(WIP) Strider 2 (PlayStation) - RetroAchievements/guides GitHub Wiki


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1) Synopsis

Set Difficulty 5/10
Approximate time to master Anywhere from 2-10+ hours based on difficulty
Minimum numbers of playthroughs needed 2+ (Hiryu Mode, Hien Mode)
Number of missable achievements 12 (Clearing stages/scenes within certain time limits)
Does difficulty affect achievements? Yes
Hardest achievement of the set Hiryu

2) Introduction

Strider 2 (PSX) Box Art

Strider 2/Strider Hiryū 2 is a 1999 2D Action game developed and published by Capcom for the Sony (ZN-2) Arcade.
It was ported to the PlayStation in 2000. Strider 2 is a direct sequel to the original 1989 Strider game for the Capcom (CPS-1) Arcade.

(Not to be confused with Strider II/Journey from Darkness: Strider Returns, the 1990 Strider game that did not see an Arcade release.)

Like the original game, Strider 2 is a fast-paced, five-stage game that you can start and finish within an hour or less. It's filled to the brim with Cypher-prone bosses, high-flying acrobatics, and QSound earworms, in all their spatial audio glory.

3) Credits

zizom - Developing the achievement set.
Capcom - Developing the game.
Moto Kikaku/Tetsuo Shiba/Tatsumi Wada - Making the original Strider manga.

4) Walkthrough

Step 1: Hiryu Mode without Infinite Boost

In the Synopsis, I listed the minimum number of playthroughs as 2. This is only possible if every "missable" achievement in a run is earned on your initial Hiryu mode playthrough, and you finish the remaining achievement(s) on Hien Mode.

Given the game's design, it is very difficult to earn everything in one run. Instead, players should use the initial playthrough to familiarize themselves with the game; the stages, enemy layouts, boss patterns, Hiryu's movement and controls, and so on. This run will allow them to earn all "progression" based achievements, and they can begin attempting the "missable" or otherwise unobtained achievements when they see fit.

Unlike Strider where stages are always in the same order, Strider 2 allows you to play the first four stages in any order before unlocking the fifth and final stage, similar to Capcom's Mega Man. On repeat playthroughs, you can go for the achievements not earned the first time around, selecting the respective stage first if needed to save time. At first, you will only be able to play as Strider Hiryu. After clearing the game for the first time, you will unlock the option to play as Strider Hien.

At the title screen, select the Options menu.

  • Set Game Level to 1★
  • Set Time Limit to
  • Set Vitality to 8★
  • Set Rapid Fire to On

The Rapid Fire setting allows Hiryu to attack rapidly by holding down the Attack button, instead of using individual presses.

Stage 01 - Take out the terrorists who are occupying the city

Stage 01: Scene 1 - Neo Hong Kong City

  • Climb the wall ahead, clear enemies and continue ➡️
  • Climb the fallen road, defeat mini-boss Transport and continue ➡️
  • Jump to the street below, defeat mini-boss Terrorist and complete the scene ✅

Stage 01: Scene 2 - The slums of the city

  • Run past/damage mini-boss Spider Form, watch the cutscene and continue ➡️
  • Climb the building, defeat mini-boss Spider Form, watch the cutscene and continue ➡️
  • Climb the ramp, defeat mini-boss Spider Form, and complete the scene ✅

Stage 01: Scene 3 - A dirty passageway

  • Climb the first section of the building's interior and continue ➡️
  • Climb the second section of the building's interior and continue ➡️
  • Climb the third section of the building's interior, exit through the ceiling, and complete the scene ✅

Stage 01: Scene 4 - The high society residential area

  • Defeat mini-boss Kuniang Martial Arts Team, and complete the scene ✅

Stage 01: Scene 5 - The wealthy area of the city

  • Run to the right, defeat mini-boss Tiger Form, and continue ➡️
  • Defeat the second mini-boss Tiger Form, and continue ➡️
  • Reach the satellite dish, defeat mini-boss Solo and continue ➡️
  • Reach the helipad, defeat mini-boss Solo again and complete the scene ✅

Stage 01: Scene 6 - The skies of Neo Hong Kong

  • Defeat boss Emperor Dragon and complete the stage, earning The City

The City (5) Clear Stage 1 without using infinite boost

Stage 02 - Invade and attack the armed fortress

Stage 02: Scene 1 - The outside area of Fortress Wahnen

  • Climb the castle wall, reach the tower, watch the cutscene and continue
  • Defeat mini-boss Skewer Cannon, and complete the scene

Stage 02: Scene 2 - The weapon storage area of Fortress Wahnen

  • Defeat mini-boss Metall Hengst, and complete the scene

Stage 02: Scene 3 - The bridge of Fortress Wahnen

  • Outrun the machine chasing you, jump the gap, and continue
  • Defeat mini-boss Sturmgeschutz V, and complete the scene

Stage 02: Scene 4 - The prison tower of Fortress Wahnen

  • Reach the tower, avoiding jets of fire along the way, and continue
  • Climb the tower, make the mage teleport away at the top, and continue
  • Defeat mini-boss Dullahan, and complete the scene

Stage 02: Scene 5 - The walls of Fortress Wahnen

  • Climb the first wall, clear the enemies, and continue
  • Proceed along the castle wall avoiding bombs from above, clear the enemies, and continue
  • Climb the second wall, proceed to the end of the castle wall, watch the cutscene and continue
  • Defeat mini-boss Armored Guard, and complete the scene

Stage 02: Stage 6 - The dungeon of Fortress Wahnen

  • Defeat boss Herzog Schlange and complete the stage, earning Armed Fortress
Armed Fortress (5)
Clear Stage 2 without using infinite boost

Stage 03 - Infiltrate the research facility

Step 2: Hien Mode

A single playthrough as Strider Hien with any difficulty/settings of your choice.

Step 3: Set Cleanup

Earning the achievements that weren't unlocked through the first two playthroughs if needed.

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