Cycles - ResgreenGroup/Botway-Documentation GitHub Wiki
Current Location: Home->Customizing BotWay->Cycles
Cycles are pairs of tags used to collect performance metrics for robots. A cycle is defined by the user as starting on a particular route and tag and ending on a particular route and tag. When the robot crosses the first tag in the cycle while on the appropriate route, it begins updating cycle information and continues to do so until it passes the end tag while on the end route. This counts as completing one cycle. BotWay will compute and display the following:
Cycles Completed
Cycle Time Total
Cycle Time Minimum
Cycle Time Maximum
Cycle Time Average
Image: Cycle and Time information accessed from the Robot tiles popout menu.
Log in as Admin and click the "Edit" button in the Toolbar of the map display. Then, click the "Cycles" button.
In the dialogue window that appears, click the "Add" button in the top left of the window.
Fill out the fields in the right half of the window. The cycle ID must be a positive integer and the route and tag information is filled in from dropdown menus.
Click the "Save" button in the top of the dialogue window, then click the "Done" button on the bottom right of the window, then click the "Save" button in the map display toolbar. BotWay will now update cycle information for each robot individually whenever they pass the cycle's start tag on the start route and whenever they pass the end tag on the end route.
Cycles can be edited by selecting an existing cycle from the menu on the left side of the cycle definitions dialogue window, then clicking the "Edit" button on the top of the window. The Edit button changes to the "Save" button when a cycle is being created or changed.
Cycles can be deleted by selecting an existing cycle in the left half of the cycle definitions dialogue window, then clicking the "Remove" button and then "Yes" on the confirmation window that appears. The cycle is now deleted and it is not necessary to click the "Done" or "Save" buttons to finalize a deletion.
Image: Cycle Definition dialogue window.
Any robot may complete a cycle after it has been defined. The cycle metrics update upon cycle completion while the time totals update every five seconds. Each robot does not differentiate between different cycles; as long as a series of tags has been defined to be a cycle and a given robot passes over it, its cycle metrics will be updated. To view information about each robot's cycle data, open the robot's status log by right clicking on its robot tile and selecting "Show Logs." The cycle data will be on the bottom of the "info" tab.