Wish this Set January 2025 - RetroAchievements/RANews GitHub Wiki

Wish This Set is a showcase for our passionate community members to write about the games they love that aren't yet represented on the site. Is there a game you'd like to see receive an achievement set? Let us know by sending a private message to {% rauserpic RANews %}. We encourage you to explain what makes the game so special to you, and you may be featured in a future issue of RANews!

WWF War Zone (PlayStation)

Game Console Genre
WWF War Zone WWF War Zone PlayStation Fighting / Sports
  • Write-up by: {% rauserpic AssClownKing %}

One of the best things about retro gaming is you can take a look at the history of a genre, and sites like this allow you to experience those games in any order you choose, with all the improvements of the more recent titles or the foibles of previous ones. The PS1 era of pro wrestling games encompasses the vast majority of what is known as the "Attitude Era", where pushing the envelope in the spirit of competition was the norm. The PS1 had the first two in the SmackDown! series, published by THQ, and had more of a frantic arcadey feel to it. But before that, Acclaim had the rights to make games for the WWF, which brings us to War Zone.

Rather than the slow, methodical, almost simulation games from AKI on the N64 (WCW/nWo Revenge, WWF WrestleMania 2000 and No Mercy), and unlike the total nonstop action of the SmackDown series, War Zone takes its inspiration from a different genre entirely: one-on-one fighting games. You still have your regular grapples, strikes, and finishers, but you do them through button combos in the same way you would in a Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat.

While the version on N64 already has a set, the PS1 version had CD quality sound design including the actual entrance themes of its 18 included wrestlers. Thanks to the added space of the CD-ROM, this version ALSO has FMV cutscenes that... well, the PS1 isn't exactly known for its high quality acting, this is no different outside of a very small set of exceptions (Stone Cold Steve Austin sounds exactly like he would in the ring, but the British Bulldog... well, I don't know if he was known for his promo ability).

The thing that really sets this apart for me is actually the commentary team. Professional Monster Vince McMahon and Voice of the Monday Night Wars Jim Ross are the duo on the mic, and I have to say the calls in this game rival those of even the more recent 2K WWE games. The enthusiasm is there, it matches the action in the ring, both for its time and even in the modern day. The commentary team's job is to make the audience feel like they're part of the action, and they deliver here.

Yes, the matches can feel stiff because of the fighting game controls, but it was a sign of the times. 3D wrestling was still in its infancy, there was some growing pains, but it arguably works on this occasion. If you are a fan of the Attitude Era, or the Monday Night Wars, you owe it to yourself to check this one out (you know, once there are achievements to be earned for the struggle).

The Sims 2: Pets (Game Boy Advance)

Game Console Genre
The Sims 2: Pets The Sims 2: Pets Game Boy Advance Pet Simulation
  • Write-up by: {% rauserpic crrool %}

Do you like The Sims? Well, if you do, The Sims 2: Pets for the Game Boy Advance is the perfect game for you.

The Sims 2: Pets starts with getting a small house in Barkersville. After setting up some basic furniture, you are told that you'd be happier if you had a pet. Your options are a dog or a cat which you get from the local pet store. Throughout the game you can train your pet, level your skills, work some jobs, and upgrade your house (and even move into a much bigger house when you earned enough money), all the while making friends with the locals and doing your normal Sims stuff.

Are you a dev thinking this would be a hassle to develop with a game like this? Well, I have good news for you. The game already comes packed with 100 built-in achievements (called medals), including things like moving into the largest house, getting a gold medal on each of the games, maxing out your skills, teaching your pet every trick, owning a penguin, surviving a week, and so on. The set could be as easy to make as linking the achievements to the already existing medals and it would make for a solid set.

In conclusion, the game is perfect for any Sim loving achievement hunters out there and perfect for any dev looking for a big game giving you all you need for a good set on a silver platter.

Devilish: The Next Possession | Bad Omen (Genesis/Mega Drive)

Game Console Genre
Devilish: The Next Possession | Bad Omen Devilish: The Next Possession | Bad Omen Genesis/Mega Drive Brick Breakers
  • Write-up by: {% rauserpic Bilalscape12 %}

The sequel to Devilish, Devilish is a hidden gem series of brick breakers like none other. Instead of focusing on completing specific puzzles, the game requires the player to move the ball through a dungeon of stages similar to Firestriker, but with the added pressure of a time limit. The game has a really nice fantasy setting as the player defeats bosses in a variety of locations such as cemeteries and demonic dungeons. As a time attack game, speedrun and deathless achievements are a perfect complement to the game mechanics. Achievements for the game's overlooked scoring system would also encourage the player to experience the game in a unique manner. If any game on the Genesis deserves a set, it's this one. So do yourself a favor and get some DevQuest 16 (or 11) credit. Jr. devs get put on my special list of very cool people.

Ultraman (SNES/Super Famicom)

Game Console Genre
Ultraman Ultraman SNES/Super Famicom Fighting
  • Write-up by: {% rauserpic cicadahuman %}

Ultraman for the SNES is a predecessor to the Ultraseven game on the same console, but it lacks the same level of "minimum refinement" that Ultraseven had. While it attempts to capture the feel of suitmation combat from the 1960s Ultraman TV series, it's not as fun as Ultraseven. The gameplay is meant to feel slow and stiff, much like the old Japanese TV series featuring giant heroes battling giant monsters, but it doesn't fully capture the magic of those lumbering, suit-based fights. Look to the Ultraman game on the PS2 for a near-perfect blend of suitmation and video game fun.

The combat system emphasizes timed attacks, blocking, and dodging over fast combos, which reflects the limitations of the heavy suits the actors wore in the original series. However, Ultraman’s controls feel more cumbersome than nostalgic, making the game more of a slog due to its sluggish mechanics.

Ultraman's attempt to recreate the slow, deliberate battles of the show is admirable, but it lacks the polish needed to make the experience more than just nostalgia. Yet, despite these flaws, the effort to mimic suitmation battles is interesting, and for fans of Ultraman or the Tokusatsu genre, this would be a fun set to play and beat.

Stunt Race FX (SNES/Super Famicom)

Game Console Genre
Stunt Race FX Stunt Race FX SNES/Super Famicom Arcade Racing
  • Write-up by: {% rauserpic AmazingBaha %}

I'm surprised this doesn't already have a set with 76 requests (it'd be 77 but I'm out of requests for now). I remember loving Stunt Race FX as a kid – it was janky, using a Super FX chip similar to Star Fox, but had a decent amount of content and features I feel would be great for a cheevo set.

There's a main racing mode, a star collecting mode using unique tracks, some kind of battle mode with its own tracks, and a free racing option so you can time attack your favorite courses. The main racing mode also has these bonus levels where you drive a truck that controls like crap. It also has a handful of unlocks such as a unique vehicle and a third class with unique tracks.

Unlocking those and an Arwing Easter egg could make for an interesting set, along with time attack and bonus stage targets. Because there's also damage and boost meters, there's also room for no boost, no crash, and no damage challenges (these two differ in that scraping against a wall does relatively little chip damage, while a high-speed crash temporarily disassembles the car, deals heavy damage, and it takes a short pause to be put back together). The cars are also different to the point where there could be challenges unique to each one. While looking up available unlocks, it also turns out there's a way to get the CPU to control P2 in the battle mode – that could inspire a whole other category of achievements.

I recorded some gameplay for illustration, but in short this is a fun game that, given a little love, has the room to become a well-rounded and engaging set. Check it out!

The Blues Brothers (SNES/Super Famicom)

Game Console Genre
The Blues Brothers The Blues Brothers SNES/Super Famicom 2D Platforming
  • Write-up by: {% rauserpic Enagonius %}

The Blues Brothers is a delightful blend of action and quirky humor – a combination people wholeheartedly recall from watching the movie, especially as kids. Its platforming makes it a standout title amongst other titles in the SNES libraries, especially when remembered with a bit of nostalgia on your remembering lenses – I know I loved getting it for the weekend at my local renting place. You take on the roles of both characters (Jake and Elwood) as they navigate through a vibrant world filled with challenging levels, memorable music, and entertaining enemies. The game's charming pixel art and catchy soundtrack capture the spirit of the beloved movie, offering a nostalgic experience that resonates with fans of the film and general retro gaming enthusiasts alike. Adding achievements would enhance replayability, encouraging players to complete specific challenges, collect hidden items, or speedrun levels, thereby deepening their engagement with the game's fun mechanics and iconic characters. With its combination of fun gameplay and cultural significance, The Blues Brothers deserves a place in the achievements spotlight. Also, having the set allow for co-op would further improve its fun value!

Sega Bass Fishing 2 (Dreamcast)

Game Console Genre
Sega Bass Fishing 2 Sega Bass Fishing 2 Dreamcast Sports - Fishing
  • Write-up by: {% rauserpic dumbFKNidiot %}

It would make me so happy if Sega Bass Fishing 2 received an achievement set. The incomparable dev, {% rauserpic Fridge %}, produced a set for the first in the series, and if the gameplay itself didn't already have me hooked, the achievements to try for were line and sinker. Now that I put away your uncle's joke book, allow me to reel in your interest (had to do it). The series combines the fast-paced whimsy of arcade action while also requiring the player to think strategically. The game is not a button masher. With experience, the player learns where fish tend to spawn. Also with experience comes the technique to know how to reel in quickly without breaking the line. I have never done serious fishing in real life, but I enjoy fishing video games. I am willing to bet there are fans of the Madden series who never played football and Gran Turismo fans who have never driven a racecar. I digress...I'm hungry for more of the Sega fishing games and looking forward to this one getting a set developed!

~Hack~ Super Metroid Redesign: Axeil Edition (SNES/Super Famicom)

Game Console Genre
\~Hack~ Super Metroid Redesign: Axeil Edition ~Hack~ Super Metroid Redesign: Axeil Edition SNES/Super Famicom Metroidvania
  • Write-up by: {% rauserpic 14ausher %}

Super Metroid: Redesign is a hack that needs no introduction, at least among Super Metroid hack enthusiasts. For everyone else, it's an extremely famous and impressive early Super Metroid hack that made a billion changes, seemingly with the design ethos of "what if Super Metroid was more like Metroid Prime and also really hard". It is absolutely crazy for a hack that came out in 2007. It's also not very fun to play for most people, including myself (someone who has mastered or nearly mastered almost every Metroid hack set on this site) due to the game's aggressive difficulty and extremely heavy physics that make it feel like there's a boulder strapped to Samus at all times. Still, it's a very important hack, even if "it was impressive fifteen years ago" is hardly a selling point when modern hacks do more and feel so much better to play.

Now, you may wonder what this has to due with wishing for a new game to have a set, and the answer is simple: about a decade after the original Redesign came out, a new version called Super Metroid Redesign: Axeil Edition came out. In my opinion, that version is vastly superior in so many ways, from the difficulty being re-balanced to be much more fun to the physics being retooled so it just plain feels a lot better to the map being better than most official Metroid maps and most hacks... It adds a fast travel system, the awful grapple area is retooled to make vastly more sense (the original just killed you if you made one mistake right after you got the item), the Space Jump is the good modern Space Jump that lets you jump infinitely unconditionally instead of the awful original one that breaks if you fall too far (which is terrible when you're heavy)... Don't forget the save stations. The original Redesign was very lacking in save points for technical reasons, but now there seem to be twice as many of them, and fast travel makes that less of an issue anyway.

I could go on for days about the little differences that make Axeil Edition better to play than the original, but many of them are very spoilery or are just kind of hard to appreciate if you haven't played the original, but they still make it a much better game. As such, I really wish it had a set alongside the original so the improvements could be highlighted and people could be encouraged to play the better version. The original is such an easy game to get discouraged in and quit, even for Metroid hack veterans, but that's not nearly as much of an issue with Axeil Edition.

Axeil Edition is also ripe for some interesting achievements as well, with there notably being a special challenge playthrough type thing that the game encourages that changes up your equipment in a unique way, and an extra difficult hell run (a section where you take constant damage, which was forced in the original but optional in this version). In normal play, there is very little reason to actually do that hell run outside of it being marginally faster if you get it first try, which makes it absolutely perfect for a challenge achievement.

Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild (PlayStation 2)

Game Console Genre
Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild PlayStation 2 Extreme Sports - Watercross
  • Write-up by: {% rauserpic ViceroyOfMonteCristo %}

The number of Jet Ski racing (aka Watercross) games out there is quite sparse; outside of Wave Race, it's hard to find any, let alone good ones. One of the few released was a game called Splashdown for the PS2 and Xbox, developed by Rainbow Studios (who also created the very-similar-in-gameplay ATV Offroad Fury series), which was generally accepted as a pretty good game at the time, though it didn't make much of an impact due to it just being a standard formulaic racing game with the addition of stunts. However, when it came to a sequel, Rainbow was willing to take a much more creative direction with gameplay.

In addition to Rides Gone Wild adding a boost system which rewards you with increased speed for more complex stunt chains, the team greatly expanded the number of available tracks, in addition to full-scale multi-level stunt arenas. The standard stadium track layouts are accompanied by a collection of specialty circuits which feature dynamic layouts that change between laps (similarly to games like Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing) in exotic locations like the Bermuda Triangle, a Jurassic Park knockoff, and a medieval castle.

Overall, this is another case where the sequel to a game is better than the original due to the developers being more willing to take risks with gameplay mechanics and learning about what makes a racing game enjoyable to play. In the original game there wasn't much incentive to perform stunts outside of gaining score, and often the biggest complaint about racing games is the monotony of driving around the same path for 3 laps, and this game successfully made changes that improved on both of those issues.

Airforce Delta Strike (PlayStation 2)

Game Console Genre
Airforce Delta Strike Airforce Delta Strike PlayStation 2 Combat Flight Simulation
  • Write-up by: {% rauserpic kylejohnston89 %}

If there is a more perfect underrated game, I'm not sure what it might be. I received this game one year for Christmas, not having asked for it, and it took me a while to play it, but I eventually fell in love with it.

If you enjoy games like Ace Combat, this game is like those, plus anime and science fiction. From the jump, this game distinguishes itself from the Ace Combat series, aesthetically, by having the primary characters have profile pictures whenever they communicate. In the first mission you realize something is different - the enemies are all hyper-advanced aircraft straight out of science fiction. In-between missions are like a visual novel with anime-style drawings - it all seems very fresh, considering how the Ace Combat series refrains from showing any of the characters outside of pre-rendered cutscenes.

Not only that, but you can choose which character you'd like to play as, which, at a certain point, changes the direction and outcome of the story. Each character has their own set of planes, so things don't get boring after several playthroughs. You have the opportunity to play as fighters, attackers, high speed/high altitude planes, VTOLs, and WW2 prop planes - and each character's story ends differently - even into space!

As a special bonus, after you complete the game, you start to unlock special planes from other Konami properties. Imagine flying as Vic Viper, TwinBee, Axelay, and many others into 3D aerial combat.

I hope you will give this game a chance and see it gain achievements soon!

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