Accessories - ResgreenGroup/Botway-Documentation GitHub Wiki

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BotWay is able to communicate with accessory devices via MQTT and following our custom communication protocol. RGGI has made several wireless accessory devices that can be added directly to BotWay. Below is a list of the accessories available currently and links to more information about them.

Wireless Pushbuttons

BotWay uses wireless buttons to add Jobs to the Job Queue, Release a Robot from a Hold/Wait command or Trigger an Action.


  1. Pushbuttons can be configured to have 1-4 buttons per button box.
  2. Buttons are added to BotWay using the Edit Buttons button in the Map Display Toolbar.
  3. Link to Device Page
  4. Link to Store Page

Wireless Foot Pedals

BotWay uses wireless stations attached to foot pedals to add Jobs to the Job Queue, Release a Robot from a Hold/Wait command or Triggers an Action.


  1. Foot pedals can be configured to have 1-4 pedals per pedal box.
  2. Foot pedals are added to BotWay using the Edit Buttons button in the Map Display Toolbar.
  3. Link to Device Page
  4. Link to Store Page

Wireless Stacklights

BotWay uses wireless Stacklights to signal statuses, warnings, or other custom patterns when Triggers are sent to it from BotWay.


  1. Stacklights have a customizable LED light that can be programmed to show different colors. They can also be programmed to blink and are equipped with a piezo buzzer.
  2. Stacklights are added to BotWay using Triggers that have actions that target the Stacklight.
  3. Link to Device Page
  4. Link to Store Page

Wireless Scissor Lifts

The wireless Scissor Lift is a load handling attachment for PullBuddy AGVs. The Scissor Lift can be controlled directly from BotWay via Triggers from Robots or other Accessories connected to BotWay. Scissor Lift LHFs can be fully extended, retracted or set to a % of the overall height. Firmware is updateable OTA and configured easily through an Internet Browser.

  1. Scissor Lifts have their own internal power supply that powers the Lift without being tethered to a Robot.
  2. Link to Device Page
  3. Link to Store Page

Wireless Proximity Sensors

Proximity Sensors can detect a Human being entering within its cone of vision. The sensor can see up to 20Ft away and in a 110 deg x 70 deg cone pattern. Proximity Sensors can be used to stop Robots from entering blind corners, or any other Trigger via BotWay. Proximity Sensors are commonly used to control lights in offices, warehouses, etc but now they can be used to Trigger so much more. Firmware is updateable OTA and configured easily through an Internet Browser.


  1. Proximity Sensors have a range of up to 20 feet (6 meters) and a 110° x 70° detection zone.
  2. Sensors are added to BotWay using the Edit Triggers button in the Map Display Toolbar.
  3. Link to Device Page
  4. Link to Store Page

Lora Accessories

If Wi-Fi is not a viable option for using RGGI accessories, LoRa gateways can be used instead. These are an alternative to Wi-Fi for wireless communication between devices and BotWay. Link to Device Page