if you break a red present and then a yellow one, your run is over.

The bare minimum requirements in order to beat the game consist of Completing 3 tasks in each level, Assembling the rotten egg launcher, rocket spring, Slime shooter, octopus climbing device, and marine mobile, as well as finding all sleigh parts and taking down Santa Claus.

Aside from that, here are some general tips to ensure you succeed in this run:

Tip 1: Avoid using Max as much as possible. Remember, Max can break red and green presents by merely touching them, so only use him if absolutely necessary for a task.

Tip 2: Be mindful of your surroundings. You don't want to accidentally break open a present that you either didn't notice or forgot was there, especially with Max.

Tip 3: Be especially careful with the pole swinging segments in Whoforest and before the lakemaster's cabin in Wholake. These are the two riskiest segments to avoid presents on in the entire game, especially in Whoforest.

You see that present marked with the yellow circle around it? That is what I have dubbed "The Impossible Present", as it is the only present in the game that's completely unavoidable in any minimum present run. Sorry Gamechamp, but i'm afraid the answer to "Can you beat the Grinch video game without smashing any presents?" is no.

The End

If you're reading this, congratulations! You've hopefully mastered the Dreamcast version of the Grinch! tenor

I played this game nearly 4 times lol


Thank you Excessiveiser, for creating the set in the first place

Special thanks to Paddyshade, ShadwSonic, and Labuff for helping out with this

And thank you for reading this guide!

Now go play a better game.

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