Ardor3D Pinball - Renanse/Ardor3D GitHub Wiki
This tutorial will attempt to cover the following parts by taking you through building a simple pinball game using Ardor3D:
Setting up an IDE to work with Ardor3D
Basic Scene Graph Theory
**Canvas**, **CanvasRenderer**, **Scene**, etc.
Simple Scene, managing the camera (move it around, zoom by moving or zoom by altering frustum.)
Mouse and Key input + **Triggers**
**Mesh**, **MeshData**, and **RenderState**'s.
Explaining Fixed Function Lighting and Material properties
Picking and Collision
Integrating with jinngine
Importing models into Ardor3D
Animation system
SFX - PSSM, Bloom, Water, Particles
General GLSL shader use
Best practices
Tutorial Sections:
Setting up Eclipse and Ardor3D using Maven (Josh)
Scenegraph Theory (Rikard)