LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (DS) - RetroAchievements/guides GitHub Wiki

Batman and Superman with text 3

1) Synopsis / Table of Contents

Set Difficulty 5: Moderate
Approximate time to master Around 6-8 hours
Minimum numbers of playthroughs needed 3
Number of missable achievements None
Does difficulty affect achievements? Not applicable
Hardest achievement of the set Blow up the Reception

Table of Contents

2) Introduction

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes is the second in the collect-a-thon 3D Platformer series starring Batman in his LEGO form, along with characters from all over the DC universe. Released in 2012, the game received positive reception from fans, some claiming it to be the "best LEGO Batman game in the franchise".

With popularity, ports were obviously due to follow through, And they did, with a DS version releasing at around the same year.

The set Was Developed by masquerade, during the JR Developer program. It includes achievements from the entire game, including side modes, characters, Red Bricks, Soundbites, and more. The set also contains no missables, everything can be done in a single save file.

Other things worth noting for a better playing experience is how Fast Forwards works with the game, how the Touch Screen works and how the soundtrack can get a little annoying.

Fast Forwards makes the game go by a lot quicker, with a few drawbacks when in combat. In combat with normal thugs, you will need to tap your button for attacking/grabbing the enemies, as simply holding the buttons won't work in this game, and some of the boss fights will require you to do quicker movements, something that Fast Forward makes harder. You can use it, but use it wisely.

The Touch Screen is used only required for selecting your playable characters in freeplay. The entire game is playable without it, but the touch screen can enhance the experience, as it can be used to aim and throw batarangs much quicker than holding down the attack button.

And lastly, the soundtrack is pretty repetitive around the game. the sound effects are very satisfying, but the soundtrack can get old pretty quick. Thankfully, there is a setting in-game to change the music's volume, while keeping the sound effects intact. So if you do get tired of the game's music, you can change it easily.

3) General Tips

Game Modes

Game Modes is the way you play the game and can be selected before you select the level. There are two different modes in this game, Story mode and Freeplay mode.

You can unlock Freeplay mode for a level by beating that level in story mode, and you will unlock story mode for a level by beating the previous level in story mode.

In Story mode, you will be limited to the characters the game gives out to you, while in freeplay mode, you will have the liberty of selecting the characters yourself.

Justice league Mode

Justice League mode is a Wave-Based Combat mode that you will unlock after beating The Final Battle. During the mode, you will constantly switch members of the justice league while fighting various different enemies, trying to die as few times as possible. This mode also doesn't allow Extras to be used.

You will also be graded on your performance during Justice League mode, and depending on how many times you die, you will get a different ranking. The higher your rank, the more Studs you will earn, and your rank will be shown on the level select screen

The ranks you are able to obtain are:

  • 0-4 Deaths: Gold rank
  • 5-9 Deaths: Silver rank
  • 10+ Deaths: Bronze rank


Characters are the heroes and villains you will be able to play as in freeplay mode.

You are able to unlock more characters by completing Levels in story mode, completing levels in Justice League Mode, or collecting Minikits. every Minikit will grant you one new character, so it's worth going after them whenever you can!

They also possess multiple different abilities that can overcome certain obstacles. those abilities and obstacles being:

Batarang The character will be able to shoot at targets and activate up to three of them at the same time
Gliding The character will be able to glide long distances in the air, reaching unreachable platforms
Athletic The character will be able to go on blue crawlspaces and jump up onto poles to swing themselves. They are also able to double-jump
Super strength The character will be able to push/pull certain things, opening up paths
Flying The character will be able to fly anywhere, and fly even higher on red arrows
grapple The character will be able to grapple to higher distances. Flying characters are also able of using this power
Bombs The character will be able to throw bombs at enemies and obstacles, including destruction of Silver Obstacles
See through walls The character will be able to see through certain walls, to identify pipes that needs valves spun to solve
Dive The character will be able to dive to the bottom of water
Puzzle solving The character will be able to solve simon-says puzzles
Hazard suit The character will be able to walk over acid without taking damage
Hazard cannon The character will be able to absorb water, then shoot it out. Some characters will be simply able to shoot water without ammo
Lazer The character will be able to fire lazers at enemies and obstacles, including destruction of Gold Obstacles and cutting red bricks
ice The character will be able to freeze water to create platforms and climbable walls
Lantern Powers The character will be able to use their lantern, being able to move Green Obstacles
Super Speed The character will be able to power treadmills
Magnetic The character will be able to climb magnetic boards and even stay upside down on the magnetic boards
Stealth The character will be able to go invisible, hiding from enemies and security cameras
Absorb electricity The character will be able to go through electric floors without getting hurt
Electric charges The character will be able to absorb/power electric machinery, activating or deactivating things
Vines The character will be able to retract vines from the ground
The deconstructor The character will be able to destroy black bricks

4) Steps

Step 1: Progression Achievements

This section is for Achievements you can get by simply playing levels and beating the story. Once you beat a level, you will unlock the next level, along with unlocking the level you just beat's freeplay mode (which we have discussed in more detail at Game Modes). This step will follow the figure of a highly-detailed walkthrough of the level.

Step 2: Minikit Achievements

This section is for the Minikit Achievements. Minikits are collectibles found in every single level of them game. There's five of them per level, and getting one unlocks a new character for you to play with in Freeplay mode. most of the minikits can only be attained in Freeplay mode, but some can be obtained in Story mode. This will follow the figure of giving you the necessary abilities to get the extra content in the level (the abilities listed are only the ones needed in addition to the level's normal abilities needed), the characters you'll obtain in the level, the red brick in the level and a notes section.

Step 3: Money Challenge Achievements

These would be achievements you can obtain by collecting a certain number of studs in each level. Studs are the currency of this game, and they will fall out of objects when you break them, or just be generally placed around the level.

Step 4: Justice League Mode

These are achievements you can obtain in Justice League mode. we have discussed in more detail what justice league mode is right here. I would recommend giving it a read for better understanding of how the mode works.

Step 5: Missables

These are achievements you can miss while playing through the game on your first save.

Step 6: miscellaneous achievements

These are extra, other achievements you will receive by doing a number of extra things.

5) Walkthrough

Step 1: Progression Achievements | Total points: 46

Badge Title Description Points
Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into Complete Gotham Theatre 3

First, you will have to defeat 15 Goons, then you will fight Harley Quinn. To defeat Harley Quinn, you will need to approach her carefully, and when you're close enough for her to start spinning, use your batarang on her. do it three times, and she will go above the pillars. Use the batarangs quickly at the eletrical boxes by the sides of the direction she's at.

Then, you will go down a chute and follow the Riddler. To solve the first riddle, play the instruments at the order shown after hitting the three targets. Then, after that, you will need to get Batman's sensor suit before hiding from a camera to deactivate it. You will then need to use the sensor suit to find Riddler in one of three boxes. If you pick the wrong box, you can press the "A" button again to get out before the weight drops on you. Do it three times then Riddler appears.

Defeat the riddler, and you will continue on forwards behind Joker's trail. Then after a few rooms, you'll find the Penguin. Be careful about the penguin-shaped bombs you'll find there, stay a distance away from them and use your batarang to disarm them, then throw them.

After the penguin is dealt with, you'll go straight to Joker. After some puzzle solving, you will have a fight with the joker. keep going from left to right on him, without ever getting too close. once you're in the far-side of him, start throwing batarangs. If he turns to shoot at you, go to his other side, and repeat the process

Badge Title Description Points
The Infinite Chase Complete Joker Getaway 3

You will need to search around for a fire hydrant when starting the level. then you will find a grapling spot, pull it, and the bricks for a Batsuit will appear. It will be the Power Suit for Batman. Destroy a few silver objects around the level, and find a Magnet Suit for robin. Then, climb up along the magnetic boards to reach the top of the building. get the elevator working again, then get the three Robin suitcases and put them next to the Helicopter.

You will then follow joker through the water, and end up in an Amusement park. You can't directly attack the Joker, so search around for popcorn boxes to destroy, as they will give you a Power Suit for Batman and a Magnet Suit for Robin. then break silver objects to find two ways to hit the joker and climb up top the amusement park with Robin, and spin the valve to find the final way of hitting the joker.

Badge Title Description Points
Around and Around the Maze Complete Arkham Estate 3

After you defeat some of Ivy's plants and some of her Goons, you will get the Hazard Suit for Robin. You can now walk over green acid, and you will need to get rid of some more of Ivy's plants, also find water near where one of the plants resided, so you can clear the path of green acid for batman to pass through. then, you will acquire the Power Suit for Batman, and have to use the bomb ability to blow up one of the silver pieces by the place where you first fought Ivy's Goons.

you will then finally go against Ivy. Just batarang both of her flowers, construct both pieces that fall from them and follow through what those pieces do.

Once you defeat Ivy, Catwoman will appear, and you will get the Sensor Suit for Batman. you will have to go invisible with Batman, then search around the area for Catwoman. The signal above batman's head will get faster and faster the closer you are to her.

After that, it's after Two-Face! You will find his car near a rock formation. Move those rocks to the correct spot, so you can double-jump accross them with Normal Robin, which you can find the suit switcher in the room.

glide along with Batman's normal suit you'll find in the next room, and you'll come accross Two-Face face-to-face! All you need to do is reconstruct a wall around the damn so it doesn't burst, then defeat Two-Face's Goons to proceed

Badge Title Description Points
Trapped With the Ones Trapped Complete Arkham Asylum 3

You will start by shooting a batarang at above the elevator into a target, making it so Robin can switch to the Hazard Suit. then, dive underneath water with Robin, to make it so Batman can wear his Electric Suit, so you can walk accross electrified terrain. After a bit of switching between the two, Lure Killer Croc away from his cell with a roasted chicken, so Robin can go in there and open it up for batman. then you will both need to spin two valves at the same time to open the path forward.

Switch back to normal robin so you can climb up to reconstruct a pipe and pull a lever, freezing the water so batman can climb.

You will then encounter Mr. Freeze. His bossfight is quite simple, however. simply activate the eletrical machinery to unfreeze the valves, then spin both of them. After that, go up to Mr. Freeze and pummel him. If you're frozen, you can mash "A" to escape.

After being defeated, Mr. Freeze will drop a keycard. Use that keycard so you can get Robin's brand-new Ice Suit. With the Ice Suit, Robin can freeze water at will, creating platforms or climbable walls. Use it to climb up to where Mr. Freeze was.

After going up an elevator, you will encounter the Mad Hatter. Simply clean out all of his Goons, get Batman's Sensor Suit, then do a plumber's job and fix the pipes, shocking the Mad Hatter. You will then need to go invisible and cross the area where Mad Hatter was standing (WARNING: the hitboxes in this section are quite janky at the end of the walkway, and it may shock you if you go from a wrong angle. Normally, going while hugging the railing works, but it's not guaranteed)

Then you will find yourself in a long hallway. You will switch to Robin's Magnet Suit, then pull some levers. After you reach the end and beat up some goons, Mr. Zsasz appears! He will function exactly like Catwoman, so approach the fight at the same angle.

After going through the door, you will come face-to-face with Scarecrow! He will put you in his world, and you will have to avoid the pillars attacking you, then attack the pillars back. After the pillars are gone, the chandelier will start attacking you! just attack back. After the chandelier is gone, Scarecrow is vulnerable to attack. take this moment to go all-out on him. Repeat until he goes down

Badge Title Description Points
Lethal Lava Chemicals Complete Ace Chemicals 3

You will start by doing a puzzle as Robin to get his Hazard suit. Dive underwater, pull a lever, then fight some Goons. In the next room, you'll need to switch to Batman's Electric Suit, and use Robin's Hazard Suit to fill the colored tanks with the right color liquid.

You will then in the next room notice that Ace Chemicals is burning down! switch to normal Robin and get Batman's Power Suit to pass through the room. Change once again to Robin's Hazard Suit, and use it to extinguish flames and go through acid. You will then jump on a crate, and Superman will come to the rescue!

Use Superman's flight to fly up red arrows, his ice breath to freeze water and extinguish fire, his super strenght to pull walls and his laser to destroy gold bricks so you can get past the next few rooms, while using Batman to destroy silver bricks.

You will then be at the top of Ace Chemicals. After defeating some goons, the sign will fall down and create an electrified path. Change to Batman's Electric Suit, then cross the sign to deactivate it. Get Superman to the other side, press two buttons on the floor at the same time, switch to Batman's Power Suit and destroy the pillar containing a bucket of water, extinguishing the fire

Badge Title Description Points
After Them! Complete Juggernaut Chase 3

The start will consist of a Vehicle segment. Switch to Batman to deal with thugs, and switch to Robin to Grapple

You will then go inside Lex's Vehicle. Defeat all of the goons in there to switch to Robin's Magnet Suit and climb up. Spin a valve to get batman up there, then beat up more goons. Switch to Batman's Sensor Suit to sneak up on a camera so you can go above the vehicle.

Once above the vehicle, you will fight some more Goons and have to go invisible with Batman to grapple things so you can climb up walls with Robin, then hit some targets. After that, you will need to use the Sensor Suit to see through the wall and then spin valves with Robin to open the door.

after you enter, you will see both Joker and Lex Luthor. In the middle of the room, you will see a barrier protecting Kryptonite, with three beams supporting the barrier. Break the three beams to finish the stage.

Badge Title Description Points
Goodbye, Home Complete The Batcave 3

The Batcave is under attack! firstly, use Robin's acrobatic skills to reach the upper area, then change to electric Suit batman. You then have to go to the middle of the batcave and deactivate the electricity so robin can complete a simon-says puzzle. Then go and deactivate the second electric floor, so you can get Robin across and change into the Ice suit. Extinguish some fires, then build a suit changer to change Batman to his Power Suit, Break the silver bricks exactly above the suit signal, then go up

Superman then enters your party to help! Break up the silver bricks, then use Superman's laser eyes on the red bricks. Grapple/fly up to the top, then change into Robin's normal suit (don't forget: you can still extinguish flames with Superman's ice breath). You can then go inside the blue crawlspace to go even higher up. Do some acrobatics, then create a grapple to get your teammates up to where you are, then use Superman's laser eyes on the gold bricks to climb up even higher. You will then need to break more gold bricks to grapple/fly up to the other side. Continue grappling/flying until you find more acrobat poles. Climb up them, then create yet another grappling spot. Use your super strenght with either Batman or Superman, then freeze the water with Superman. Destroy both metal pipes with Batman, then spin both at the same time.

Badge Title Description Points
High Above the Skies Complete Assault the VTOL 3

At the beggining, you'll have to grapple two spots, then laser eyes both of those sames spots. After that, you will hit two targets with the batarang, then use your laser eyes again to slice the red bricks.

When inside the VTOL, you will have to break the three crates searching for one of them having a suit switcher. then switch to Batman's electric suit. But before you can use the suit, you need to open the left safe with Superman's laser eyes. You can then go inside it, take the electric charge inside, then put it at the machinery next to the right safe to lower a platform so you can climb up it. Break some more crates, build some valves, then spin them both at the same time

In the next room, kryptonite will be exposed, making Superman weak! Defeat some Goons, then deactivate a machinery with Batman to hide away the kryptonite. You can now use Superman's laser vision (again) to deactivate a red brick wall and proceed to the next room.

Defeat some more Goons, then destroy some objects in the look for Batman's Power Suit. Destroy both silver brick crates, then push both super strength crank levers to get a missile up from the ground. You can then unleash it with, once again, Superman's laser eyes. You can then fight some more goons, Extinguish the fire with ice breath, then pull both super strength handles.

You're now right behind Joker and Lex! they move onto the next room, as Goons appear. Defeat them all to collect a keycard, then use it to show prisms that you will have to, for the final time, use Superman's laser eyes. Then you'll be able to grapple up, then blow up the silver bricks to create an entrance to the end of the level.

Badge Title Description Points
Lexcorp’s Deadlock Complete Attack on Lexcorp 3

The LexCorp Receptionist boss fight is how you start the level, and it is pretty simple to figure out. When the Receptionist starts firing, take cover and hide. As soon as they're done firing, get your batarang ready and strike the target that will appear on them, then use Superman to pull the Super Strength Handles on the arms. repeat twice, then use Batman's grapple and Superman's laser eyes to take down the Receptionist.

Switch to Batman's Power suit, then blow up the silver brick wall. use Superman's heat vision to see the pipes, then spin the valves to open the doors. go inside the left door, ignore the electric floor, then find a silver lego brick. Blow it up to reveal a red lego brick wall, so you need to use superman's laser eyes on it. the electricity is now gone, and you're allowed to pull both super strength handles.

The next room is filled with black bricks, kryptonite and kryptonite lasers! go through the kryptonite lasers with batman, then destroy the kryptonite on the wall. then use superman's laser eyes on the gold bricks, and switch to Batman's Electric Suit. Go through the electric floor, then take out the power from a machine. You will now need to pass through ventilations of hot air as Superman, destroying the gold brick and super strngth handles to deactivate them. Now power up a machine as batman, and you will see two tubes: an orange one and a light blue one. use your freeze breath on the blue one, and your heat vision on the orange one. This will cause a machine to malfunction, breaking the glass above. But before you go where the glass is broken, take the electric charge from the machine you powered up before. Grapple up to where the window broke, then power up a machine there. This will cause a new weapon Lex is developing to become active. Go next to the weapon and pull a lever. This will reveal the weapon is actually a deconstructor, that will tear appart anything and anyone standing in it's way. Go through the hole the weapon created to stop Lex and Joker!

First thing in the next room, get the electricity from the machinery near where you enter, then, after beating a few goons, put it in another machinery at the right side of the room, and you will be able to switch to batman's sensor suit. You can now complete two puzzles. The first one, use Superman's heat vision to view the pipes and Batman to solve the Simon Says, and the other puzzle use Batman's heat vision to view the pipes while using Superman's super strength to pull the handles. Doing both puzzles allows you to continue to the next room.

In the next room, you'll see a miniature Gotham City on the floor. This room is a simple place with lots of enemies. Beat them all up to progress to the end of the level.

Badge Title Description Points
Giant Enemy Joker Complete Robot Sky Battle 3

At the beggining, You'll start at the robot's left leg, and all you'll have to do is defeat a few enemies before proceeding. After giving those guys a good beating, a helicopter will appear and try to attack you. Immediatly switch over to Superman and use his laser eyes at the gold bricks the helicopter has. Doing so will make the helicopter crash, allowing you to progress.

Go to the middle of the robot. You'll see more golden bricks. Break them, and the pieces to a suit switcher will appear. Use them to switch over to Batman's Power Suit, then go right

To the right, you will see a Silver lego brick. Destroy it with batman. That will allow you to progress to the robot's right leg. In there, yet another helicopter will appear. This one you'll have to be quick to destroy, as you'll have to do it with Batman's bombs, leaving you vulnerable while readying it.

After destroying the second helicopter, press both buttons on the ground. That will make a suit switcher appear, for you to change to Batman's Electric Suit. After switching suits, go back to the middle of the robot. Now you will be able to climb further north, where there's an electric floor, and take the power out of a machine, deactivating the electric floor. then go up with Superman and use your laser eyes on both of the golden bricks. Pull both levers underneath to end the level

Badge Title Description Points
Attack on Gotham’s Underground Complete Gotham Metro 3

Start up by destroying an object in the middle of two seats to build a valve. Then use Superman to see through the wall, while having Batman spin the valves. This will open a grappling spot, grapple it and then a super strength handle will appear, which you will have to use Superman to pull.

Follow along the train's railing, beating up Goons along the path. As you reach the end, the joker's mech will put it's foot down in your path. beat up some more Goons, then Joker's robot will stom his foot, making a gold brick appear on the pipes. Destroy it with Superman, then keep defeating Goons so Joker's robot stomps again, making a crate fall down. break it, then build a super strength handle. Pull it, and Joker's robot will be electrocuted.

After beating some more goons, destroy a dark trash-can, and then grapple where it stood. Freeze the watterfall it creates with Superman, then when at the top of the climbable wall, grapple to swing yourself, then grapple again to pull a sign. Beat up some more goons, then build up a stair so Superman can climb up and use his laser eyes to melt the gold bricks. Pull the super strength handles underneath, then build Batman's Power suit switcher. Use it to blow up a silver door of a train

You'll then be grabbed by Joker, and taken to the floor above. Blow up the silver door north from you, then use Superman's laser eyes to cut open a path in the red bricks

Then you'll have a boss fight with Joker robot's hand. Avoid the hand's electric attack by constantly moving, then use Superman to melt the three gold bricks in the hand, afterwards use Batman's batarangs to hit all three targets. A final target will appear. Hit it with the batarang to end the level

Badge Title Description Points
Mild Laughing Matter Complete Brawl at City Hall 3

First, Switch to superman then go north to melt the golden bricks. This will open the doors and reveal Batman's Power Suit switcher. Go north-east from where you started and use your laser eyes on the red bricks, revealing silver pipes. Blow them up with batman to make a waterfall appear. Freeze it with superman to create a climbable wall. Climb up it, then press both buttons. Break the object that comes out of the floor, and put the Batman suitcase in the correct spot. Build the lever, then destroy the gold bricks that are now revealed. This will allow you to build a suit switcher for Batman's Electric Suit. Switch suits, then go back up the frozen water. You can now go right and climb up an electrified wall. Take the power out of a machine so that superman can climb up there, then use Superman's laser eyes on the golden brick. Build the super strength handles, then pull them to lower a ladder. Climb up it and build a machine, which you then need to charge with Batman. Continue forwards to go to the next room

In this room, you'll want to switch to Batman's Power Suit, then pull on both of the super strength levelrs. after that, you can blow the silver bricks up

You will then have a fight with the Joker robot. First, pull the super strength handle to the left of the robot, then climb it. Pull the lever, then go to the robot's right. First, cut up the red bricks with Superman's laser eyes, then use your grapple with Batman. this will make it so you're able to push super strength handles at the south of where you are. push them, then pull the second lever that appears. You can now grapple the Joker robot, use your batarang on the target that appears, then destroy the gold bricks with superman's laser eyes. if at any time you're too slow, all you have to do is rebuild the lights.

Badge Title Description Points
The Joker Destroys the Waynes Complete Wayne Industries 5

Firstly, destroy the gold lego pieces in front of you with Cyborg's laser eyes, then proceed on forwards while beating up some Goons.

Go to the right, then use Robin's grapple. Build the bricks that fall, then solve the simon says puzzle. This will switch the magnetic boards on, which Cyborg can climb. At the end of the magnetic board, use Cyborg's super strength to pull the super strength handles, and build a grappling spot. Beat up some goons, then use Cyborg's laser eye to break the gold bricks. Use Robin's acrobatics to climb up the two blue walls, then pull the lever. Further use Robin's acrobatics to swing yourself from pole to pole. As you reach the end, you will see a suspended platform fall, which you can use to get Cyborg across. Use Cyborg to pull the Super Strength handles, which will cause more blue poles appear for Robin to use. After swinging yourself from the poles, you will need to pull a lever. This will cause the electricity from the magnetic board to be gone, so you can safely cross it with Cyborg. after going through it, use Cyborg's laser eyes on the elevator, then press both buttons.

You will then switch over to Batman and Green Lantern. Grapple up quickly, as there are Goons that will shoot at the door. After the cutscene, you can descend onto the elevator and beat them up. Break the blue Wayne crate, then grapple it to bring a box closer. Break it, and receive the keycard inside. Use it north of where you are to be able to switch to Batman's Electric Suit. Go through the electrified water, then take out the power from a machine. You will then have to use Green Lantern's Flight to get over the gap, then use Green lantern's target to destroy the silver bricks. Then, to the far right, you will find a machine, which you will have to power up with Batman, then use Green Lantern's lantern powers

Go all the way to the left, then pull both levers. This will make the four electric pillars in the middle of the room green, being able to be used by Green lantern. Then, pull the lever the Green lantern creates, and use the lantern powers on the wall that will reveal itself. This will cause a grappling spot to be created at the beggining of the room. Use Batman's grapple to pull it, then create a fan with the pieces remaining. Go all the way to the right, then use Green Lantern's Lanter powers twice in the same object.

You will now go into a fight with Joker robot again. Keep moving left to right constantly while the robot uses the laser eyes. Then, when the robot is vulnerable, hit both of the eyes with the batarang, then use the lantern powers on the green lego pieces it coughs up. You will have to do that twice, with the Joker grabs his hand at one of the pillars in-between the cycles. When joker grabs one of the pillars, use Green Lantern to either use the green lantern powers or destroy the silver lego bricks.

Badge Title Description Points
End This Mess Complete The Final Battle 5

It's the final battle! First thing you gotta do is dodge Lex's attacks, then, after he attacks thrice, user your laser eyes on him. If done successfully, Lex will fly away, and when he comes back, he will have a silver brick as the shield. Switch to a character that can break silver bricks, then wait for lex to attack thrice, and attack. Do this whole process twice, then Lex will go atop the Joker robot and fire the deconstructor all around the map. wait for the deconstructor to destroy the black bricks, then use Green Lantern's lantern powers on the green objects beneath them. After doing this to all three of the black bricks, go next to the object you built and use Green lantern on it. All you gotta do now is build a deconstructor of your own, then fire it at Lex. After that, grapple him out of his Mech, and win the game!

Step 2: Minikit Achievements | Total points: 100

Badge Title Description Points
Show Me the Kits! Get every Minikit in Gotham Theatre 10

Required abilities:

  • Bombs
  • Lantern power
  • Vine control
  • Super strength
  • Laser eyes
  • Freezing
  • The deconstructor
  • Acrobatic

Characters unlocked:

  • The Penguin
  • The Riddler
  • Harley Quinn
  • Riddler Goon
  • Bruce Wayne

Red brick: x4 Stud Multiplier

Notes: Keep a lookout for green lego bricks, as they're quite well hidden among other colorful objects. There will also be an incredibly well-hidden black brick door, which will blend in with the background a lot. It will be in the same room where you can freeze the waterfall.

Badge Title Description Points
Too Busy to Chase You Get every Minikit in Joker Getaway 5

Required abilities:

  • Laser eyes
  • Bombs
  • Batarang/gun

Characters unlocked:

  • Killer Moth
  • Bane
  • Robin (Classic Suit)
  • Joker Goon
  • Tim Drake

Red brick: Stud Magnet

Notes: This is the first of three levels with the least amount of abilities required to get every collectible that you can't obtain everything in story mode. If you see any flat surface while walking in the magnetic board, it is probably a walkable platform and has some kind fo secret. You will need to break 9 gargoyles to get the red brick, and you will also need to break 5 balloons to get a minikit in the amusement park.

Badge Title Description Points
Finding Gold in the Maze Get every Minikit in Arkham Estate 10

Required abilities:

  • laser eyes
  • Acrobatics
  • Bombs
  • Super speed
  • Hazard cannon
  • The deconstructor
  • Freezing

Characters unlocked:

  • Poison ivy
  • Asylum inmate
  • Catwoman
  • Two-Face Goon
  • Killer Frost

Red brick: Fast Build

Notes: This level is very important, as you can obtain Poison Ivy, which has the vine control ability, which will be required for a few minikits. At the exit of the maze, there is an object that looks like it's not destroyable, but it is, and it contains an item inside. For the super speed treadmill, you will need to activate it, then run quickly behind the item to get your reward.

Badge Title Description Points
Treasure Beneath the Cell Get every Minikit in Arkham Asylum 10

Required abilities:

  • Acrobatics
  • Dive + super strength
  • Laser eyes
  • Bombs
  • Super strength
  • Flight
  • Lantern power

Characters unlocked:

  • Asylum Patient
  • Mad Hatter
  • Scarecrow
  • Mr. Zsasz
  • Mr. Freeze

Red brick: x6 Stud Multiplier

Notes: After using the lantern powers to open a cell, you will have solve a puzzle to try and form a question mark out of the four panels.

Badge Title Description Points
Burning Passion for Kits Get every Minikit in Ace Chemicals 10

Required abilities:

  • Laser eyes
  • Vine control
  • Hazard suit/flight
  • Lantern power

Characters unlocked:

  • Clark Kent
  • Freeze Goon
  • Black Mask
  • Vicki Vale
  • Captain Cold

Red brick: x2 Stud Multiplier

Notes: One of the most straight-forward levels in terms of 100%. Consider breaking every obstacle you can, and make sure to clean all of the acid possible.

Badge Title Description Points
High-Speed Minikit Action Get every Minikit in Juggernaut Chase 5

Required abilities:

  • Laser eyes
  • Super speed
  • Acrobatics

Characters unlocked:

  • Heavy Joker Goon
  • Two-Face
  • Katana
  • LexBot
  • Black Canary

Red brick: Regenerate Hearts

Notes: This is the second level with the fewest amount of necessary abilities for every collectible that you can't obtain everything in story mode. One of the minikits will be in the car section, and the rest in the normal section. One of them you won't need any powers to get.

Badge Title Description Points
Getting My Own Kits From Myself Get every Minikit in The Batcave 5

Required abilities:

  • Laser eyes
  • electricity charges
  • Freezing
  • Lantern power
  • Vine control

Characters unlocked:

  • Batman (Classic Suit)
  • Alfred Pennyworth
  • Batgirl
  • Nightwing
  • Poison Ivy Goon

Red brick: Minikit Detector

Notes: Be sure to check out the water and also be sure to destroy anything in it! While climbing atop the batcave, you should destroy every silver brick.

Badge Title Description Points
Speed-High Action Minikit Get every Minikit in Assault the VTOL 10

Required abilities:

  • Bombs
  • Lantern power
  • Acrobatics
  • Stealth
  • Batarang/gun
  • Hazard suit
  • Hazard cannon
  • Puzzle solving
  • Laser eyes

Characters unlocked:

  • Shazam
  • Vixen
  • Captain Boomerang
  • Talia al Ghul
  • Commissioner Gordon

Red brick: Invincibility

Notes: This level will have a total of two hidden rooms in it. This level is also the one with the most amount of abilities needed to get all the collectibles

Badge Title Description Points
Does Lex Collect Batman's Stuff? Get every Minikit in Attack on Lexcorp 10

Required abilities:

  • Acrobatic
  • Laser eyes
  • Batarang/gun
  • Puzzle solving
  • The deconstructor
  • Stealth

Characters unlocked:

  • Huntress
  • Lois Lane
  • Lex Luthor
  • LexCorp Security
  • Superboy

Red brick: Red Brick Detector

Notes: This level is one of the most important, as you can unlock Lex Luthor in it, and he will be needed for many level's completion. When you're in the area where everything's small, try to destroy a few buildings for one of the items.

Badge Title Description Points
Joker Definitely Collects Batman's Stuff Get every Minikit in Robot Sky Battle 5

Required abilities:

  • Bombs
  • Laser eyes

Characters unlocked:

  • Lady Shiva
  • LexCorp Heavy
  • Ra's al Ghul
  • Hawkgirl
  • Supergirl

Red brick: Big Heads

Notes: This is one of only two levels in the game that you can obtain all the items in Story Mode.

Badge Title Description Points
Treasure Beneath the Train Get every Minikit in Gotham Metro 5

Required abilities:

  • Hazard Cannon
  • Magnetic
  • Bombs
  • Vine control
  • Grapple
  • Lantern Power
  • Hazard cannon
  • The deconstructor

Characters unlocked:

  • Man Bat
  • Clayface
  • Scarecrow Goon
  • Azrael
  • Killer Croc

Red brick: x8 Stud Multiplier

Notes: Another very straight-forwards level in terms of completion. Should be a nice, fun time

Badge Title Description Points
Kits to DIE For! Get every Minikit in Brawl at City Hall 5

Required abilities:

  • Lantern power
  • Super Speed
  • Acrobatic
  • The deconstructor
  • Grapple

Characters unlocked:

  • Hawkman
  • Red Robin
  • Red Hood
  • Deadshot
  • Lucius Fox

Red brick: x10 Stud Multiplier

Notes: As you approach the end of the first section of the level, fall down then try to land on a window. This should be much easier to do with a flying or gliding character. you will also need to destroy 4 blue crates in the third section of the level for an item

Badge Title Description Points
Wayne Has Batman’s Stuff. Not Suspicious at All Get every Minikit in Wayne Industries 10

Required abilities:

  • Batarang/gun
  • Bombs
  • The deconstructor

Characters unlocked:

  • Green Arrow
  • Diana Prince
  • Two-Face (Classic)
  • Joker (Tropical)
  • Cyborg

Red brick: Grab Expert

Notes: This is the third of three levels with the least amount of abilities required to get every collectible that you can't obtain everything in story mode. After using Green Lantern's Powers on some electricity poles, you will need to press four buttons in the correct order to obtain an item. This part is pure trial-and-error.

Badge Title Description Points
The Final Kits Get every Minikit in The Final Battle 5

Required abilities:

  • Laser eyes
  • Bombs

Characters unlocked:

  • Aquaman
  • Wonder Woman
  • The Joker
  • Martian Manhunter
  • The Flash

Red Brick: Super Goons

Notes: This is the second of only two levels in the game that you can obtain all the items in Story Mode. And yet, it's one of the ones that contains some of the most important characters. Both Aquaman for the unlimited hazard cannon and The Flash with the ability to run on super speed treadmills.

Step 3: Money Challenge Achievements | Total points: 105

Badge Title Description Points
VIP Seats Collect 61,000 studs in Gotham Theatre without any stud-related extras 10
Getaway Money Collect 19,000 studs in Joker Getaway without any stud-related extras 5
Break the Maze Away Collect 30,000 studs in Arkham Estate without any stud-related extras 10
The Prisoners Don’t Get Anything Collect 36,000 studs in Arkham Asylum without any stud-related extras 10
Burnt Gold Collect 37,000 studs in Ace Chemicals without any stud-related extras 10
Chasing Villains? No, Chasing This Cash Collect 17,500 studs in Juggernaut Chase without any stud-related extras 5
Robbing myself Collect 36,500 studs in The Batcave without any stud-related extras 10
Assault the Safe Collect 34,000 studs in Assault the VTOL without any stud-related extras 10
Attack on Your Wallet Collect 21,000 studs in Attack on LexCorp without any stud-related extras 10
Destroy the Robot Collect 7,000 studs in Robot Sky Battle without any stud-related extras 2
A Train of Gold Collect 30,000 studs in Gotham Metro without any stud-related extras 10
The City Hall Is Full of Money, Probably Collect 16,000 studs in Brawl at City Hall without any stud-related extras 5
Wayne is Rich Collect 27,000 studs in Wayne Industries without any stud-related extras 10
Fully Destroy the Robot Collect 2,000 studs in Gotham Theatre without any stud-related extras 3

If i were to go over each achievement individually, i would end up repeating myself a lot. Most of these can only be done in freeplay mode. To obtain them, you will need to break every single object in a level, while collecting hidden studs scattered all over the levels. The best tips i can really give you is to look at every single nook and cranny of a level. See an open window? jump through it to the other side, and you may find more objects/studs to obtain and grow your numbers.

Step 4: Justice League Mode | Total points: 66

Badge Title Description Points
Get Ready to Tango! Beat Gotham Theatre (Justice League mode) with any rank 3
Feeling Lucky? Beat Gotham Theatre (Justice League mode) with gold rank 10

The first few rounds will be mostly just beating up goons with different characters. After a while, Penguin bombs will appear. Be extremely careful with your moves. Grabbing enemies is risky, as it takes a long time, long enough for a penguin bomb to sneak up on you. After you defeat the waves, you'll turn into Green Arrow and have to fight two jokers. Go to one of the sides, then shoot both of them. Then, double jump to the other side, and repeat the process. be careful not to get too close to neither the silver pillars nor the jokers, as you won't be able to fire arrows if you do, and normal attacks won't do anything to them.

Badge Title Description Points
Bellow Ground Brawl Beat Gotham Metro (Justice League mode) with any rank 3
Underneath Earth Melee Beat Gotham Metro (Justice League mode) with gold rank 10

After the first few waves, be very, very careful around the acid on the floor, as stepping in it will result in an instant death. After dealing with two waves of acid, you'll have to deal with two waves of flowers attacking you. keep on the constant momevement, learn the timing of when the flowers attack, and if possible, try to jump over their attacks. Beat up a few more waves of regular enemies, and then Mr. Zsasz will appear! You will now have to deal with him and a few Goons at the same time. He works exactly like he does in the main game, so follow the same route of attack as in there.

Badge Title Description Points
What Is a War Room? Beat LexCorp War Room (Justice League mode) with any rank 3
War With the Goons! Beat LexCorp War Room (Justice League mode) with gold rank 10

This will be a shocking fight, as everything around you has electricity! Be very careful when moving around, so you don't end up dying in the electricity. After two rounds, you'll switch to The Flash and be stuck on a trap. keep moving in a square around the borders of the trap, and never stop moving. After that, and a wave of flying enemies, you will be stuck in a room with enemies having bazookas! Keep on the constant movement, or hide behind obstacles, and use your ground slam move when next to enemies to take them out of the bazooka state. After that, you'll switch to Martian Manhunter and everything will go into chaos. In the middle of the room, there will be five lights. when all of them are green, lasers will go from left to right of the room. When that happens, fly, and don't let up your jump button. As soon as you end that ordeal, you will go to the next room and switch to Electric Suit Batman once again, then fight Mr. Freeze. If he freezes you, quickly mash "A", and if you see that he's about to swing his freeze gun, jump away.

Badge Title Description Points
Pure Nightmare Beat Arkham Nightmare (Justice League mode) with any rank 3
Scarecrow's Dream Beat Arkham Nightmare (Justice League mode) with gold rank 10

After a few rounds of just straight up fights, you will go into Scarecrow's world, and it will be burning all around. Be extra careful around the fire, and stay as far away as you can from the fire holes. AFter another round of normal fights, you will go into Scarecrow's world again, this time, you will be Superman and kryptonite will dance around you. Be extra careful not to touch the kryptonite, as it will damage you. You're not done in Scarecrow's world just yet, as you will switch to Batman and fight multiple jokers while the chandelier attacks you. Keep attacking the Chandelier to make progress, but be careful, as the chandelier's attack hitbox is very big, so when it's attacking, stay far away from it. You will then switch to Green Lantern and have to fight a few spiders. But just as you're getting confy, the pillars will start attacking you and the spiders will change to skeletons. Attacking the pillars is the best course of action, and if you see that one of the pillars is going to attack, get as far away from it as possible, as it's attack hitbox is also very wide.

Badge Title Description Points
Sit In a Chair and Wait In Line Beat LexCorp Lobby (Justice League mode) with any rank 4
Blow up the Reception Beat LexCorp Lobby (Justice League mode) with gold rank 10

After a few waves with normal and flying enemies, you will switch to Hawkgirl and fight some enemies while a machine in the middle tries to attack you. Every time the machine opens up, immediately drop everything you're doing and fly until it closes. You will then switch over to Cyborg, and have to take down two helicopters with your laser eyes. after taking both helicopters down, you will switch over to green lantern, and have to deal with the machine in the middle again. This time, there are two of them and they will both fire lasers. jump in the opening they leave, and be very, very quick with your movements, while making sure not to get stuck too long on animations. You will then switch over to the flash, and have to take down LexBots with bazookas. Hold your "A" Button to move quickly and avoid being blown to pieces. Switch to Batman's Power Suit, then you will have to take down the receptionist. go from left to right, then when an opening appears, use your batarang on the receptionist's target, and then pull on the receptionist's arms, since they have super strength levers. repeat until you defeat it. It's not over yet, as you'll have one final celebratory wave with Superman, which will be very easy, as no kryptonite is present. then there's a cute cutscene of Superman and Batman fistbumping, to show you've truly done one of the hardest challenges of this game!

Step 5: Missables | Total points: 5

Badge Title Description Points
This Looks Like a Job For... Not Aquaman Get the Minikit that is below water and behind a super strength handle in Arkham Asylum before buying Aquaman 5

All you need to do is use Killer Croc to get the Minikit and unlock this achievement.

Step 6: miscellaneous achievements | Total points: 73

Badge Title Description Points
Small Party Buy 25% of available characters 3
Getting Somewhere Buy 50% of available characters 5
Almost Filled Buy 75% of available characters 10
Full Roster Buy 100% of available characters 25

To get these achievements, all you have to do is buy a % of available characters. You can unlock characters by either getting minikits or by completing Justice League mode levels with any rank

Badge Title Description Points
Red-Y or Not, Here I Build! Buy 50% of available extras obtained from red bricks 5
Paint the Town Red Buy 100% of available extras obtained from red bricks 10

Red Bricks are a collectible that are present in every level. There is one red brick hidden in every single level, and collecting them will unlock you extras. All you must do to unlock these achievements is buy the extras you unlock on the Batcomputer. More information on the abilities necessary to get the red bricks and which red bricks are which in Step 2: Minikit Achievements.

Badge Title Description Points
Hot New Album Buy 100% of available soundbites 10

Soundbites, much like red bricks, appear once in every single level. You must collect them to unlock them, then buy them in the Batcomputer. this achievement is for buying them all. More information on the abilities necessary to get the soundbites in Step 2: Minikit Achievements.

Badge Title Description Points
Well-Informed Buy 100% of available hints 5

Hints are items you can buy in the Batcomputer, but unlike red bricks and soundbites, you've already got them all unlocked by the start of the game. All you must do now is buy them.