RA Fan Art April 2024 - RetroAchievements/RANews GitHub Wiki

Many members of our community have drawn far art as a celebration of an achievement or a challenge for an event, such as Rack it Up. In this monthly article, we would like to share with you the ones that have been sent in to us via our inbox! Today, we will be focusing on submissions from the Rack it Up and Challenge League Top 100 events.

If you have made fan art for Bendyhuman's Challenge League Top 100 task and you want us to showcase your art, please send them to our inbox or let any of our members know, thank you! Any other fan art is also welcome!


By {% rauserpic PenguGG %}

The podium is set, and on screen we have Xymjak! He is being interviewed by our favourite blue hedgehog, with the two answering the most important question: "How fast is Xymjak?".


By {% rauserpic Jurbadis %}

It's a combo of Challenge League Top 100 and the RA Mario Party event! Here we see our host Freezestar hand out a star to Ness/Jurbadis. Fuzzy Pickles indeed!


By {% rauserpic DaniloZlatan %}

Walmart's Game Center magazine is seeing a new cover artist entering the stage! DaniloZlatan has made a cover, starring the different variations of Meowth we see across the regions with their own game! All armed out with swords, they are ready to go into action.


By {% rauserpic LogicalFallacy %}

Mario has participated in a lot of sports over the years, but one has always been missing and it's time to change that. LogicalFallacy agrees, and made this mock-up of Mario playing Croquet! Make Mario Croquet real Nintendo!


By {% rauserpic DoctorV %}

Now here we have an obscure one: Greendog, the Beached Surfer Dude! A fairly unknown game in Sega's history, but that didn't stop DoctorV from portraying this laid-back surfer dude in his most natural state.