Getting Started with Eclipse and Gradle - Renanse/Ardor3D GitHub Wiki


  1. You will need to have JDK version 7.0 or higher installed. You can get this here. Both OpenJDK and Oracle JDK are supported.
    • After installing it, make sure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the JDK installation folder.
  2. If you do not have Eclipse yet, head over to and get the latest stable version of the “Eclipse IDE for Java Developers”.
  3. Make sure you have Gradle integration installed. You can do this through the marketplace by going to "Help->Eclipse Marketplace..." and searching for gradle. Install "Buildship Gradle Integration 2.0"

Checking out Ardor3D

  1. Clone Ardor3D from github using the commandline or your favorite git client (such as SourceTree.) Make sure you check it out into a different directory than your intended Eclipse workspace.
  2. Open Eclipse and choose your workspace - again, it should not the same directory (or parent of) where you cloned Ardor3D.
  3. In Eclipse, go to File->import->Gradle->Existing Gradle Project, press next.
  4. Press "Next" again to skip the wizard welcome page, if it shows.
  5. In "Project root directory", specify the directory where you just cloned Ardor3D. Press next.
  6. Press "Next" again to accept default import options.
  7. Press "Finish" to import.

That's it! Now head over to Your First Steps and run some examples.