new README rough draft - Rent-Cap/website GitHub Wiki


website serving as a tool and resource for tenants trying to understand how the Tenant Protection Act will affect them

Table of Contents

Project Overview


Coming into effect statewide in January 2020, the California Tenant Protection Act will place new limits on rent increases and arbitrary evictions. Most corporate-owned residential properties in California that are at least 15 years old will be subject to a 5-10% rent cap and require a ‘just cause’ for eviction. In addition, this law will roll back any rent increases enacted after March 15th, 2019 that were above the rent cap.


We are building RentCap to serve as an important web tool / resource for tenants to access personalized and reliable information about who is protected by the California Tenant Protection Act (AB 1482) and how much their rent can increase under the new law.

It will:

  • Help tenants self-enforce their rights under AB 1482 by offering this web tool as a resource that can provide clarity on eligibility, rent rollback qualification, and rent increases.
  • Be an easily accessible resource that allows more people to be served.

Get Involved

Our project is open-source and under active development, so please get in touch with us and contribute! We have all kinds of ways to contribute, from Copywriting to UX, as well as Front and Back-end development.

First steps:

You can also get in touch with [email protected] for more info, or come find us at the weekly !

Who works on this project?

This project was started during the 2019 National Day of Civic Hacking through the Code for SF brigade. We've joined forces with TechEquity to make RentCap happen!


Include a section for credits in order to highlight and link to the authors of your project.


Put something here like this:

Copyright (C) 2017-2019 RentCap RentCap documentation in this repository is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. See the [LICENSE] file for details. (Just make a relative link to file)

/////// Your README should contain only the necessary information for developers to get started using and contributing to your project. Longer documentation is best suited for wikis, outlined below.

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