dom events - Respo/respo.calcit GitHub Wiki

DOM events

Here is a simple demo handling input events:

input $ {}
  :on-input $ fn (e dispatch!)
    println (:value e)

e is a HashMap with several entries:

def e $ {}
  :type "|input"
  :original-event event

The details:

defn event->edn (event)
  ; js/console.log "|simplify event:" event
    case-default (.-type event)
        :msg (str "|Unhandled event: " (.-type event))
        :type (.-type event)
      |click $ {}
        :type :click
      |keydown $ {}
        :key-code (.-keyCode event)
        :type :keydown
      |keyup $ {}
        :key-code (.-keyCode event)
        :type :keyup
      |input $ {}
        :value (aget (.-target event) "|value")
        :type :input
      |change $ {}
        :value (aget (.-target event) "|value")
        :type :change
      |focus $ {}
        :type :focus
   assoc :original-event event

Events are bound directly on the elements for simplicity and consistency. And it stops propagation when event is triggered.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️