dom properties - Respo/respo.calcit GitHub Wiki

DOM properties

Respo is updating DOM properties with a simple solution. It's okay but not that friendly. Here are some example on the name mapping:

  • className ->:class-name
  • innerText ->:inner-text
  • innerHTML ->:innerHTML
  • value ->:value

I'm afraid you have to figure out more by yourself.

Properties(except for style and event) are specified in attrs field. style is a HashMap. event is followed with a HashMap of events too.

The impelementation details is:

defn replace-prop (target op)
      prop-name (dashed->camel (name (key op)))
      prop-value (val op)
    if (= prop-name "value")
        not= prop-value (.-value target)
        aset target prop-name prop-value
      aset target prop-name prop-value

defn add-prop (target op)
      prop-name $ dashed->camel (name (key op))
      prop-value $ val op
    case-default prop-name
      aset target prop-name prop-value
      "|style" $ aset target prop-name (style->string prop-value)

defn rm-prop (target op)
  aset target (dashed->camel (name op)) nil
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