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The LED matrix clock is composed of 400 WS2812b pixels. It is controlled via an ESP8266 running Arduino code. It offers control options via physical buttons, an integrated web server and advanced features via MQTT/Home Assistant integration.

The frame and enclosure is a simply pine box with a plywood backer board and an acrylic sheet front. It is pretty simple build without the need for any specialty tools or skills. A full parts list and build details can be found at Resinchem Tech Blog.

Key Features:

  • Multiple large number 'fonts': original 7-segment, modern or hybrid
  • Temperature can display indoor or outdoor temperature (via MQTT/External service) in F or C
  • Scoreboard supports 3 character "team names" (e.g. DET, BOS, IND, - or any 3 characters you define).
  • User controllable colors for all display modes
  • Text display supports almost all ASCII characters from 32-122 (except for a couple reserved characters)
  • Text display effects, including flash, flash alternate, fade in/out, appear/appear flash and rainbow
  • Control via 30+ MQTT commands, local buttons or built-in web browser

See the other wiki pages for details on installation, configuration and options.