dom elements - Respo/respo.calcit GitHub Wiki
An element is defined with create-element
defmacro a (props & children)
create-element :a ~props ~@children
Where children
comes with keys since Respo always need keys(in keyword, string, or number) to compare children:
[] 1 (span $ {})
[] 2 (span $ {})
And an element created like:
input $ {}
:placeholder "|Pick a name, and hit Enter"
:on-keydown (fn (e dispatch!))
:style $ {}
:line-height 2
:width "|100%"
might be rendered to an element with events bound:
<input placeholder="Pick a name, and hit Enter"
Internally an element is stored with EDN like:
:name tag-name
:coord nil
:attrs attrs
:style styles
:event event
:children children
Some of the frequently used elements are defined in respo.core
a body br button canvas code div footer
h1 h2 head header html hr img input li link
option p pre script section select span style textarea title
Some are not, but you can create them very quickly with create-element