Red Dead Revolver (PlayStation 2) - RetroAchievements/guides GitHub Wiki
This guide provides comprehensive details on how to unlock each achievement within the base set, offering clear steps and strategies to ensure your success. Additionally, it includes useful information on the leaderboards for those interested in tracking their progress and competing at higher levels.
This guide mirrors the one available on the achievement set developer's Github
- 💎 Achievement Guide (divided by category)
- 🥇 Leaderboard Guide
- 📜 Credits
- ✏️ Footnotes
Set consists of 87 achievements worth 612 points
Set released on 11 December 2024
If the explanation here doesn't suffice feel free to search up some guides, here are a few helpful resources:
- Retro Achievements Game Page
- Guides and FAQs | Hosted by GameFAQS
- FAQs, Guides and Walkthroughs | Hosted by Neoseeker
- IGN Game Guide
- Red Dead Fandom Wiki
- Longplay (PS2) | Hosted by Youtube
Links to specific sections in this guide may only work if that specific section is opened (eg. a link to an achievement in a specific category won't work if that category's guide is not open).
All achievements are single player focused, even the ones for the Multiplayer Mode, Showdown. A potential real Multiplayer subset could easily be made if there's enough ask for it, or if another developer wants to create one (most of the necessary RAM has been code noted).
All achievements will be disabled when using cheats, unless stated otherwise. Make sure no cheat is active in the Cheat Menu prior to restarting or starting the required mission for the achievement. Usually a whole mission should be completed from start to finish without using cheats. The Cheat Menu is used to activate cheats. This menu can be opened via the Pause Menu and is accessible once at least 1 cheat has been unlocked via Bounty Hunter Mode.
These are the player's bread-and-butter progresion achievements for playing through the story. The last one under this category, a_CompleteChapter27, is the win condition for "beating" the game.
These achievements will only unlock in Story Mode, not in Bounty Hunter Mode. Any difficulty can be used to unlock these. More on difficulties, refer to Story Mission Challenges
Title (dev_id) | Guidance & Insights |
a_CompleteChapter1 |
- Complete Chapter 1 'Bull's Eye' |
a_CompleteChapter2 |
- Complete Chapter 2 'Bounty Hunter' |
a_CompleteChapter3 |
- Complete Chapter 3 'Ugly Streetfight' |
a_CompleteChapter5 |
- Complete Chapter 5 'Railroaded' |
a_CompleteChapter6 |
- Complete Chapter 6 'Carnival Life' |
a_CompleteChapter7 |
- Complete Chapter 7 'Freak Show' |
a_CompleteChapter8 |
- Complete Chapter 8 'Rogue Valley' |
a_CompleteChapter10 |
- Complete Chapter 10 'The Cemetery' |
a_CompleteChapter11 |
- Complete Chapter 11 'Range War' |
a_CompleteChapter12 |
- Complete Chapter 12 'Saloon Fight' |
a_CompleteChapter13 |
- Complete Chapter 13 'The Traitor' |
a_CompleteChapter14 |
- Complete Chapter 14 'Sunset Canyon' |
a_CompleteChapter15 |
- Complete Chapter 15 'Bear Mountain' |
a_CompleteChapter17 |
- Complete Chapter 17 'The Mine' |
a_CompleteChapter19 |
- Complete Chapter 19 'Hell Pass' |
a_CompleteChapter20 |
- Complete Chapter 20 'Fort Diego' |
a_CompleteChapter22 |
- Complete Chapter 22 'Devils and Angels' |
a_CompleteChapter24 |
- "Complete Chapter 24 'Battle Finale' |
a_CompleteChapter25 |
- Complete Chapter 25 'The Siege' |
a_CompleteChapter27 |
- Complete Chapter 27 'Fall From Grace' - This achievement counts as the win condition for beating the game. |
🔗 Back to Top of Achievement Category
These achievements are a set of custom-made challenge achievements for a few select story missions. The challenge achievements which are allowed on any difficulty can also be achieved in Bounty Hunter Mode, any others are not allowed in that mode.
Most achievements in this category require specific difficulty levels. Achievements can always be unlocked on higher difficulties than the minimum required.
- Hard is unlocked by completing the game on Normal.
- Very Hard and Red Wood Revolver are both unlocked by completing the game on Hard.
The player is required to finish a mission from start to finish without using any cheats. Although a select few of these custom-made challenge achievements require certain cheats to be active for the trigger indicator to show up. The best way to be eligible for unlocking the achievement, is to activate the cheat once the mission starts. Then restart the level through the pause menu. If everything is in order, a trigger indicator should be displayed, telling the player he's eligible for unlocking the achievement.
To access cheats, players must first unlock them by completing missions in Bounty Hunter Mode, which becomes available after finishing the game once on the selected player profile. A detailed list of which cheats correspond to specific Bounty Hunter missions can be found on the Red Dead Fandom Wiki - Cheats. Each unlockable cheat is tied to at least one achievement in this category.
Don't forget to turn off the cheats if they're not required for certain achievements.
As long as the trigger indicator is active the player is eligible for unlocking the achievements under this category when the post-mission reward menu is displayed. Specific details on trigger and measured indicators are documented per achievement.
If for some reason the achievement doesn't unlock, or the trigger indicator is not displayed. Double check the difficulty, mission and cheat requirements of the achievement then restart the level when all requirements are set correctly.
Click here ◂ to open this overview
Difficulty | Achievements Required Chapter + (achievement_link) |
Any (4) | - It Always Was About the Money any Chapter ⇒ (a_BigMoney) - A Curly Deal for Carbine Zeal Chapter 8 "Rogue Valley" ⇒ (a_SaveCurly) - Deadeye any Chapter ⇒ (a_PerfectAccuracy) - Rookie Sharpshooter Chapter 1 "Bull's Eye" ⇒ (a_PerfectShootingTutorial) |
Hard (10) | - Keenly Grubbed Chapter 2 "Bounty Hunter" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter2) - Railway Maverick Chapter 5 "Railroaded" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter5) - Gale of Gunpowder Chapter 6 "Carnival Life" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter6) - Tall-Tale Chapter 10 "The Cemetery" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter10) - Savage Saddle Chapter 11 "Range War" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter11) - Hammers of the Gods Chapter 13 "The Traitor" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter13) - Melee Minehem Chapter 17 "The Mine" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter17) - Bacon 'n Beans Chapter 19 "Hell Pass" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter19) - Andale, Andale! Chapter 22 "Devils and Angels" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter22) - The Golden Triad Chapter 25 "The Siege" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter25) |
Very Hard (10) | - Budding Prize Chapter 1 "Bull's Eye" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter1) - Laudanum Skeptic Chapter 3 "Ugly Streetfight" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter3) - Swift and Sure Chapter 7 "Freak Show" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter7) - Bovine Bitedown Chapter 8 "Rogue Valley" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter8) - Quite the Show Chapter 12 "Saloon Fight" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter12) - Carnage at Sunset Chapter 14 "Sunset Canyon" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter14) - Roaring Bane Chapter 15 "Bear Mountain" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter15) - You Done Kill 'em All! Chapter 20 "Fort Diego" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter20) - High-Fashioned Cleanup Chapter 24 "Battle Finale" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter24) - Bullet With a Name Chapter 27 "Fall From Grace" ⇒ (a_ChallengeChapter27) |
Red Wood Revolver (2) | - Wood You Believe It? Chapter 8 "Rogue Valley" ⇒ (a_WoodChapter8) - Cremation at Sundawn Chapter 10 "The Cemetery" ⇒ (a_WoodChapter10) |
Title (dev_id) | Guidance & Insights |
a_BigMoney |
- Finish a singleplayer story mission on any difficulty, where the player's bank balance at the post-mission reward menu is $30,000 or higher. - A trigger indicator will be displayed during the mission, when the player's cash is at $30,000 or higher. |
a_SaveCurly |
- In Chapter 8, "Rogue Valley", you may encounter Curly Shaw, he's the merchant the player first meets in Chapter 2, "Bounty Hunter". The player can encounter him, when following the upper path after the standoff duel against the 2 bandits, mid-way through the mission. Do not go through the tunnel! If the player does go through it without encountering Curly first, he won't spawn anymore. So the player has to follow the upper path first which is blocked by rocks. Getting close to these rocks will show Curly crawling out of some hole and offer his wares to you. The item he sells is a health upgrade, which may be useful for the achievement a_MaxHealth in category Unlocks. - After he spawns, he'll tell you to go through the tunnel I previously mentioned. Now it's important that Curly will partially follow the player, It's advisable that the player goes in heads first and kills the bandits as fast as possible. Once the tunnel is cleared of enemies or if you go in too deep. Curly will start running through the tunnel. This is the part where the player will want to have some Deadeye meter still available as at the exit, you'll find a few bandits across the valley, possible killing Curly. Make sure rush to the exit and kill all bandits before Curly gets shot. If the player is able to kill all bandits inside the tunnel and at the exit, Curly will drop a bag of coins worth $1,500. - A trigger indicator will be displayed once the bag of coins is picked up. Finish the rest of the mission to unlock the achievement. |
a_PerfectAccuracy |
- Finish a singleplayer story mission on any difficulty, without using any Deadeye abilities, and the player's accuracy is 90% or higher at the post-mission reward menu. - For math rounding reasons, the accuracy shown on the post-mission reward menu may be off by 1%. So this could potentially have the achievement not unlock when it shows 90% for example. |
a_PerfectShootingTutorial |
- In Chapter 1 "Bull's Eye", during the shooting tutorial. Stay stationary once the tutorial starts and hit all 13 targets without missing a single shot. - Targets: Bull's Eye (1) + Scarecrow (4) + Bottles (5) + Pans (3) - A trigger indicator will be displayed when the tutorial starts. It will be removed when more than 13 bullets have been used during the tutorial. - A measured indicator will be displayed when the tutorial starts. It shows how many bullets are still allowed to be used, starting from 13. This indicator is purely informational. Thus it is not required be at max (13/13) for it to unlock the achievement. - When playing on Retroachievements Hardcore Mode: Restarting the level is the fastest way to retry this challenge. |
a_ChallengeChapter1 |
- Finish Chapter 1 "Bull's Eye", on very hard difficulty by a acquiring $1,000 bounty or higher. - The best way to achieve this, is to keep the bounty/cash combo continuously going until mission end. The bounty reward of $20 for completing the mission is not added to the sumation. The value which is of importance to this achievement is bounty collected, not bank balance. - A measured indicator keeps track of the currently collected bounty. - A trigger indicator will be displayed once the player has collected enough cash. |
a_ChallengeChapter2 |
- Finish Chapter 2 "Bounty Hunter", on hard or very hard difficulty with the cheat "No HUD" enabled and taking less than 50% damage. - As the HP requirement is in percentage, having health upgrades makes this achievement easier. - A trigger indicator will be displayed once the mission starts and the required cheat was active prior to starting the mission. The indicator will disappear when damage taken hits 50% - A measured indicator keeps track of how much damage is taken in percent. The indicator will disappear when damage taken hits 50%. |
a_ChallengeChapter3 |
- Finish Chapter 3 "Ugly Streetfight", on very hard difficulty without using any health items. One health item is spawned under one of the buildings, so make sure not to run into it. Health items may also be dropped by enemies, so take care. - A trigger indicator is displayed when the mission starts. It will be removed when picking up a health item. |
a_ChallengeChapter5 |
- Finish Chapter 5 "Railroaded", on hard or very hard difficulty without falling off the train once. Hanging off the train, close to the ground, may also count as falling off. - A trigger indicator is displayed when the mission starts. It is removed once the player gets too close to the ground. |
a_ChallengeChapter6 |
- In Chapter 6 "Carnival Life", on hard or very hard difficulty get a killstreak of 10 with a single uninterrupted volley of the gatling gun. - This achievement is unlocked once the killstreak is achieved. The player does not have to complete the rest of the mission. - A measured indicator keeps track of the killstreak whilst on the gatling gun. The measurement is reset when releasing the fire button before getting 10 kills. - When playing on RA Hardcore Mode: the best way to retry this achievement is to restart the level. |
a_ChallengeChapter7 |
- Finish Chapter 7 "Freak Show", on very hard difficulty with an accuracy of 60% or higher. - For math rounding reasons, the accuracy shown on the post-mission reward menu may be off by 1%. So this could potentially have the achievement not unlock when it shows 60% for example. - A measured indicator keeps track of the current accuracy in percentage once 1 bullet hits. - A trigger indicator is displayed once 1 bullet hits and the player's accuracy is 60% or higher. |
a_ChallengeChapter8 |
- Finish Chapter 8 "Rogue Valley", on very hard difficulty with the cheat "Bite the Bullet" enabled. - A trigger indicator is displayed when the mission starts and the required cheats is active prior to starting the mission. The player can easily activate the cheat once the mission starts and then restart the level to become eligible for unlocking this achievement. |
a_ChallengeChapter10 |
- Finish Chapter 10 "The Cemetery", on hard or very hard difficulty with the cheats "No HUD", "No Distortion" and "Sad Stars" enabled. - A trigger indicator is displayed when the mission starts and the required cheats is active prior to starting the mission. The player can easily activate the cheats once the mission starts and then restart the level to become eligible for unlocking this achievement. |
a_ChallengeChapter11 |
- Finish Chapter 11 "Range War", on hard or very hard difficulty scoring 15 kills whilst riding a bison. Simply walk up to one of the bison in this mission and giddy up! There should be around 25-ish enemies in this mission excluding the 2 bosses at the end. So the player has enough potential kills to score. - A measured indicator keeps track of the kills. Getting off the bison does not reset the count. - A trigger indicator will be displayed once all kills are acquired. Finish the mission to unlock the achievement. |
a_ChallengeChapter12 |
- Finish Chapter 12 "Saloon Fight", on very hard difficulty with at least 70% HP remaining at the end of the mission. - A measured indicator keeps track of the current player HP in percentage. - A trigger indicator is displayed when at 70% HP or above, thus making the player eligible for unlocking the achievement when finishing the mission. |
a_ChallengeChapter13 |
- Finish Chapter 13 "The Traitor", on hard or very hard difficulty without losing more than 3 allied cannons of 8 total. - A trigger indicator is displayed as long as 5 allied cannons are still alive. |
a_ChallengeChapter14 |
- Finish Chapter 14 "Sunset Canyon", on very hard difficulty taking less than 90% damage. - As the HP requirement is in percentage, having health upgrades makes this achievement easier. - A trigger indicator will be displayed once the mission starts and the required cheat was active prior to starting the mission. The indicator will disappear when damage taken hits 90%. - A measured indicator keeps track of how much damage is taken in percent. The indicator will disappear when damage taken hits 90%. |
a_ChallengeChapter15 |
- Finish Chapter 15, "Bear Mountain", on very hard difficulty using only the firearm "Faith" to damage Grizzly. This gun is found in a crate in a small dead-end passage to the west (check the map of this level). Save the bullets for the boss fight. - During most of the fight, Grizzly has very high defense against your damage. However, when Grizzly stops on one of the pillars and starts throwing knives, he becomes vulnerable to massive damage. Aim for headshots during this moment to conserve ammunition; otherwise, you may run out and need to retry the achievement. - The fastest way to retry this achievement is to let your HP drop to 0, allowing you to restart from the checkpoint just before the boss. Restarting the mission via the pause menu will take you back to the beginning of the mission. - Once Grizzly is defeated, the achievement will unlock once the post-mission reward menu is displayed. - A trigger indicator is displayed once the boss battle starts and the player has picked up "Faith". If you damage him with anything else other than "Faith", the trigger indicator will be removed, informing you of failure. |
a_ChallengeChapter17 |
- Finish Chapter 17, "The Mine", on hard or very hard difficulty under 1 minute, using only a knife. The player must equip the knife before the mission start in the weapon selection menu, prior to the mission starting. - A trigger indicator is displayed when the mission starts. It is removed when any boss takes damage, whilst the player doesn't have the knife equipped. It is also removed once 1 minute has passed. - A measured indicator keeps track of seconds spent in mission, up to 60 seconds (1 minute). |
a_ChallengeChapter19 |
- Finish Chapter 19 "Hell Pass", on hard or very hard difficulty without letting the stagecoach go under 40% hp and having the cheat "Infinite Deadeye" enabled. The Deadeye ability and melee are the only allowed methods for damaging enemies, so blast away! - A trigger indicator is displayed when the mission starts and the required cheat is active prior to starting the mission. The player can easily activate the cheats once the mission starts and then restart the level to become eligible for unlocking this achievement. The indicator will be removed once the stagecoach's HP drop below 40% or when shooting manually as this isn't allowed. - A measured indicator keeps track of the stagecoach's HP in percentage. |
a_ChallengeChapter20 |
- Finish Chapter 20 "Fort Diego", on very hard difficulty killing 12 enemies with headshots. - A measured indicator keeps track of headshot kill count. - A trigger indicator is displayed once the required amount of headshot kills have been achieved. Finish the mission to unlock the achievement. |
a_ChallengeChapter22 |
- Finish Chapter 22 "Devils and Angels", on hard or very hard difficulty in under 3 minutes and killing only General Diego. Let the other enemy soldiers live. - A trigger indicator is displayed once the mission starts. It is removed once anyone other than the General is killed or the time has run out. - A measured indicator keeps track of seconds spent in mission, up to 180 seconds (3 minutes). |
a_ChallengeChapter24 |
- Finish Chapter 24 "Battle Finale", on very hard difficulty without letting any bystanders die and scoring 5 headshots on Mr. Kelley. - A measured indicator keeps track of the headshot count. - A trigger indicator is displayed once 5 headshots have been scored on Mr. Kelley. The indicator will be removed if any bystander dies. |
a_ChallengeChapter25 |
- Finish Chapter 25 "The Siege", on hard or very hard difficulty with the combined HP of Red, Jack and Annie at 60% or above, and having the cheat "Golden Gun" enabled. This cheat will help out immensely as this boosts the player overal damage. The combined HP means: (Red's HP + Jack's HP + Annie's HP) / (Red's maxHP + Jack's maxHP + Annie's maxHP) - A trigger indicator is displayed when the mission starts and the required cheat is active prior to starting the mission. The player can easily activate the cheats once the mission starts and then restart the level to become eligible for unlocking this achievement. The indicator will be removed when the combined HP drops below 60%. The indicator may reappear when the player character picks up HP, resulting in a combined HP back to 60% or above. - A measured indicator keeps track of the current combined HP of the hero trio. |
a_ChallengeChapter27 |
- Finish Chapter 27 "Fall From Grace", on very hard difficulty with an accuracy rating of 60% or higher and damage taken less than 75%. - As the HP requirement is in percentage, having health upgrades makes this achievement easier. - A trigger indicator will be displayed once the mission starts. The indicator will disappear when damage exceeds 75% or when the accuracy rating is below 60%. - A measured indicator keeps track of the current accuracy rating. This indicator will be removed once damage taken exceeds 75%. |
a_WoodChapter8 |
- Finish Chapter 8 "Rogue Valley", on red wood revolver difficulty with the cheat "Bite the Bullet" enabled. As Manny Quinn's ability is setting himself on fire, this achievement may be harder to earn than a_ChallengeChapter8. - A trigger indicator is displayed when the mission starts and the required cheats is active prior to starting the mission. The player can easily activate the cheat once the mission starts and then restart the level to become eligible for unlocking this achievement. |
a_WoodChapter10 |
- Finish Chapter 10 "The Cemetery", on red wood revolver difficulty with the cheat "Infinite Deadeye" enabled. The Deadeye ability and melee are the only allowed methods for damaging enemies, so fire away! - A trigger indicator is displayed when the mission starts and the required cheat is active prior to starting the mission. The player can easily activate the cheats once the mission starts and then restart the level to become eligible for unlocking this achievement. The indicator will be removed when shooting manually, as this isn't allowed. |
🔗 Back to Top of Achievement Category
The Bounty Hunter Mode is unlocked when the selected player profile has completed the Story Mode once. The player is required to finish a Bounty Hunter mission from start to finish without using any cheats. Even if a Bounty Hunter mission is already marked as completed on the main menu, the player can still replay the mission as a way to unlock the achievement.
Some of these Bounty Hunter Mode challenges can be pretty hard. If you're having trouble please refer to Walkthroughs & Resources or search any youtube video's.
A trigger indicator will be displayed at the post-mission overview menu when the Bounty Hunter objective has been reached. The achievement should pop around the same time that the game shows which item the player has unlocked.
Bounty Hunter Missions which require a certain cash combo to be achieved will display a trigger indicator during the mission once the required combo has been achieved. Finish any other objectives and the mission itself to unlock the achievement.
Title (dev_id) | Guidance & Insights |
a_BountyHuntChapter1 |
- Chapter 1, "Bull's Eye": Shoot all enemies only in the head. |
a_BountyHuntChapter2 |
- Chapter 2, "Bounty Hunter": Clear the level without being hit. |
a_BountyHuntChapter3 |
- Chapter 3, "Ugly Streetfight": Complete the level without hitting the Sheriff. |
a_BountyHuntChapter5 |
- Chapter 5, "Railroaded": Defeat Hoss within 2 minutes. |
a_BountyHuntChapter6 |
- Chapter 6, "Carnival Life": Get a combo for over $500 and defeat Pig Josh. - A measured indicator keeps track of the current achieved highest combo. - A trigger indicator will be displayed during the mission once the required combo has been achieved. |
a_BountyHuntChapter7 |
- Chapter 7, "Freak Show": Kill Atlas and get a combo for over $300. - A measured indicator keeps track of the current achieved highest combo. - A trigger indicator will be displayed during the mission once the required combo has been achieved. |
a_BountyHuntChapter8 |
- Chapter 8, "Rogue Valley": Find the 3 treasures. - A measured indicator keeps track of how many boxes are destroyed/found. |
a_BountyHuntChapter9 |
- Chapter 9, "Ghost Town": Complete the level in 4 minutes. |
a_BountyHuntChapter11 |
- Chapter 11, "Range War": Get a combo for over $200. - A measured indicator keeps track of the current achieved highest combo. - A trigger indicator will be displayed during the mission once the required combo has been achieved. |
a_BountyHuntChapter12 |
- Chapter 12, "Saloon Fight": Keep all three girls alive. |
a_BountyHuntChapter13 |
- Chapter 13, "The Traitor": Keep at least 2 charge setters alive. |
a_BountyHuntChapter14 |
- Chapter 14, "Sunset Canyon": Steal a horse without being spotted. |
a_BountyHuntChapter15 |
- Chapter 15, "Bear Mountain": Get to the source of the river without alerting the patrolling guards. |
a_BountyHuntChapter17 |
- Chapter 17, "The Mine": Complete the level in 3 minutes. |
a_BountyHuntChapter18 |
- Chapter 18, "Stagecoach": Kill 40 enemies. - A measured indicator keeps track of how many enemies are left to kill. |
a_BountyHuntChapter20 |
- Chapter 20, "Fort Diego": Get a combo for over $300. - A measured indicator keeps track of the current achieved highest combo. - A trigger indicator will be displayed during the mission once the required combo has been achieved. |
a_BountyHuntChapter21 |
- Chapter 21, "End of the Line": Get a combo for over $200. - A measured indicator keeps track of the current achieved highest combo. - A trigger indicator will be displayed during the mission once the required combo has been achieved. |
a_BountyHuntChapter24 |
- Chapter 24, "Battle Finale": Kill Mr. Kelley in under 1 minute. || Kill all of the pedestrians under 1 minute. - Depending on the version which is played, the challenge may be different, or it's a difference between Xbox and PS2. |
a_BountyHuntChapter25 |
- Chapter 25, "The Siege": Complete the level with Jack's health at over 50%. - A measured indicator keeps track of Jack's current HP in percent. |
a_BountyHuntChapter27 |
- Chapter 27, "Fall From Grace": Complete the level in 1 minute. |
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All of these challenge achievements revolve around the Multiplayer Mode called 'Showdown'.
All of these Multiplayer/Showdown challenge achievements require solo play. Thus when using a multiple controllers, the achievements will not trigger. A proper Multiplayer subset could possibly be made.
A trigger indicator will be shown on the Showdown menu/at the main menu when all required settings for a Showdown achievement are correct. This indicator will hide once the loading screen starts or when any settings are incorrect. Although this indicator is not necessary to have been displayed for the achievement to be unlocked. Only the trigger indicator which is shown during the match is of importance.
When a trigger indicator is displayed on the post-match overview menu, the player has completed the Showdown challenge. On pressing OK, to display the continue popup window, the achievement should unlock.
GAME BUG: The trigger indicator shown when setting up the Showdown match at the main menu may not display properly when shifting through the Showdown stages too fast (the ID which checks for the selected Showdown stage may not update properly when shifting through the stages too fast...) To make the trigger indicator appear properly, just don't shift through the Showdown stages too quickly. Although as mentioned above as well. This indicator is not necessary to have been displayed.
Title (dev_id) | Guidance & Insights |
a_BountyHunterKatie |
Win a Showdown/Multiplayer match where: ∙ The game mode is Bounty Hunter ∙ Bounty limit is set to $10,000 ∙ Stage is Widow's Patch ∙ Player 1 is Katie O'Grady (human player) ∙ Player 2 is Sheriff O'Grady (CPU) ∙ Player 3 is Ugly Chris (CPU) ∙ Player 4 is Gigolo Hancock (CPU) ∙ Player 1 and player 2 are on the same team ∙ Player 3 and player 4 are on the same team - A trigger indicator will be displayed when all settings are correct at the Showdown menu on the main menu. This trigger will hide once the match starts loading. - A trigger indicator is shown when the match starts. |
a_BountyHunterBlade |
Win a Showdown/Multiplayer match where: ∙ The game mode is Bounty Hunter ∙ Bounty limit is set to $10,000 ∙ Stage is Sunset Canyon ∙ Player 1 is The Blade Slade (human player) ∙ Player 2 is Sissy Fess (CPU) ∙ Player 3 is Rico Pedrosa (CPU) ∙ Player 4 is Udo Kang (CPU) ∙ Players are all in different teams (free-for-all) ∙ Use only knives to kill enemies. Slade's deadeye ability is also allowed. (Damaging enemies with other weapons is still allowed, the kill just needs to be executed whilst holding the knife.) - A trigger indicator will be displayed when all settings are correct at the Showdown menu on the main menu. This trigger will hide once the match starts loading. - A trigger indicator is shown during the match. It will hide when killing any enemy whilst not having the knife equipped. |
a_BountyHunterAnnie |
Win a Showdown/Multiplayer match where: ∙ The game mode is Bounty Hunter ∙ Bounty limit is set to $10,000 ∙ Stage is The Ranch ∙ Player 1 is Annie Stoakes (human player) ∙ Player 2 is Governor Griffon (CPU) ∙ Player 3 is Holstein Hal (CPU) ∙ Player 4 is Sam (CPU) ∙ Players 2, 3 and 4 are in the same team - A trigger indicator will be displayed when all settings are correct at the Showdown menu on the main menu. This trigger will hide once the match starts loading. - A trigger indicator is shown when the match starts. |
a_BountyHunterCooper |
Win a Showdown/Multiplayer match where: ∙ The game mode is Bounty Hunter ∙ Bounty limit is set to $10,000 ∙ Stage is Fairground ∙ Player 1 is Cooper (human player) ∙ Player 2 is Jason Cornet (CPU) ∙ Player 3 is Sheriff Bartlett (CPU) ∙ Player 4 is Buffalo Soldier (CPU) ∙ Players 2, 3 and 4 are in the same team ∙ Win the match taking less than 888% damage. - A trigger indicator will be displayed when all settings are correct at the Showdown menu on the main menu. This trigger will hide once the match starts loading. - A trigger indicator is shown when the match starts and will hide once damage is equal or greater than 888% - A measured indicator keeps track of how much damage has been taken up to 888%. |
a_BountyHunterWeapons |
Win a Showdown/Multiplayer match where: ∙ The game mode is Bounty Hunter ∙ Player 1 is any character (human player) ∙ Players 2, 3 and 4 can be any character (CPUs) ∙ Players are all in different teams (free-for-all) ∙ Get a kill with 7 different weapons. More weapons can be acquired by using the card drops. So a little bit of RNG luck is needed to achieve this. - A trigger indicator will be displayed when all settings are correct at the Showdown menu on the main menu. This trigger will hide once the match starts loading. - A trigger indicator will show up during the match when 7 unique weapon kills have been acquired. - A measured indicator keeps count of unique weapon kills up to 7. |
a_SundownFallingStar |
Win a Showdown/Multiplayer match where: ∙ The game mode is Sundown ∙ Time limit is set to 5 minutes ∙ Stage is Fallen Creek ∙ Player 1 is Falling Star (human player) ∙ Player 2 is Shadow Wolf (CPU) ∙ Player 3 is Grizzly (CPU) ∙ Player 4 is Standing Snake (CPU) ∙ Player 1 and player 2 are on the same team ∙ Player 3 and player 4 are on the same team - A trigger indicator will be displayed when all settings are correct at the Showdown menu on the main menu. This trigger will hide once the match starts loading. - A trigger indicator is shown during the match. |
a_SundownBlack |
Win a Showdown/Multiplayer match where: ∙ The game mode is Sundown ∙ Time limit is set to 5 minutes ∙ Stage is Ghost Town ∙ Player 1 is Mr. Black (human player) ∙ Player 2 is Bad Bessie (CPU) ∙ Player 3 is Ugly Chris (CPU) ∙ Player 4 is Pig Josh (CPU) ∙ Players are all in different teams (free-for-all) ∙ Win the match with at least 15 kills, this is the Death Toll stat shown on the post-match overview menu. - A trigger indicator will be displayed when all settings are correct at the Showdown menu on the main menu. This trigger will hide once the match starts loading. - A trigger indicator will be displayed during gameplay once all kills are acquired. - A measured indicator keeps track of the player's kill count up to 15. |
a_SundownGriffon |
Win a Showdown/Multiplayer match where: ∙ The game mode is Sundown ∙ Time limit is set to 5 minutes ∙ Stage is Broken Creek ∙ Player 1 is Governor Griffon (human player) ∙ Player 2 is Nate Harlow (CPU) ∙ Player 3 is Falling Star (CPU) ∙ Player 4 is Red (CPU) , not Red Jr. ∙ Players 2, 3 and 4 are in the same team - A trigger indicator will be displayed when all settings are correct at the Showdown menu on the main menu. This trigger will hide once the match starts loading. - A trigger indicator is displayed during the match once $15,000 has been collected |
a_SundownNate |
Win a Showdown/Multiplayer match where: ∙ The game mode is Sundown ∙ Time limit is set to 5 minutes ∙ Stage is The Mansion ∙ Player 1 is Nate Harlow (human player) ∙ Player 2 is Governor Griffon (CPU) ∙ Player 3 is Colonel Daren (CPU) ∙ Player 4 is General Diego (CPU) ∙ Players 2, 3 and 4 are in the same team - A trigger indicator will be displayed when all settings are correct at the Showdown menu on the main menu. This trigger will hide once the match starts loading. - A trigger indicator is shown when all settings are correct and the player's accuracy is 60% or higher. - A measured indicator keeps track of the current accuracy in percent. |
a_SundownFlawless |
Win a Showdown/Multiplayer match where: ∙ The game mode is Sundown ∙ Time limit is set to 1 minute ∙ Player 1 is any character (human player) ∙ Players 2, 3 and 4 can be any character (CPUs) ∙ Players 2, 3 and 4 are in the same team ∙ Kill each enemy player once - A trigger indicator will be displayed when all settings are correct at the Showdown menu on the main menu. This indicator will hide once the match starts loading. - A trigger indicator is be displayed during match when all 3 enemy players have been killed once by the player. This indicator will be removed when the player's HP drops to 0. - A measured indicator keeps track of each unique player kill up to 3. |
a_HighNoonNatalie |
Complete a Showdown/Multiplayer match where: ∙ The game mode is High Noon ∙ Number of wins needed set to 5 ∙ Stage is Mansion Grounds ∙ Player 1 is Natalie (human player) ∙ Player 2 is Mr. Kelley (CPU) ∙ Player 3 is Red Jr. (CPU) ∙ Player 4 is Nate Harlow (CPU) ∙ Players are all in different teams (free-for-all). ∙ Natalie (P1) must kill at least 3 people. ∙ Either Natalie (P1) OR Mr. Kelley (P2) must win the match. - A trigger indicator will be displayed when all settings are correct at the Showdown menu on the main menu. This trigger will hide once the match starts loading. - A trigger indicator will be displayed during the match, once 3 people have been killed by the player. The achievement will then unlock once Natalie (P1) or Mr. Kelley (P2) win the match. - A measured indicator keeps track of the player's current killcount up to 3. Developer note ⁃ Although the game let's you pick teams before starting the match, the game always defaults to a free-for-all in High Noon mode. Otherwise Natalie and Mr. Kelley were ment to be on the same team for this achievement. Now go and watch "Léon: The Professional" (1994) |
a_HighNoonCurly |
Win a Showdown/Multiplayer match where: ∙ The game mode is High Noon ∙ Number of wins needed set to 5 ∙ Stage is Twin Rocks ∙ Player 1 is Curly Shaw (human player) ∙ Player 2 is Bloody Tom (CPU) ∙ Player 3 is Big Oaf Whitney (CPU) ∙ Player 4 is Twiggy Phelps (CPU) ∙ Players are all in different teams (free-for-all) ∙ Score at least 5 headshots - A trigger indicator will be displayed when all settings are correct at the Showdown menu on the main menu. This trigger will hide once the match starts loading. - A trigger indicator is displayed during the match once 5 headshots have been scored. Win the match to unlock the achievement. - A measured indicator keeps track of the player's current headshot count up to 5. |
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The achievements under this category revolve around unlocking various gameplay mechanics and pages from the journal on the main menu.
A player profile with the name 'Rstar' is not allowed to unlock any of these achievements. Creating a profile with this name unlocks a few items for free, which is pretty much cheating.
Title (dev_id) | Guidance & Insights |
a_MaxHealth |
- Unlock all 7 health upgrades for the protagonist in Story Mode. - Health upgrades are retained when starting a new story playthrough on an existing player profile. - The achievement unlocks / measured indicator updates on acquiring a health upgrade during gameplay HP Upgrades 1 ⁃ Chapter 7 'Freak Show', by simply completing the mission you'll receive a good rating, unlocking the HP upgrade 2 ⁃ Midway during Chapter 8 'Rogue Valley' you can find the same shop guy from Chapter 2 'Bounty Hunter'. To make this guy appear. You need to head straight forward after the duel vs 2 opponents. Do not go through the shadowy passage to the right, doing this will not make him spawn. After he crawls out of a few rocks he'll sell you the 'Snakebite Kit' as an H P upgrade 3 ⁃ 3rd visit to Brimstone, after Chapter 8 'Rogue Valley'. Find Jack Swift walking around Brimstone like the other NPC's. Talk to Jack four times in a row and then buy his Lucky Flask for $1,500 4 ⁃ During Chapter 12 'Saloon Fight'. Talk to the girls taking a bath in one of the rooms upstairs and purchase 'Hot Bath' for $1,500 5 ⁃ Chapter 13 'The Traitor', achieve an excellent rating 6 ⁃ Chapter 16 'Jail Break', free a lady from jail with a key. Talk to her twice and then purchase a kiss for $1 7 ⁃ Chapter 20 'Fort Diego', achieve a good rating Misc note ⁃ Health upgrades only upgrade the max health of Red/Manny Quinn and not for any other playable supporting characters in the Story Mode (eg. Jack Swift or Annie Stoakes). |
a_MaxDeadEye |
- Unlock all 5 Deadeye upgrades for the protagonist in Story Mode - Deadeye upgrades are retained when starting a new story playthrough on an existing player profile - The achievement unlocks / measured indicator updates on acquiring a Deadeye upgrade during gameplay Deadeye Upgrades 1 ⁃ Chapter 6 'Carnival Life', by simply completing the mission you'll receive a good rating, unlocking the Deadeye upgrade 2 ⁃ 4th visit to Brimstone, after Chapter 10 'The Cemetery'. Talk to the boy selling newspapers and buy the 'Pocket Watch' for $1,500 3 ⁃ Chapter 14 'Sunset Canyon', get an excellent rating 4 ⁃ Chapter 24 'Battle Finale', achieve a good rating 5 ⁃ In Brimstone buy a 'strong drink' for $1,500 from the barman in the Saloon Misc note ⁃ Deadeye upgrades only upgrade the deadeye meter of Red/Manny Quinn and not for any other playable supporting characters in the Story Mode (eg. Jack Swift or Annie Stoakes). |
a_UnlockAllWeapons |
- Unlock all 24 unique weapons in Story Mode - Weapons are retained when starting a new story playthough on an existing player profile, although the upgraded versions need to be re-acquired - Please refer to Red Dead Revolver Wiki Fandom on how to find all weapons. - The achievement may only unlock / measured indicator may only update on save (after a mission ends) ∙ Old Pistol ↦ Starting weapon ∙ Revolver ↦ Buyable in pre-mission shop of Chapter 3, "Ugly Streetfight" ∙ Twin Revolvers ↦ Buyable in pre-mission shop of Chapter 8, "Rogue Valley" ∙ Widowmaker ↦ Buyable in Gun shop of Brimstone after Chapter 22, "Devils and Angels" ∙ Scorpion ↦ Can only by unlocked by achieving a Good rating for Chapter 27, "Fall From Grace" ∙ Six Shooter ↦ Player can pick this up from enemies starting from Chapters 2, "Bounty Hunter" ∙ Pacificador ↦ Player can pick this up from enemies starting from Chapter 14, "Sunset Canyon" ∙ Inquisitor ↦ Player can pick this up from enemies near the later Chapters of the Story ∙ Breech Loader ↦ Buyable in pre-mission shop of Chapter 4, "The Traincar" ∙ The Lion ↦ Buyable in pre-mission shop of Chapter 20, "Fort Diego" ∙ Twelve Gauge ↦ Buyable in Gun shop of Brimstone after Chapter 10, "The Cemetery" ∙ Owl Rifle ↦ Player can pick this up from enemies starting from Chapters 2, "Bounty Hunter" ∙ Repeater Rifle ↦ Buyable in Gun shop of Brimstone after Chapter 5, "Railroaded" ∙ High Calibre ↦ Player can pick this up from enemies midway through the Story ∙ Halcon Rifle ↦ Player can pick this up from enemies midway through the Story ∙ Bayonet Rifle ↦ Player can pick this up from enemies midway through the Story ∙ Oppressor ↦ Player can pick this up from enemies midway through the Story ∙ Sawn Off ↦ Player can pick this up from enemies near the beginning of the Story ∙ Escopeta ↦ Player can pick this up from enemies midway through the Story ∙ Zwei Fasser ↦ Player can pick this up from enemies midway through the Story ∙ Knife ↦ Buyable in pre-mission shop of Chapter 2, "Bounty Hunter" ∙ Dynamite ↦ Buyable in pre-mission shop of Chapter 6, "Carnival Life" ∙ Fire Bottle ↦ Buyable in pre-mission shop of Chapter 14, "Sunset Canyon" ∙ Snake Oil ↦ Buyable from a shop in Chapter 16, "Jailbreak". Interact with the skeleton at the start of the Chapter to open the shop. |
a_UpgradeAllWeapons |
- Upgrade or unlock all 12 upgradable weapons in Story Mode in a single playthrough. Weapons can be upgraded in the gunsmith at Brimstone, whilst others must be unlocked as a reward for attaining a certain rank in a Chapter. ∙ Old Pistol ↦ Brimstone Gunsmith after Chapter 5 OR Achieve Good rating on Chapter 1 ∙ Revolver ↦ Brimstone Gunsmith after Chapter 7 ∙ Twin Revolvers ↦ Brimstone Gunsmith after Chapter 22 OR Achieve Good rating on Chapter 14 ∙ ∙ Six Shooter ↦ Brimstone Gunsmith after Chapter 5 ∙ ∙ Breech Loader ↦ Achieve Excellent rating on Chapter 7 ∙ The Lion ↦ Brimstone Gunsmith after Chapter 22 ∙ ∙ Owl Rifle ↦ Achieve Good rating on Chapter 5 ∙ Repeater Rifle ↦ Brimstone Gunsmith after Chapter 10 ∙ ∙ Halcon Rifle ↦ Brimstone Gunsmith after Chapter 22 ∙ Bayonet Rifle ↦ Brimstone Gunsmith after Chapter 22 ∙ Sawn Off ↦ Brimstone Gunsmith after Chapter 7 ∙ Escopeta -> Brimstone Gunsmith after Chapter 22 |
a_UnlockStagesAll |
- Unlock all 13 Showdown stages - Refer to Red Dead Wiki - Showdown Mode on how to unlock each Showdown stage/map - The achievement may only unlock / measured indicator may only update on save (after a mission ends) Stages ⁍ Twin Rocks - Ancient Monoliths ⁍ Desert Fortress - Giant Fortress ⁍ Widow's Patch - Terrified Town ⁍ The Bridge - Contested Structure ⁍ Fairground - Ruined Homestead ⁍ Sunset Canyon - Desert Badlands ⁍ Broken Creek - Boyhood Home ⁍ The Ranch - Fertile Land ⁍ The Mine - Lost Inheritance ⁍ Ghost Town - Abandoned Settlement ⁍ Fallen Creek - Snow-topped Mountain ⁍ Mansion Grounds - Tended Gardens ⁍ The Mansion - Opulent Palace |
a_UnlockCharactersHalf |
- Refer to a_UnlockCharactersAll - The achievement may only unlock on save (after a mission ends) |
a_UnlockCharactersAll |
- The game contains an extra Multiplayer Mode called "Showdown". Which is accessed via the main menu. By default 8 of 48 characters are unlocked and count toward this achievement. - The remaining characters are unlocked via various ways, please refer to Walkthroughs & Resources or Red Dead Fandom Wiki - Showdown Mode - The achievement may only unlock / measured indicator may only update on save (after a mission ends) |
a_CompleteJournalHalf |
- Refer to a_CompleteJournalAll - The achievement may only unlock on save (after a mission ends) |
a_CompleteJournalAll |
- The Journal completion rate shown via Rich Presence is the correct journal completion rate and is the one used to unlock this achievement. The completion rate shown in-game via "Journal -> Frontier Battles -> Profile: Other Information" may be incorrect (OR it's just the fact that this achievement combines the completion rates of the journal with the rate of "Secrets Found/Unlocked" listed under "Profile: Other Information") - For full guides on how to unlock all journal pages, please refer to Walkthroughs & Resources or Red Dead Revolver Sheriff Bartlett's Journal Guide by B. Wood or Red Dead Fandom Wiki - Sheriff Bartlett's Journal - The achievement may only unlock/measured indicator may only update on save (after a mission ends) - Journal Pages (138 sections) Click here to show all journal pages⁍ Red⁍ Jack Swift ⁍ Annie ⁍ Shadow Wolf ⁍ Buffalo ⁍ Old Pistol ⁍ Revolver ⁍ Twin Revolvers ⁍ Widowmaker ⁍ Scorpion ⁍ Six Shooter ⁍ Pacificador ⁍ Inquisitor ⁍ Owl Rifle ⁍ Repeater Rifle ⁍ High Calibre ⁍ Halcon Rifle ⁍ Bayonet Rifle ⁍ Oppressor ⁍ Breech Loader ⁍ The Lion ⁍ Twelve Gauge ⁍ Sawn Off ⁍ Escopeta ⁍ Zwei Fasser ⁍ Fire Bottle ⁍ Snake Oil ⁍ Dynamite ⁍ Knife ⁍ Ugly Chris ⁍ Whiskey ⁍ Hedgehog ⁍ Gigolo ⁍ Chicken ⁍ Asada ⁍ Atlas Jones ⁍ Clyde Slade ⁍ Lightning Larouche ⁍ Pig Josh ⁍ Professor Perry ⁍ The Clowns ⁍ Bad Bob Larson ⁍ Bandito ⁍ Cooper ⁍ Father Driscoll ⁍ Gordon "Digs" Fowler ⁍ Jacques ⁍ Jethro Greensleves ⁍ Juan "Loco" Sanchez ⁍ Oscar Navarro ⁍ Paul "Swig" Bennett ⁍ Sidney "Sissy" Fess ⁍ Smiley Fawler ⁍ Smitty ⁍ Standing Snake ⁍ Twiggy Phelps ⁍ Udo Kang ⁍ Bad Bessie ⁍ Bloody Tom ⁍ Dan ⁍ Greg "Big Oaf" Whitney ⁍ Harry "Hatchet" Schultz ⁍ Holstein Hal ⁍ Jesse Lynch ⁍ Loaf Whitney ⁍ Longhorn Luke ⁍ Mr. Black ⁍ Rico Pedrosa ⁍ Roberto Pedrosa ⁍ Sam ⁍ Captain Bufias ⁍ Colonal Daren ⁍ General Javier Diego ⁍ Lieutenant Clue ⁍ Pvt. "Ripper" Hernandez ⁍ Private Hanson ⁍ The Duellist ⁍ "Pick-axe" Miller" ⁍ Falling Star ⁍ Nate Harlow ⁍ Young Red Harlow ⁍ Black Elk Tribe ⁍ Blind Willy Wilson ⁍ Running Moon ⁍ Curly Shaw ⁍ Fred Kenyon ⁍ Gabby Brennan ⁍ Grizzly ⁍ Hank Pullman ⁍ Katie O'Grady ⁍ Red Wolf Tribe ⁍ Sheriff O'Grade ⁍ Abigail ⁍ Cheryl-Lynn ⁍ Christina ⁍ Jebidah Cole ⁍ Jody ⁍ Lily Belle ⁍ Mathias Lampry ⁍ Natalie ⁍ Sandy Dodge ⁍ Tameri ⁍ Verne Wiggins ⁍ Gabriel Navarro ⁍ Kid Cougar ⁍ Mr. Kelley ⁍ Carnaby Peabody ⁍ Doc Weatherby ⁍ Fitch ⁍ Hanz Kenyon ⁍ Manny Quinn ⁍ Percy Merriweather ⁍ Ralph Clover ⁍ Woodrow Klein ⁍ Governor Griffon ⁍ Jason Cornet ⁍ Rat Chavez ⁍ Mad Dog Jones ⁍ Sergeant Marquez ⁍ Sheriff Bartlett ⁍ The Cornet Brothers ⁍ Broken Creek ⁍ Twin Rocks ⁍ Widow's Patch ⁍ Pan-Atlantic Railroad ⁍ Brimstone ⁍ Tarnation ⁍ Fairgrounds ⁍ Widow's Patch, Night ⁍ Annie's Ranch ⁍ Brimstone Saloon ⁍ Border Bridge ⁍ Sunset Canyon ⁍ Bear Mountain ⁍ The Jail ⁍ Fort Diego ⁍ Diego's Railroad ⁍ Mansion Developer note ⁃ The bitset which corresponds to the journal page unlocks consists of 137 bitflags, although there's 138 sections. Bit 6 of byte12 in the bitset unlocks 2 unique sections. |
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This section provides a detailed breakdown of the various leaderboards featured in the game, helping players understand how to compete, measure progress, and achieve high scores. Each leaderboard is thoroughly explained, covering its purpose, requirements, and how scores are calculated.
Inside, you’ll find:
- Leaderboard Overviews: A description of what each leaderboard represents, such as chapter completion challenges or special gameplay modes.
- Start Requirements: Information on how to activate the leaderboard, including prerequisites like starting conditions and restrictions on cheats.
- Cancel Conditions: Clear explanations of what actions or circumstances will deactivate or invalidate the player's leaderboard attempt.
- Submit Conditions: The steps necessary to successfully submit your score to the leaderboard.
- Score Calculation Details: A breakdown of how the player's score is determined, with formulas and factors like accuracy, damage taken, time spent, and other gameplay metrics.
With this guide, the player will not only understand the mechanics behind each leaderboard but also gain insights into how to optimize your performance and climb the ranks. Whether you're aiming to perfect a story chapter on higher difficulties or striving for the top spot in specific challenges, this section equips you with everything you need to know.
Title (dev_id) | Guidance & Insights |
lb_Chapter... |
- This is a series of leaderboards for completing different story chapters on different difficulties. - There's about 20 story missions (with a post-mission reward menu) and about 4 difficulties to master. - This series of leaderboards is not functional in Bounty Hunter Challenge Mode. - The corresponding chapter must have been started from the beginning. After 7-20 seconds (depends on cutscenes) the leaderboard will start. - No cheat must be active prior to starting the mission. - Leaderboard will be canceled when any cheat is active. - When the player replays/restarts the level or quits. - The leaderboard will submit when pressing OK on the post-mission reward menu. - The score which is submitted/shown during gameplay is a custom score created with the following aspects: ∙ Bounty/money collected during gameplay + the bounty reward for completing the mission. ∙ Accuracy ∙ Damage taken ∙ Time spent in mission ∙ Best Combo ∙ Headshots ∙ Death toll / Kills ∙ Rating stars achieved (shown on the post-mission reward menu). (BountyCollected * ((accuracy * 5) + 12)) - (RawDamageTaken * 5) - (TimeInSeconds * 3) + (BestCombo * BestComboMultiplier) + (BestCombo * BestComboMultiplier) (yes... twice) + (Headshots * 500) + (DeathToll/Killcount * 200) + (10,000 for each stat star) Developer note ⁃ The score shown during mission gameplay is not entirely accurate, especially when the player has spent money. The score shown in the post-mission reward menu is accurate and is the one which is submitted on the leaderboard. |
lb_ShowdownFastestBounty |
- A leaderboard which showcases who can achieve a $15,000 bounty the fastest, in a Showdown/Multiplayer match vs 3 CPUs. - This leaderboard shows a timer when it's active. - All 4 of the Showdown player slots must be filled. Player slot 1 is filled by the human player and the others are filled by the CPU/AI. - Any characters and any stage is allowed. - The human player must not have any allies in their team. - The game mode must be set to "Bounty Hunter" with a bounty limit of 15,000. - No cheat must be active prior to starting the match. - The leaderboard will start 3-5 seconds after the match begins. - Leaderboard will be canceled when pressing quit on the pause menu. - When pressing Restart Level on the pause menu or pressing Replay on the post-match menu, the leaderboard will also be reset. After a few seconds the leaderboard will restart if all start requirements are met (check above). - The leaderboard will be canceled when activating a cheat. - The leaderboard will be canceled when a CPU player has won the match. - The leaderboard will be submitted once the post-match menu is displayed and the human player is the sole winner. - The game keeps track of how long the match is running in seconds. This is the value/timer which is tracked in the RAoverlay and is lateron submitted. |
lb_ShowdownLargestBounty |
- A leaderboard which showcases who can achieve the largest sum of money in a 15 minute Sundown Multiplayer match against 3 CPUs. - This leaderboard will start/submit on the same frame as the match ends, because the game already shows how much money the player has gathered. - The player must have started a Sundown match with a fight time of 10 minutes. - All 4 player slots must have been filled, the human player in slot 1 and 3 CPU's in the other slots. - The human player must not have any allies. - Any characters and any stage is allowed. - Activating a cheat will disable/lock the leaderboard. To reset this lock, you'll need to disable all cheat with the correct requirements listed here prior to starting the match. - Instant submit when the post-match overview menu is displayed. - The money/bounty collected during the match. |
lb_ShowdownBestCombo |
- A leaderboard which showcases who can achieve the highest combo in a Showdown/Multiplayer match vs 3 CPU's. - This leaderboard will start/submit on the same frame as the match ends, because the game already shows the combo above the money counter, the money which is shown when hitting + the multiplier when killing players, not the money which is awarded for getting a kill. - The player must have started a Showdown/Multiplayer match, any game mode is allowed. - All 4 player slots must have been filled, the human player in slot 1 and 3 CPU's in the other slots. - The human player must not have any allies. - Any characters and any stage is allowed. - Activating a cheat will disable/lock the leaderboard. To reset this lock, you'll need to disable all cheat with the correct requirements listed here prior to starting the match. - Instant submit when the post-match overview menu is displayed. This leaderboard will be submitted with a small delay (1 second) after the post-match menu is displayed. - The value which is submitted is the one shown under Combo on the post-match menu. This value is calculated from hitting other players and is multiplied by a killstreak counter. |
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RA-User | Role |
🟉 Achievement Set Developer | Badge Design | RA-Guide Author |
🟉 Contributor | Tester - Contributed by creating different scenarios/concepts for the most of the Showdown challenge achievements as well as for some Story challenge achievements. - Tested the viability/difficulty of the custom-made challenge achievements. |
🟉 Contributor | Tester - Contributed to badge art: primarily helped with creating the border for the badges as well as coming up with idea's/concepts for several achievement badges. - Tested most story achievements by doing a full playthrough. |
🟉 Code Reviewer - Performed a code review of ASolidSnack's 2nd achievement set for the RetroAchievements platform. |
🟉 Contributor - Helped in determining which weapons upgrades are achievable in the achievement a_UpgradeAllWeapons in category Unlocks, as the the achievement logic previously required the player to also unlock weapon upgrades otherwise not achievable through normal gameplay. |
🟉 Contributor - Helped in determining which weapons upgrades are achievable in the achievement a_UpgradeAllWeapons in category Unlocks, as the the achievement logic previously required the player to also unlock weapon upgrades otherwise not achievable through normal gameplay. |
An indicator displayed by the Retro Achievements overlay, often used to track specific progress within an achievement.
- Headshots - 7/12
- Enemies left - 11/100
- Accuracy - 47%
- Coins collected - 88%
An indicator displayed by the Retro Achievements overlay, typically used to show when a challenge achievement is available for unlocking or when it is currently active. If this indicator disappears before the achievement unlocks, it often signals a failure, indicating that a retry is necessary.
- Enough headshots acquired, finish the mission
- All enemies killed, kill the boss
- Player has not yet taken a hit - for a hitless achievement
- All requirements are met, continue the game to unlock...