Audio - Rengrow/Street-Fighter-II-Gamusinos-Fighters- GitHub Wiki

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Track Name Where does it play? Screenshoot where it plays
01. Title This music plays in the Title Title Screen Image
02. Credit This music plays when you enter a coin in the machine
03. Player Select This music plays in the player select screen Player Selection Image
04. VS. This music plays in the VS Screen before a fight VS Screen Image
05. Japan (Ryu) I These songs plays in the Ryu stage, the number 1, is the default track of the stage and the second is when one of the fighters have low life Ryu Stage Image
06. Japan (Ryu) II
07. Stage End This song plays when a stage ends Post Fight Image
08. Brazil (Blanka) I These songs plays in the Blanka stage, the number 1, is the default track of the stage and the second is when one of the fighters have low life Blanka Stage Image
09. Brazil (Blanka) II
10. U.S.A. (Guile) I These songs plays in the Guile stage, the number 1, is the default track of the stage and the second is when one of the fighters have low life Guile Stage Image
11. U.S.A. (Guile) II
12. China (Chun Li) I These songs plays in the Chun Li stage, the number 1, is the default track of the stage and the second is when one of the fighters have low life Chun Li Stage Image
13. China (Chun Li) II
14. Bonus Stage This song plays in the Bonus Stages Bonus Level Car Image
15. Here Comes A New Challenger This song plays when a new challenger appear New Challenger Image
16. Japan (E. Honda) I These songs plays in the E. Honda stage, the number 1, is the default track of the stage and the second is when one of the fighters have low life E. Honda Stage Image
17. Japan (E. Honda) II
18. U.S.A. (Ken) I These songs plays in the Ken stage, the number 1, is the default track of the stage and the second is when one of the fighters have low life Ken Stage Image
19. U.S.A. (Ken) II
20. U.S.S.R. (Zangief) I These songs plays in the Zangief stage, the number 1, is the default track of the stage and the second is when one of the fighters have low life Zangief Stage Image
21. U.S.S.R. (Zangief) II
22. India (Dhalsim) I These songs plays in the Dhalsim stage, the number 1, is the default track of the stage and the second is when one of the fighters have low life Dhalsim Stage Image
23. India (Dhalsim) II
24. U.S.A. (Balrog) I These songs plays in the Balrog stage, the number 1, is the default track of the stage and the second is when one of the fighters have low life Balrog Stage Image
25. U.S.A. (Balrog) II
26. Spain (Vega) I These songs plays in the Vega stage, the number 1, is the default track of the stage and the second is when one of the fighters have low life Vega Stage Image
27. Spain (Vega) II
28. Thailand (Sagat) I These songs plays in the Sagat stage, the number 1, is the default track of the stage and the second is when one of the fighters have low life Sagat Stage Image
29. Thailand (Sagat) II
30. Thailand (M. Bison) I These songs plays in the M. Bison stage, the number 1, is the default track of the stage and the second is when one of the fighters have low life M. Bison Stage Image
31. Thailand (M. Bison) II
32. Ending (Ryu) This song plays in the Ryu's ending Ryu Ending Image
33. Ending (Blanka) This song plays in the Blanka's ending Blanka Ending Image
34. Ending (Guile) This song plays in the Guile's ending Guile Ending Image
35. Ending (Chun Li) I This song plays in the first part of Chun Li's ending Chun Li Ending 1 Image
36. Ending (Chun Li) II This song plays in the second part of Chun Li's ending Chun Li Ending 2 Image
37. Ending (E. Honda) This song plays in the E. Honda's ending E. Honda Ending Image
38. Ending (Ken) I This song plays in the first part of Ken's ending Ken Ending Image
39. Ending (Ken) II This song plays in the second part of Ken's ending
40. Ending (Zangief) This song plays in the Zangief's ending Zangief Ending Image
41. Ending (Dhalsim) This song plays in the Dhalsim's ending Dhalsim Ending Image
42. Continue This song plays in the Continue screen Continue Image
43. Game Over This song plays in the Continue screen whe the count down reachs 0 and appears Game Over Game Over Image
44. Ranking Display This song plays in the when the ranking is displayed in the screen Ranking Display Image
45. Unused This is an unused song that is in the game






  • Barrel/Box Breaking

    • Sounds that trigger when you hit a box or wood barrel and it breaks
  • Barrel/Box Hit

    • Sounds that trigger when you hit a box or wood barrel and it doesn't break
  • Blanka Thunder

    • Sounds that trigger when Blanka does his special Electric Thunder
  • Dictator Special

    • Sounds that trigger when Bison/The dictator does his special
  • Blocked Hadouken

    • Sounds that trigger when someone blocks a hadouken
  • Car/Brick Break

    • Sounds that trigger when someone breaks the car or the bricks
  • Car Falling Down

    • Sounds that trigger when the car of the bonus level is destroyed and falls to the floor
  • Coin

    • Sounds that trigger when someone insert a coin or press the start in the main menu
  • Fist of the intro

    • Sounds that trigger in the game intro when the character hits the another one
  • Game Over

    • Sounds that trigger the countdown of the continue screen reachs 0
  • Glass break bonus car

    • Sounds that trigger when you hit the bonus car and the glass of it is breaking
  • Grip

    • Sounds that trigger when someone do a grip
  • High Fist

    • Sounds that trigger when someone do a high fist
  • High Kick

    • Sounds that trigger when someone do a high kick
  • Hit bonus car

    • Sounds that trigger when you hit the bonus car
  • Iron Barrel Colision

    • Sounds that trigger when the iron barrels colision with any other element
  • Low Fist

    • Sounds that trigger when someone do a low fist
  • Low Kick

    • Sounds that trigger when someone do a low kick
  • Move in menu

    • Sounds that trigger when changes the selected option in a menu
  • New Challenger

    • Sounds that trigger when the player 2 press start
  • On top Bonus Car

    • Sounds that trigger when we jump on the bonus car
  • Ranking Display

    • Sounds that trigger when the ranking is displayed in the screen
  • Score Up

    • Sounds that trigger when the score is adding up and it sounds every time a point is added
  • Select Menu Option

    • Sounds that trigger when select a menu option or a character in the character selecion screen
  • Stage End

    • Sounds that trigger in the screen before a fight
  • Travel

    • Sounds that trigger in the world screen when the airplane change his location
  • Unhit Fist

    • Sounds that trigger when some do a fist and it doesn't connect
  • VS Screen

    • Sounds that trigger in the vs screen
  • Unused Track

    • Unused track without name that is in the game code

Unrecognized Sounds

We don't own any of the information or images of this wiki. Street Fighter II and all of the content used for the wiki is property of Capcom. Every piece of content is used and can be used by anyone for non-commercial projects.

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