Filter - Reqrefusion/MySQL-JSONify GitHub Wiki
- "lk": LIKE
- "nlk": NOT LIKE
- "cs": contain string (string contains value)
- "ncs": not contain string (string not contains value)
- "sw": start with (string starts with value)
- "ew": end with (string end with value)
- "eq": equal (string or number matches exactly)
- "neq": not equal (string or number matches exactly)
- "lt": lower than (number is lower than value)
- "le": lower or equal (number is lower than or equal to value)
- "ge": greater or equal (number is higher than or equal to value)
- "gt": greater than (number is higher than value)
- "bt": between (number is between two comma separated values)
- "nbt": not between (number is not between two comma separated values)
- "in": in (number or string is in comma separated list of values)
- "nin":not in (number or string is not in comma separated list of values)
- "is": is null (field contains "NULL" value)
- "nis": is not null (field bot not contains "NULL" value)