Top Masteries February 2025 - RetroAchievements/RANews GitHub Wiki


We are going to take a look at another metric for greatness, Mastery Awards. Mastery awards are given to users when they complete every achievement for a given set in hardcore mode. Users wear mastery awards as a badge of honor on their profile page representing all the hard work they put into truly becoming a master of the game.

Below we will take a look at which users rank among the best with the most mastery awards in several categories well as notable updates from the previous month to each individual category. Check to see how you rank among the rest of the community members.

Special thanks to {% rauserpic Nydaxn %} for creating the ranking image templates.

* Data as of February 1st 2025.

Current Champions

:joystick: Category :trophy: Champions Mastery Awards
{% rasystempic 0, Total Awards %} {% rauserpic Amir96lx %} 1412
{% rasystempic 0, Event Awards %} {% rauserpic Hotscrock %} 42
{% rasystempic 0, Site Awards %} {% rauserpic Snow %} 38
{% rasystempic 0, Hacks %} {% rauserpic HolyShinx %} 373
{% rasystempic 0, Homebrews %} {% rauserpic Amir96lx %} 367
{% rasystempic 0, Subsets %} {% rauserpic GreninjaMan %} 48
{% rasystempic 43 %} {% rauserpic HotCoffee %} 17
{% rasystempic 37 %} {% rauserpic SilentsongEQ %} 26
{% rasystempic 38 %} {% rauserpic Sylrifaide %} 50
{% rasystempic 27 %} {% rauserpic LordBBH %} 159
{% rasystempic 73 %} {% rauserpic Maximdraco %} 29
{% rasystempic 71 %} {% rauserpic Sylrifaide %} 69
{% rasystempic 25 %} {% rauserpic PMniac %} 126
{% rasystempic 51 %} {% rauserpic PMniac %} 21
{% rasystempic 17 %} {% rauserpic PMniac %} 12
{% rasystempic 77 %} {% rauserpic sludgemastic %} 9
{% rasystempic 13 %} {% rauserpic Jungon %} 15
{% rasystempic 44 %} {% rauserpic PMniac %} 24
{% rasystempic 40 %} {% rauserpic Yordlebreeder %} 63
{% rasystempic 75 %} {% rauserpic 9marlin4 %}{% rauserpic Amir96lx %} 26
{% rasystempic 57 %} {% rauserpic Maximdraco %} 33
{% rasystempic 4 %} {% rauserpic Sarconius %} 167
{% rasystempic 5 %} {% rauserpic bonecrusher1022 %} 208
{% rasystempic 6 %} {% rauserpic pitapocket17 %} 186
{% rasystempic 15 %} {% rauserpic Nydaxn %} 100
{% rasystempic 16 %} {% rauserpic grapeisgreat %} 30
{% rasystempic 45 %} {% rauserpic Jungon %} 28
{% rasystempic 74 %} {% rauserpic wizface2137 %} 34
{% rasystempic 23 %} {% rauserpic Maximdraco %} 26
{% rasystempic 11 %} {% rauserpic Jungon %} 117
{% rasystempic 1 %} {% rauserpic Jungon %} 123
{% rasystempic 69 %} {% rauserpic AzuchiAkeshi %} 20
{% rasystempic 29 %} {% rauserpic Jungon %} 16
{% rasystempic 2 %} {% rauserpic AstroFennec %} 74
{% rasystempic 56 %} {% rauserpic LordBBH %} 9
{% rasystempic 14 %} {% rauserpic MelodyAsh %} 17
{% rasystempic 7 %} {% rauserpic mx01 %} 317
{% rasystempic 18 %} {% rauserpic Olafur %} 170
{% rasystempic 78 %} {% rauserpic MiningMario %} 46
{% rasystempic 8 %} {% rauserpic Nanashi %} 28
{% rasystempic 76 %} {% rauserpic Nanashi %} 22
{% rasystempic 47 %} {% rauserpic Jungon %} 27
{% rasystempic 49 %} {% rauserpic Nanashi %} 13
{% rasystempic 12 %} {% rauserpic FBiDev %} 143
{% rasystempic 21 %} {% rauserpic Myanjo %} 102
{% rasystempic 41 %} {% rauserpic vaanxbahn %} 78
{% rasystempic 24 %} {% rauserpic Sylrifaide %} 38
{% rasystempic 10 %} {% rauserpic Nevanos %} 6
{% rasystempic 37 %} {% rauserpic Sarconius %} 29
{% rasystempic 9 %} {% rauserpic Drakub %} 20
{% rasystempic 33 %} {% rauserpic Jungon %} 62
{% rasystempic 3 %} {% rauserpic danibodom %} 285
{% rasystempic 80 %} {% rauserpic GregHouse007 %} 36
{% rasystempic 46 %} {% rauserpic Eeroz %}{% rauserpic Jungon %} 17
{% rasystempic 28 %} {% rauserpic Jungon %}{% rauserpic Grahamtams %} 18
{% rasystempic 72 %} {% rauserpic Amir96lx %} 56
{% rasystempic 63 %} {% rauserpic AzuchiAkeshi %} 53
{% rasystempic 53 %} {% rauserpic GregHouse007 %} 13

Notable Milestones

1400 Mastery Awards

|{% rauserpic Amir96lx %}|||

1100 Mastery Awards

|{% rauserpic Sarconius %}|{% rauserpic Whoops %}||

800 Mastery Awards

|{% rauserpic ChocoMilk %}|{% rauserpic MaddieKittyTV %}||

500 Mastery Awards

|{% rauserpic GregHouse007 %}|{% rauserpic SuperMeatBro %}||

400 Mastery Awards

|{% rauserpic adamjohnny5 %}|{% rauserpic Adenothe %}|{% rauserpic Kofigao %}|

300 Mastery Awards

|{% rauserpic ElMullet %}|{% rauserpic REMLEZAR %}|{% rauserpic RevJohn %}|

200 Mastery Awards

|{% rauserpic Appotheozz %}|{% rauserpic AstroFennec %}|{% rauserpic CassetteCobra %}| |{% rauserpic CMatador %}|{% rauserpic DeeCee %}|{% rauserpic eazytheskeazy %}| |{% rauserpic Kijin %}|{% rauserpic eazytheskeazy %}|{% rauserpic Kijin %}| |{% rauserpic KollegaKot %}|{% rauserpic Lockerdown3 %}|{% rauserpic Natista %}| |{% rauserpic ramiroabreu %}|{% rauserpic Scoobynate1313 %}|{% rauserpic sireture %}|

100 Mastery Awards

|{% rauserpic abdalin %}|{% rauserpic alundra82 %}|{% rauserpic Antrax %}| |{% rauserpic ArandomPikachu %}|{% rauserpic Asahina %}|{% rauserpic authorblues %}| |{% rauserpic beatbeat %}|{% rauserpic benit149 %}|{% rauserpic bezileon %}| |{% rauserpic BlueShellBeast %}|{% rauserpic Bubzia %}|{% rauserpic CMinusMinus %}| |{% rauserpic cutegirlclover %}|{% rauserpic daphnesmash %}|{% rauserpic Distort8936 %}| |{% rauserpic DJSergeich %}|{% rauserpic EfeNeptuno %}|{% rauserpic Elainatg433 %}| |{% rauserpic FerretPlayingPS4 %}|{% rauserpic JAM %}|{% rauserpic JeanBlasay %}| |{% rauserpic KNess %}|{% rauserpic Knifemaker1 %}|{% rauserpic Labuff %}| |{% rauserpic Lasertronic %}|{% rauserpic Legendarylink0 %}|{% rauserpic LilliesMADs %}| |{% rauserpic lypsix %}|{% rauserpic Maniatikiller %}|{% rauserpic MisterNigth %}| |{% rauserpic MUPPY %}|{% rauserpic Niepyx %}|{% rauserpic NimbusSpark %}| |{% rauserpic RANGO666 %}|{% rauserpic Remydoodle %}|{% rauserpic RetKonRow %}| |{% rauserpic scatter %}|{% rauserpic shroome %}|{% rauserpic SomeGirl %}| |{% rauserpic supersharpy64 %}|{% rauserpic SwanMuffin27 %}|{% rauserpic tininsteelian %}| |{% rauserpic usedpizza %}|{% rauserpic Verros %}|{% rauserpic yendihunt %}| |{% rauserpic YoshioFruit %}|{% rauserpic zenanomaly %}||

Category Rankings

Total Awards

  • {% rauserpic Amir96lx %} remains in 1st with 1412 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Blazekickn %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 11 place.
  • {% rauserpic MiningMario %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 13 place.
  • {% rauserpic Sutarion %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 14 place.
  • {% rauserpic ChocoMilk %} has moved up +3 spots and is in 16 place.
  • {% rauserpic HolyShinx %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 21 place.
  • {% rauserpic Pixelach %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 24 place.

Total Awards (Excluding Hacks)

  • {% rauserpic Amir96lx %} remains in 1st with 1358 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Andrey199650 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 9 place.
  • {% rauserpic Sutarion %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 12 place.
  • {% rauserpic ChocoMilk %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 14 place.
  • {% rauserpic sludgemastic %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 17 place.
  • {% rauserpic Pixelach %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 19 place.
  • {% rauserpic pitapocket17 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 23 place.
  • {% rauserpic vaanxbahn %} has made it into the top 25 and is in 25 place.

Event Awards

  • {% rauserpic Hotscrock %} remains in 1st with 42 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic AuburnRDM %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 4 place.
  • {% rauserpic BahamutVoid %} has moved up +2 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 7 place.
  • {% rauserpic msdmario %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 16 place.

Site Awards

  • {% rauserpic Snow %} remains in 1st with 38 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic ladynadiad %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 2 place.
  • {% rauserpic Excessiveiser %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 7 place.
  • {% rauserpic Sines %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic SlashTangent %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic WanderingHeiho %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic Bryan1150 %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 11 place.
  • {% rauserpic kmpers %} has moved up +3 spots and is tied for 11 place.
  • {% rauserpic Hexadigital %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 13 place.
  • {% rauserpic Amir96lx %} has moved up +2 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic StingX2 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic Hotscrock %} has moved up +3 spots and is tied for 18 place.
  • {% rauserpic LogicalFallacy %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 21 place.
  • {% rauserpic Tayadaoc %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 21 place.
  • {% rauserpic s0uth %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 4-way tie for 23 place.
  • {% rauserpic Searo %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 4-way tie for 23 place.
  • {% rauserpic Sutarion %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 4-way tie for 23 place.

Hack Awards

  • {% rauserpic HolyShinx %} remains in 1st with 373 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Tarikkanbour %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 3 place.
  • {% rauserpic Draco655 %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 18 place.
  • {% rauserpic SuperMeatBro %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 21 place.

Homebrew Awards

  • {% rauserpic Amir96lx %} remains in 1st with 367 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Lonoke31 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 6 place.
  • {% rauserpic Timmay %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 9 place.
  • {% rauserpic MarioKness %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 13 place.
  • {% rauserpic pitapocket17 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 17 place.
  • {% rauserpic vaanxbahn %} has made it into the top 25 and is in 19 place.
  • {% rauserpic atvdriver %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 20 place.
  • {% rauserpic NeoRetroGamer %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 22 place.
  • {% rauserpic GregHouse007 %} has made it into the top 25 and is in 24 place.

Subset Awards

  • {% rauserpic GreninjaMan %} remains in 1st with 48 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic xenoriddley %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 4 place.
  • {% rauserpic KyoTheCat %} has moved up +6 spots and is in a 8-way tie for 19 place.
  • {% rauserpic OldSport %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 8-way tie for 19 place.
  • {% rauserpic Slime95 %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 8-way tie for 19 place.

Amstrad CPC

  • {% rauserpic SilentsongEQ %} remains in 1st with 26 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic NEOMAR %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 5 place.
  • {% rauserpic ChocoMilk %} has moved up +4 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 10 place.

Apple II

  • {% rauserpic Sylrifaide %} remains in 1st with 50 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Jamiras %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 9 place.


  • {% rauserpic LordBBH %} remains in 1st with 159 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic AliasMcDoe %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 4 place.
  • {% rauserpic Dazzer123456 %} has moved up +4 spots and is in 5 place.
  • {% rauserpic jaydee03 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 9 place.
  • {% rauserpic sludgemastic %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 10 place.
  • {% rauserpic MarceloSSR %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 11 place.
  • {% rauserpic ramosgamer81 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 12 place.
  • {% rauserpic ILLSeaBass %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 13 place.
  • {% rauserpic Whoops %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 14 place.
  • {% rauserpic Nanashi %} has moved up +7 spots and is in 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic cannonwillow %} has made it into the top 25 and is tied for 17 place.
  • {% rauserpic dorayaki %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 17 place.

Arcadia 2001

  • {% rauserpic Maximdraco %} remains in 1st with 29 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic beatbeat %} has made it into the top 25 and is tied for 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic CiaoTime %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 10-way tie for 22 place.


  • {% rauserpic Sylrifaide %} remains in 1st with 69 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Dominick %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic Maximdraco %} has moved up +6 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic sludgemastic %} has moved up +9 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic ChocoMilk %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 21 place.

Atari 2600

  • {% rauserpic PMniac %} remains in 1st with 126 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic KNess %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 16 place.
  • {% rauserpic ChocoMilk %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 21 place.

Atari Jaguar CD

  • {% rauserpic sludgemastic %} remains in 1st with 9 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic DeeCee %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 4-way tie for 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic RevJohn %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 14-way tie for 12 place.


  • {% rauserpic Yordlebreeder %} remains in 1st with 63 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic AlleycatAndrea %} has moved up +3 spots and is tied for 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic Amir96lx %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 11 place.
  • {% rauserpic Tayadaoc %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 5-way tie for 13 place.
  • {% rauserpic ElectricAngel %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 18 place.

Elektor TV Games Computer

  • {% rauserpic 9marlin4 %} remains in 1st with 26 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Jungon %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 7 place.
  • {% rauserpic DrunkenSuperman %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 11 place.
  • {% rauserpic arthmarellion %} has moved up +11 spots and is tied for 14 place.
  • {% rauserpic CiaoTime %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 8-way tie for 21 place.
  • {% rauserpic DeeCee %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 8-way tie for 21 place.

Fairchild Channel F

  • {% rauserpic Maximdraco %} remains in 1st with 33 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Knifemaker1 %} has made it into the top 25 and is tied for 4 place.

Game Boy

  • {% rauserpic Sarconius %} remains in 1st with 167 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic seilahehe %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 5 place.
  • {% rauserpic Lonoke31 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 7 place.
  • {% rauserpic Whoops %} has moved up +3 spots and is in 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic Amir96lx %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 9 place.
  • {% rauserpic Andrey199650 %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 10 place.
  • {% rauserpic PaddyW %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 12 place.
  • {% rauserpic AuburnRDM %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 13 place.
  • {% rauserpic metalbubble403 %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 13 place.
  • {% rauserpic Bendyhuman %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic CraneD %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 16 place.
  • {% rauserpic pitapocket17 %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 16 place.
  • {% rauserpic Maximdraco %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 19 place.
  • {% rauserpic MiningMario %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 20 place.
  • {% rauserpic Niepyx %} has made it into the top 25 and is tied for 20 place.
  • {% rauserpic NeuroVoid %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 22 place.
  • {% rauserpic Searo %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 22 place.

Game Boy Advance

  • {% rauserpic bonecrusher1022 %} remains in 1st with 208 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Bendyhuman %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic ShadwSonic %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic NEOMAR %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 10 place.
  • {% rauserpic BatFastardJordy %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 11 place.
  • {% rauserpic Valenstein %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 11 place.
  • {% rauserpic Whoops %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 13 place.
  • {% rauserpic Sarconius %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic Amir96lx %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 17 place.
  • {% rauserpic DustinRomero1268 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 18 place.
  • {% rauserpic MiningMario %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 19 place.
  • {% rauserpic MaddieKittyTV %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 20 place.
  • {% rauserpic vaanxbahn %} has made it into the top 25 and is tied for 21 place.
  • {% rauserpic Xymjak %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 21 place.

Game Boy Color

  • {% rauserpic valeforge %} has taken 1st place with 186 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Lonoke31 %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 4 place.
  • {% rauserpic MiningMario %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 16 place.
  • {% rauserpic NeoRetroGamer %} has moved up +3 spots and is in 19 place.
  • {% rauserpic vaanxbahn %} has made it into the top 25 and is in 22 place.
  • {% rauserpic Purgta %} has made it into the top 25 and is in 23 place.
  • {% rauserpic ChocoMilk %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 3-way tie for 24 place.

Game Gear

  • {% rauserpic Nydaxn %} remains in 1st with 100 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic NEOMAR %} has moved up +3 spots and is tied for 9 place.
  • {% rauserpic BOP95 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 12 place.
  • {% rauserpic pitapocket17 %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 13 place.
  • {% rauserpic Waishler %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 13 place.
  • {% rauserpic guineu %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic Lonoke31 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic Whoops %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic Xymjak %} has moved up +5 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic RustyRick %} has made it into the top 25 and is tied for 22 place.


  • {% rauserpic grapeisgreat %} remains in 1st with 30 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic StarrlightSims %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 3 place.
  • {% rauserpic bonecrusher1022 %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 7 place.
  • {% rauserpic Griffin %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 7 place.
  • {% rauserpic Sarconius %} has moved up +4 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 9 place.
  • {% rauserpic GreninjaMan %} has moved up +10 spots and is tied for 12 place.
  • {% rauserpic Darien %} has moved up +6 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 14 place.
  • {% rauserpic Darkfang114 %} has moved up +6 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 14 place.
  • {% rauserpic dude1286 %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 3-way tie for 18 place.
  • {% rauserpic Abucay41 %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 10-way tie for 21 place.
  • {% rauserpic CassetteCobra %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 10-way tie for 21 place.

Interton VC 4000

  • {% rauserpic Maximdraco %} has taken 1st place with 34 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Amir96lx %} has moved up +3 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 5 place.
  • {% rauserpic beatbeat %} has moved up +5 spots and is tied for 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic HeroMaster %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 6-way tie for 19 place.
  • {% rauserpic NEOMAR %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 6-way tie for 19 place.

Master System

  • {% rauserpic Jungon %} remains in 1st with 117 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic OmniMirror %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 3 place.
  • {% rauserpic Kerthrad %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 7 place.
  • {% rauserpic Nanashi %} has moved up +3 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 10 place.
  • {% rauserpic Lonoke31 %} has moved up +2 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 20 place.
  • {% rauserpic Sutarion %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 4-way tie for 20 place.

Mega Drive

  • {% rauserpic Jungon %} has taken 1st place with 123 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Nanashi %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 2 place.
  • {% rauserpic ramosgamer81 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 3 place.
  • {% rauserpic azulejo %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 4 place.
  • {% rauserpic Nightstorm %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 5 place.
  • {% rauserpic tmap %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 5 place.
  • {% rauserpic Fanonos %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 7 place.
  • {% rauserpic Nevanos %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic MaxMilyin %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 9 place.
  • {% rauserpic BOP95 %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 10 place.
  • {% rauserpic Sarconius %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 10 place.
  • {% rauserpic Baalbanio %} has moved up +7 spots and is in 12 place.
  • {% rauserpic Kron %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic TindalosKeeper %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 16 place.
  • {% rauserpic AxelViex %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 17 place.
  • {% rauserpic BerserkerBR %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 18 place.
  • {% rauserpic drakonos85 %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 18 place.
  • {% rauserpic JuniorArievilo %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 20 place.
  • {% rauserpic Xymjak %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 20 place.
  • {% rauserpic celsoaffini %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 22 place.
  • {% rauserpic fianovale %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 23 place.
  • {% rauserpic HippopotamusRex %} has made it into the top 25 and is tied for 23 place.
  • {% rauserpic Arekdias %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 3-way tie for 25 place.

Mega Duck

  • {% rauserpic AzuchiAkeshi %} remains in 1st with 20 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic ChocoMilk %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 17-way tie for 19 place.
  • {% rauserpic DeeCee %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 17-way tie for 19 place.

Nintendo 64

  • {% rauserpic AstroFennec %} remains in 1st with 74 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic ChocoMilk %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 3-way tie for 15 place.


  • {% rauserpic mx01 %} remains in 1st with 317 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic MaxMilyin %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic Shroomer %} has moved up +3 spots and is in 10 place.
  • {% rauserpic Pixelach %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 14 place.
  • {% rauserpic gnarblast %} has moved up +2 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 19 place.

Nintendo DS

  • {% rauserpic Olafur %} remains in 1st with 170 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Suffa28 %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 9 place.
  • {% rauserpic Timmay %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 11 place.
  • {% rauserpic Blazekickn %} has moved up +3 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic BeekBeek85 %} has moved up +2 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 20 place.
  • {% rauserpic ElMullet %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 3-way tie for 20 place.

Nintendo DSi

  • {% rauserpic MiningMario %} remains in 1st with 46 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic minibt %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 4 place.
  • {% rauserpic quinnlivin %} has moved up +4 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 15 place.

PC Engine

  • {% rauserpic Nanashi %} remains in 1st with 28 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Kerthrad %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 16 place.
  • {% rauserpic Shinrashinobi %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 6-way tie for 18 place.
  • {% rauserpic FlyssWhizzle %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 6-way tie for 24 place.

PC Engine CD

  • {% rauserpic Nanashi %} remains in 1st with 22 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Reeve42 %} has moved up +8 spots and is in a 6-way tie for 9 place.
  • {% rauserpic Aeliana %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 14-way tie for 22 place.


  • {% rauserpic Jungon %} remains in 1st with 27 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic NEOMAR %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 3 place.
  • {% rauserpic jaydee03 %} has moved up +4 spots and is tied for 5 place.
  • {% rauserpic MiningMario %} has moved up +4 spots and is in 9 place.
  • {% rauserpic Timmay %} has moved up +2 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 11 place.
  • {% rauserpic DrunkenSuperman %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 3-way tie for 14 place.
  • {% rauserpic Sutarion %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 3-way tie for 14 place.
  • {% rauserpic DeeCee %} has moved up +5 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 17 place.
  • {% rauserpic Mindhral %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 17 place.
  • {% rauserpic ValueOfTime0 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 17 place.
  • {% rauserpic CariocaMEX %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 7-way tie for 21 place.
  • {% rauserpic ChocoMilk %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 7-way tie for 21 place.
  • {% rauserpic Lonoke31 %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 7-way tie for 21 place.


  • {% rauserpic FBiDev %} remains in 1st with 143 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Sarconius %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 7 place.
  • {% rauserpic ChronoGear %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic IantasGames1995 %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 11 place.
  • {% rauserpic ShadwSonic %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic Pikacshu %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 3-way tie for 18 place.

PlayStation 2

  • {% rauserpic Myanjo %} remains in 1st with 102 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Mooseh %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 5 place.
  • {% rauserpic ChronoGear %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 6 place.
  • {% rauserpic Andrey199650 %} has moved up +5 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 10 place.
  • {% rauserpic Mentro %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 18 place.
  • {% rauserpic Lonoke31 %} has moved up +2 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 20 place.
  • {% rauserpic ShadwSonic %} has moved up +2 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 20 place.
  • {% rauserpic WeerDough %} has made it into the top 25 and is in 25 place.

PlayStation Portable

  • {% rauserpic vaanxbahn %} remains in 1st with 78 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic igopi %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 4 place.
  • {% rauserpic ChocoMilk %} has moved up +2 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 7 place.
  • {% rauserpic Varilinity %} has moved up +2 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 7 place.
  • {% rauserpic Lonoke31 %} has moved up +4 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 12 place.
  • {% rauserpic Blazekickn %} has moved up +4 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 16 place.
  • {% rauserpic IantasGames1995 %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 3-way tie for 23 place.
  • {% rauserpic Pixelach %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 3-way tie for 23 place.

Pokémon Mini

  • {% rauserpic Sylrifaide %} remains in 1st with 38 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic 9marlin4 %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 6-way tie for 17 place.

Sega Saturn

  • {% rauserpic Sarconius %} remains in 1st with 29 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Nevanos %} has moved up +3 spots and is in a 5-way tie for 7 place.
  • {% rauserpic Sutarion %} has moved up +3 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 12 place.
  • {% rauserpic Foxyman1113 %} has moved up +4 spots and is in a 7-way tie for 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic Reeve42 %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 7-way tie for 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic KnockerKrazy %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 10-way tie for 22 place.

Sega CD

  • {% rauserpic Drakub %} remains in 1st with 20 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Whoops %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 3 place.
  • {% rauserpic Nanashi %} has moved up +8 spots and is in a 6-way tie for 5 place.
  • {% rauserpic ValueOfTime0 %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 8-way tie for 11 place.


  • {% rauserpic Jungon %} remains in 1st with 62 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Sutarion %} has moved up +2 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 16 place.
  • {% rauserpic Teran01 %} has moved up +3 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 19 place.


  • {% rauserpic danibodom %} remains in 1st with 285 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic ramosgamer81 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 2 place.
  • {% rauserpic Sarconius %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 3 place.
  • {% rauserpic MaxMilyin %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 4 place.
  • {% rauserpic Kofigao %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 5 place.
  • {% rauserpic ChronoGear %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 7 place.
  • {% rauserpic HippopotamusRex %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic Valenstein %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 9 place.
  • {% rauserpic MarcosRx %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 10 place.
  • {% rauserpic BerserkerBR %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 11 place.
  • {% rauserpic metalbubble403 %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 12 place.
  • {% rauserpic guineu %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 13 place.
  • {% rauserpic Xymjak %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 14 place.
  • {% rauserpic Andrey199650 %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 15 place.
  • {% rauserpic bilcassonato %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 16 place.
  • {% rauserpic Dehly %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 17 place.
  • {% rauserpic BigFish %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 18 place.
  • {% rauserpic FabricioPrie %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 19 place.
  • {% rauserpic Xotoco %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 20 place.
  • {% rauserpic AmericanNinja %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 21 place.
  • {% rauserpic Madawk %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 22 place.
  • {% rauserpic KnockerKrazy %} has moved up +2 spots and is in 23 place.
  • {% rauserpic Tiagofsp %} has made it into the top 25 and is in 24 place.
  • {% rauserpic AzuchiAkeshi %} has made it into the top 25 and is tied for 25 place.


  • {% rauserpic GregHouse007 %} remains in 1st with 36 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic sludgemastic %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 2 place.
  • {% rauserpic Dominick %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 3 place.
  • {% rauserpic NEOMAR %} has moved up +3 spots and is in 5 place.
  • {% rauserpic ChocoMilk %} has moved up +2 spots and is in a 3-way tie for 8 place.
  • {% rauserpic Sutarion %} has moved up +2 spots and is tied for 12 place.
  • {% rauserpic DeeCee %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 3-way tie for 17 place.
  • {% rauserpic Crystalline343 %} has moved up +2 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 20 place.
  • {% rauserpic vaanxbahn %} has moved up +1 spots and is in a 4-way tie for 20 place.

Virtual Boy

  • {% rauserpic Grahamtams %} remains in 1st with 18 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic ChocoMilk %} has moved up +3 spots and is in a 5-way tie for 17 place.
  • {% rauserpic NEOMAR %} has moved up +5 spots and is in a 5-way tie for 17 place.
  • {% rauserpic pixelisak %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 6-way tie for 22 place.


  • {% rauserpic Amir96lx %} remains in 1st with 56 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic GregHouse007 %} has moved up +1 spots and is in 2 place.
  • {% rauserpic HolyShinx %} has made it into the top 25 and is in 12 place.
  • {% rauserpic Crystalline343 %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 13 place.
  • {% rauserpic ChocoMilk %} has moved up +3 spots and is in a 6-way tie for 20 place.
  • {% rauserpic ramiroabreu %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 6-way tie for 20 place.

Watara Supervision

  • {% rauserpic AzuchiAkeshi %} remains in 1st with 53 total mastery awards.
  • {% rauserpic Amir96lx %} has moved up +1 spots and is tied for 6 place.
  • {% rauserpic MinatoNamikaze %} has made it into the top 25 and is in a 4-way tie for 23 place.