WLED Dual Controller Option - Resinchem/LED-Matrix-Clock_WS2812b GitHub Wiki

If you done much of anything with your own LED strips, you are likely familiar with the excellent WLED program by AirCookie. WLED offers over 100 different lighting patterns and effects (see the current list here, some of which look great on a matrix display).


And while WLED has native integration into Home Assistant, it has a great web and mobile interface in its own right.


Unfortunately, the one thing WLED can't do (yet) is display text, so it won't work for the clock. But to get double-duty out of your matrix, you can simply add a second controller and a toggle switch to alternate between the LED signal sent to the matrix pixels.


I mounted my toggle switch along side the control buttons, but this isn't required. If you are interested in this option, information on building the WLED controller can be found at Building your own LED Light Strip Controller.

Information on how to wire up the second controller can be found at the end of the matrix build details at Resinchem Tech Blog