Nushi Tsuri Adventure Kite no Bouken (Game Boy Color) - RetroAchievements/guides GitHub Wiki
Nushi Tsuri Adventure: Kite no Bouken - Gameboy Color
If you are looking to play this game with a guide, I would highly recommend using the Nushi Tsuri Adventure Speedrun Guide. All credit goes to Yoffer in the River King Speedruns Discord for creating and maintaining the guide. One of the best parts about their guide is that they linked unlisted Youtube videos that show you how to complete each of the sailing portions in the game. The sailing in this game is very difficult without a guide, and incredibly tedious/unforgiving if you mess up. This will be an indispensable resource for you...
Constellation Location Guide
This guide is very simple and pulled directly from the Constellation Notes in your Gear menu. There is very little information online on how to find these constellations, and at what times of year, so I wanted to put out some semblance of a resource for players looking to find them. Hope you enjoy the game.
Guide is ordered as follows: Constellation name - Season when it can be found - Location on the world map where it can be found.
- Andromeda - Fall - East Northeast
- Sagittarius - Summer - South
- Delphinus - Summer - East
- Pisces - Fall - East
- Lepus - Winter - South
- Bootes - Spring - East Northeast
- Hydra - Spring - South
- Eridanus - South Sky - East Southeast
- Taurus - Winter - East
- Canis Major - Winter - South
- Lupus - South Sky - East Southeast
- Ursa Major - Spring - Northeast
- Virgo - Spring - East Southeast
- Aries - Fall - East
- Orion - Winter - East Southeast
- Cassiopeia - Fall - Northeast
- Cancer - Spring - East
- Corvus - Spring - South
- Corona Borealis - Spring - East Northeast
- Auriga - Winter - East
- Cetus - Fall - South
- Cepheus - Fall - North Northeast
- Centaurus - South Sky - Southeast
- Canis Minor - Winter - Southeast
- Equuleus - Fall - East Southeast
- Ursa Minor - Spring - North
- Crater - Spring - South
- Lyra - Summer - East Northeast
- Ara - South Sky - Southeast
- Scorpius - Summer - South
- Triangulum - Fall - East
- Leo - Spring - East
- Libra - Summer - South Southeast
- Cygnus - Summer - East Northeast
- Gemini - Winter - East
- Pegasus - Fall - East
- Ophiuchus - Summer - East Southeast
- Perseus - Fall - East Northeast
- Aquarius - Fall - South
- Crux - South Sky - South
- Corona Austrina - Summer - South
- Sagitta - Summer - East
- Capricornus - Fall - South Southeast
- Pyxis - Spring - South
- Draco - Summer - North Northeast
- Aquila - Summer - East
- Cirnicus - South Sky - Southeast
- Triangulum Australe - South Sky - Southeast
- Hydrus - South Sky - Southeast
- Carina - South Sky - Southeast
- Puppis - Winter - South
- Dorado - South Sky - Southeast
- Phoenix - South Sky - Southeast
- Grus - South Sky - Southeast
- Indus - South Sky - South Southeast
- Microscopium - Fall - South
- Vela - South Sky - South
- Reticulum - South Sky - Southeast
Fish Catch list (WIP) Certainly not definitive but it works for me
Freshwater Prawn: Regular Rod L. Ball Float S.Hook Earthworm Izumo. by NPC above house Flathead: Regular Rod L. S.Sinker M.Hook Horsemackrel Izumo. by Boats a little way into the water Flounder: Regular Rod L. S.Sinker M.Hook Horsemackrel Izumo. by Boats a little way into the water Goldfish: Regular Rod L. S.Sinker M.Hook Earthworm Izumo. by what looks like a shrine in the middle of a pond Barbel: Regular Rod L. S.Sinker M.Hook Earthworm Izumo. behind what looks like a shrine Loach: Regular Rod L. S.Sinker S.Hook Bloodworm Izumo. by NPC above house False kelpsish Regular Rod L. S.Sinker M.Hook Horsemackrel Izumo. Near boats Japanese Crucian Carp: Fly rod 5' Caddis Wet Izumo Southeast shrine Carp Fly rod 5' Caddis Wet Izumo east of shrine Catfish Fly rod 5' Caddis Wet Izumo west of shrine Snakehead Fly rod 5' Caddis Wet Izumo Southwest of shrine Black Perogy Regular Rod L. S.Sinker M.Hook Shrimp Izumo East of Ozu House Spotty Knifejaw Regular Rod L. S.Sinker M.Hook Shrimp Izumo Northeast of Ozu House Eel Lure Rod 6' Spinner Izumo SouthEast of Shrine Japanese Parrotfish Lure rod 14' Spinner Izumo After leaving boat. L.S. Blackfish Lure rod 14' Spinner Izumo After leaving boat. Grass Puffer Regular rod (L), S. Sinker, Small Hook, Shrimp Izomo. Right side beach with boats.
Brown Trout Lure Rod 6' Minnow West of Undine Bat Fish Lure Rod 6' Crank North of Newton in starting town Moorish Idol Lure rod 14' Spinner Starting Town South-West corner.
Pike Lure Rod 10' Crank East Island "demon" south of Inn Electric Eel Lure Rod 10' Spinner East Island "demon" southwest of Inn Discus Lure Rod 10' Spinner East Island "demon" southwest of Inn Leaf Fish Lure Rod 10' Worm East Island "demon" after you leave your boat Guppy Regular rod L S.Sinker Small hook FishFeed East Island "demon" after you leave your boat
Coelacanth Lure Rod 10' Minnow East Island Northern half "holy"; west side Badned SeasSneak Lure Rod 10' Minnow East Island Northern half "holy"; west side Coelacanth Lure Rod 10' Minnow East Island Northern half "holy"; west side Lungfish Lure Rod 10' Worm East Island Northern half "holy"; south of wishing star npc Killfish Lure Rod 10' Worm East Island Northern half "holy"; south of wishing star npc Buterfly fish Lure Rod 10' Popper East Island Northern half "holy"; south of wishing star npc
Neon Tetra Lure rod 14' Spinner East Island South Port. North-east corner. Piranha Lure rod 14' Minnow East Island South Port. North where the currents clash. Arowana Lure rod 14' Minnow East Island South Port. South where the currents clash. Whiting Lure rod 14' Worm East Island South Port. North-West corner of the map. Mackerel Lure rod 14' Spinner East Island South Port. South-West corner of the map. SailFish Lure rod 14' Minnow or Popper East Island South Port. Set Sail. Immediately drop anchor. Tilapia Lure rod 14' Spinner East Island North Port. South of Church. Aba Lure rod 14' Minnow East Island North Port. South of wishing star NPC Elephant-nose Lure rod 14' Spinner East Island North Port. South-Eastern most part.
Glass Catfish Lure rod 14' Vibrator West Island south port Archerfish Lure rod 14' Popper West Island south port. South of waterfall Featherback Lure rod 14' Popper West Island south port. South of waterfall NurseryFish Lure rod 14' Worm West Island North port. North of Restaurant Stripped Beakfish Lure rod 14' Spinner West Island North port. North of Fish Shop yellow Perch Lure rod 14' Spinner West Island North port. South of waterfall, west-side river Rainbow fish Lure rod 14' Spinner West Island North port. South of waterfall, west-side river Queensland Lungfish Lure rod 14' Spinner West Island North port. South of waterfall, west-side river Red tail Shark Lure rod 14' Spinner West Island South port. SouthWest of Map slightly North. Paradice Fish Lure rod 14' Spinner West Island South port. West of Bridge Betta Lure rod 14' Spinner West Island South port. Far West of Bridge Paddlefish Lure rod 14' Spinner West Island South port. SouthWest of Map slightly North.
Bullhead Shark Regular Rod (L) L.Sinker, Medium Hook, Mussel Immediately after leaving Orion drop anchor. Dogtooth Tuna Lure rod 14, Spinner South Hemisphere Sea. large current going east, north of Izumo Island. Yellowfin Tuna Lure rod 14, Spinner North Hemisphere Sea. large current going west, north of Izumo Island. Shipjack Tuna Lure rod 14 Spinner South Hemisphere Sea. Southwestern corner going east. Gourami Lure rod 14' Spinner West Island South port. East of Wooden bridge. Bluefin Tuna Lure rod 14' Popper South Hemisphere Sea. South of East island current going east.
Great Amberjack Casting rod (L) L. Sinker, Medium Hook, Any mackerel Immediately after leaving Cepheus drop anchor. Greater Amberjack Lure rod 14' Spinner Large Current going East from the west side of map Japanese Amberjack Casting rod (L) L. Sinker, Large Hook, Any mackerel Immediately after leaving Starting town drop anchor.
Sea Angel Lure rod 14' Star Another-Gate Sturgeon Lure rod 14' Spinner Another-Gate South edge of map. King Salmon Lure rod 14' Spinner Another-Gate. Middle south edge of map. Dolphinfish Casting rod (L) L. Sinker, Medium Hook, mackerel Immediately after leaving Another-Gate drop anchor.