List of macros - Relhax-Modpack-Team/DatabaseAutoUpdateScripts GitHub Wiki


Global Macros

For Global macros, see this document

Application Macros

Name Column
{date} The current date, in the format yyyy-MM-dd. It will include padding zeros (for example, March would be 03).
{} The name of the Category of the package.
{name} The formatted name of the package.
{packageName} The internal PackageName of the package.
{packageUID} The internal UID of the package.
{zipfile} The zip file name of the package.
{level} When a selectable package, the level of the package in each category tree.
{patchGroup} The patch ordering execution group of the package.
{installGroup} The install ordering execution group of the package.
{clientPath} The install path of the WoT client, not including the "\WorldOfTanks.exe".
{clientVersion} The version of the WoT client as parsed from the database xml.
{onlineFolderVersion} The online FTP folder as parsed from the database xml.
{author} The author value of the package.
{version} The version value of the package.
{applicationPath} The absolute path (not including the executable) of the application startup directory.
{relhaxTemp} The absolute path of the Relhax temporary directory.
{workDirectory} The absolute path of the unique directory for working on this package. It is {relhaxTemp}{packageName}.
{automationRepoRoot} The url to the automation repository, escaped with the branch specified from automation settings.{branch}/

NOTE: The application allows you to set 3 custom macros, each can have a unique name and value. These macros are also saved to the automation runner settings file.