(WIP) Final Fantasy XII: International Zodiac Job System (PS2) - RetroAchievements/guides GitHub Wiki
Achievement Guide Author: QuinnWasTaken
Special Thanks: TheLooseGroose, Agnam Who directly or indirectly assisted in my playthrough which this guide is based upon. Sutarion for inspiring this project.
Set Authors: siouxerskate and Snow
1) Synopsis
Set Difficulty | 4/10, but requires time and patience
Approximate time to master | 80-90 hours is my guesstimate
Minimum numbers of playthroughs needed | 1.01 with good save discipline (There's one NG+ Achievement too)
Number of missable achievements | 36
Does difficulty affect achievements? | N/A
Hardest achievement of the set | Uncertain Right now
2) Introduction
3) Walkthrough
Before you begin
Anything important or that affects future achievement gains will be marked with a 🚩
🚩 I recommend thinking through your class choices for your party, You have 6 characters and there's 12 choices, Certain choices might make the set easier or harder 🚩
🚩 Make sure to grab a job with Poach, Not having any access to it means you will need a second playthrough!!🚩
🚩 Jobs with Poach: Uhlan, Machinist, Time Battlemage, Archer, Black Mage (Requires Zalera unless it's Fran, Vaan or Balthier) 🚩
🚩 There are cartographer moogles in most towns that sell maps of the various areas. Buy the maps from them it will make it easier to navigate 🚩
There are several boss achievements which require the characters taking part in the fight to be at or below a certain level. Keep these in mind (I'll mention them in the relevant story chapter.
There are two achievements during the prologue one you can do now and now you can do when you're almost done with the game:
A Treaty Signed With Steel (1) - Complete the Prologue at Nalbina with Reks
Reks Smash (1) - Defeat Ramora Cutter with Reks in Strong Mode (NG+)
Get acclimated to the controls and the combat system, I do advise putting aside a save before you go through the final door (We're going to use this a lot for RNG manip)
Chapter 1 - Street Rat
Meet Vaan he's our main character? He's super crucial to the whole story! Kidding aside Vaan is a speedy fighter who starts with Steal a skill you'll be using a lot with him if you keep him around I personally made him a Hunter a class which makes great use of a weapon we'll be getting soon.
Zodiac's Calling (1)
Pick Vaan a Job
Now follow the story as you explore Ul'dah I mean Rabanastre
That is until after you get your first Hunt Mark
You can head north and find your way to club Centurio a place that a lot of future cheevos depend on (You can join anytime) You'll recieve a talking to and some free items to send you on your way.
A Small Deed(1) - Deliver a small package for your reward...
Afterwards you'll head towards the hunt task, There'll be a Desert Merchant Bangaa (Those are the lizard people) talk to him and he'll give you a package (You can sell it for 150G), he wants you to deliver it to his friend. After you go through the eastern gate you'll find another Bangaa deliver it to him and after a short tutorial about how important healing items are the achievement will pop.
Now you can proceed with your first hunt and get in a spot of combat! The achievement for hunts always triggers when you turn it in not when you kill the monster.
Red & Rotten in the Desert (1)](https://retroachievements.org/achievement/223460) - Complete hunt Red & Rotten in the Desert
After some more story you'll come to discover you have two marks for missable achievements on your screen. One we have to do immediately the other we'll get some help on.
I strongly reccomend you grind to around level 3-4 it will help you survive the upcoming run. We need to make our way to Dalmasca Westersands,
Here's a list of stuff you can do now that Pamelo has joined you (In order of ascending difficulty):
Wolf in the Waste (5) - Complete hunt Wolf in the Waste
Petitioner: Gatsly Petitioner's Location: Rabanastre/East End (The Sandsea) Marks Location: Dalmasca Westersand (Galtea Downs)