Kou Dai Guai Shou II - RetroAchievements/guides GitHub Wiki
- Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate amount of time to master: 8+ hours (Depending on skill)
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
- Number of missable achievements: 13
- Do cheats disable achievements?: There are no cheats
- Does difficulty affect achievements?: There's no options to change difficulty
- Glitchy achievements: None
- Hardest achievement: Wanna Be the Best
Welcome to Kou Dai Guai Shou II, this game is a demake of Pokémon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald for the NES. This is the second of three games which covers the story from after the 4th gym until right after the Team Aqua hideout in Lilycove City.
During the course of the game, you will capture and evolve different pokémon and battle multiple trainers.
The missable achievements for this game are the challenges related to the gym leaders as well as all trainers, because some Team Aqua grunts will disappear after certain events. Everything related to catching pokémon is also marked as missable since there is no way to generate infinite money so if you play pretty badly or are save after being too unlucky with the catch rate, you can run out of Pokéballs and fail to get these achievements.
Step 1: Beat the game while reducing the amount of backtrack. To reduce the amount of time needed to complete this game and avoiding having to start over please consider the missable achievements while playing the game. The achievements to consider are the gym leaders and team aqua challenges, defeat all trainers, catch all pokémon and the evolution achievements, a small recommendation to avoid missing an item and backtracking i would also recoomend checking the collect all overworld items achievement guide.
Step 2: Catch all pokémon that were not caught in step 1 and evolve all pokémon not evolved for the relevant achievements.
Step 3: You are done enjoy completing this set and take some time before another set 👍
For gamers who are experienced with the pokémon games this game will be an easy/mild challenge taking into consideration the language barrier, catch rates and the level grind for some evolution achievements.
Your Leader Is in Another Gym (5) Defeat Wallace in the Lavaridge Gym and obtain the Balance Badge.Defeat Wallace, story-related and can't be missed
Get the Next Leader (10) Defeat Wallace in the Lavaridge Gym without using Items, using only Pokémon Level 28 or less and without using Attacks resulting in an Instant Win.Defeat Wallace without using items, 1 hit KO moves and without having any pokémon above level 28 in your party, this achievement is missable
Relieved Feelings (5) Defeat Winona in the Fortree Gym and obtain the Feather Badge.Defeat Winona, story-related and can't be missed
Falling Straight (10) Defeat Winona in the Fortree Gym without using Items, using only Pokémon Level 32 or less and without using Attacks resulting in an Instant Win.Defeat Winona without using items, 1 hit KO moves and without having any pokémon above level 32 in your party, this achievement is missable
Flushed Away (5) Defeat Team Aqua Admin Matt in the Team Aqua Hideout.Defeat Team Aqua Admin Matt, story-related and can't be missed
Waves and Tears (10) Defeat Team Aqua Admin Matt in the Team Aqua Hideout without using Items, using only Pokémon Level 33 or less and without using Attacks resulting in an Instant Win.Defeat Team Aqua Admin Matt without using items, 1 hit KO moves and without having any pokémon above level 33 in your party, this achievement is missable
No Place Unchecked (10) Collect all Items in the Overworld.Collect all Items in the Overworld, this is not missable but there is a guide below for all the overworld items
Items Part 1 Items Part 2 Items Part 3 Items Part 4
Wanna Be the Best (25) Defeat all Trainers.Defeat all Trainers, this is missable but there is a guide below for the trainers available, some of the Team Aqua trainers might disappear after certain events
Trainers Part 1 Trainers Part 2 Trainers Part 3 Trainers Part 4 Trainers Part 5
Creature Hunter (25) Catch all available Pokémon in the Wild.Catch all available Pokémon in the Wild, this is missable only if you ran out of money and cannot buy pokéballs or enter the safari zone (catching only, evolving does not count for this achievement because the pokédex does not record evolved pokémon). There is a guide below with the pokémon in each area
- #5 - Combusken
- #76 - Meditite
Route 111
- #73 - Machop
- #101 - Numel
Fiery Path
- #73 - Machop
- #101 - Numel
- #103 - Slugma
- #105 - Torkoal
- #106 - Grimer
- #108 - Koffing
Route 113
- #112 - Sandshrew
- #114 - Spinda
- #115 - Skarmory
Route 114
- #80 - Plusle
- #81 - Minum
- #88 - Oddish
- #89 - Gloom
- #121 - Swablu
- #124 - Seviper
Meteor Falls
- #77 - Medichamp
- #125 - Lunatone
Route 118
- #76 - Meditite
- #122 - Altaria
Route 119
- #88 - Oddish
- #92 - Doduo
- #93 - Dodrio
- #123 - Zangoose
- #150 - Tropius
Route 120
- #88 - Oddish
- #89 - Gloom
- #93 - Dodrio
- #115 - Skarmory
- #122 - Altaria
Route 121
- #88 - Oddish
- #89 - Gloom
- #104 - Magcargo
- #120 - Cacturne
- #121 - Swablu
- #145 - Kecleon
- #146 - Shuppet
Route 123
- #76 - Meditite
- #122 - Altaria
- #146 - Shuppet
Safari Zone
- #88 - Oddish
- #89 - Gloom
- #92 - Doduo
- #122 - Altaria
- #126 - Solrock
- #134 - Cradily
- #136 - Armaldo
- #138 - Jigglypuff
- #141 - Milotic
- #142 - Castform
- #144 - Starmie
- #146 - Shuppet
Mt. Pyre Interior
- #146 - Shuppet
Mt. Pyre Exterior
- #76 - Meditite
- #84 - Voltorb
- #137 - Igglybuff
Glitched Reptile (5) Evolve Grovyle into Sceptile!?Catch a Numel and level it up to level 32
Muscular Wrestler (10) Evolve Machoke into Machamp.Catch a Machop and level it up to level 40
Gigantic Pokéball (5) Evolve Voltorb into Electrode.Catch a Voltorb and level it up to level 31
Colorful Rose (10) Evolve Dodrio into Roselia.Catch a Dodrio or a Doduo and level it up to level 40
Toxic Sludge (5) Evolve Grimer into Muk.Catch a Grimer and level it up to level 28
Poisonous Gas (5) Evolve Koffing into Weezing.Catch a Koffing and level it up to level 35
Dirty Armadillo (10) Evolve Sandshrew into Sandslash.Catch a Sandshrew and level it up to level 41
Fluffy Love (10) Evolve Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff.Catch a Jigglypuff or a Igglybuff and level it up to level 44
Thanks to SporyTike for the creation of this achievement set