Config - RelatedTitle/user-account-system GitHub Wiki


This page explains the different config values and how they're used.

In order to use the config, rename the config-example.js file to config.js.


config.fqdn: The Fully qualified domain name (FQDN), used for emails and OAuth callback URLs. Ex. No trailing slash. REQUIRED

config.servicename: The service name used in emails. Ex. User Account System/Google/CompanyName REQUIRED

config.usingproxy: Set to true if behind a proxy (Nginx, Cloudflare, etc), false otherwise. REQUIRED

config.port: The port to use for the API. REQUIRED

Rate Limiting OPTIONAL

Rate limiting works by using the array config.ratelimits. This is to allow for dynamically rate limiting certain routes instead of hardcoding them. To add a new rate limit, add a new object to the array with the properties: route, window, and maxrequests. Ex.

config.ratelimits[0] = {
  route: "/auth/",
  window: 10 * 60 * 1000,
  maxrequests: 20,

route: The route to rate limit. Ex. /auth/ or /auth/register/

window: The time window in ms for the rate limit. Ex. 600000

maxrequests: The max requests in the time window. Ex. 30


config.captcha_secret_bypass_key_enabled: Whether the CAPTCHA bypass key is enabled or not. REQUIRED

config.captcha_secret_bypass_key: A special key that will allow bypassing the CAPTCHA verification. All requests using this key will automatically be treated as if the user had completed the CAPTCHA correctly. Only applies if config.captchasecretbypasskeyenabled is set to true. Ex. SuperSecretCaptchaKey OPTIONAL

config.hcaptcha.enabled: Whether hCaptcha is enabled or not. Ex. true REQUIRED

config.hcaptcha.secret: Your hCaptcha account secret key. Ex. 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (You can use this key for testing, requests using this secret and the testing response token will be verified automatically) OPTIONAL

config.recaptcha.enabled: Whether reCAPTCHA is enabled or not. Ex. true REQUIRED

config.recaptcha.secret: Your reCAPTCHA secret key. Ex. 6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe (You can use this key for testing, all requests with any response token will be verified automatically when using this key) OPTIONAL


config.db.connectionstring: The PostgreSQL connection string used for connecting to the database. Ex. postgres://username:password@hostname:port/database_name] REQUIRED


config.user.id_length: The length of the userid. Ex. 10 REQUIRED

config.user.id_alphabet: The characters to use in the userid. Ex. 0123456789 (Use numbers or it won't work properly) REQUIRED

config.user.bcrypt_salt_rounds: The number of salt rounds bcrypt should do. Learn more about salt rounds. Ex. 10 REQUIRED


config.user.jwt_auth_secret: The secret for JWT auth tokens. Ex. 66*F&y9788#276 REQUIRED

config.user.jwt_email_verification_secret: The secret for email verification tokens. Ex. 3^782N894$33n$ REQUIRED

config.user.jwt_password_reset_secret: The secret for password reset tokens. Ex. %3$3d444X3&673 REQUIRED

config.user.jwt_new_ip_secret: The secret for new IP tokens. Ex. 8P687s9!5&367# REQUIRED

config.user.jwt_access_token_expiration: The JWT access token expiration in seconds. Ex. 3600 (This value should be kept low for security purposes as access tokens can't be revoked) REQUIRED

config.user.jwt_refresh_token_expiration: The JWT refresh token expiration in seconds. Ex. 2678400 (This should be significantly higher than the access token expiration because when this token expires, the user will need to sign in again) REQUIRED


config.user.google_client_id: The Google client id (For OAuth). OPTIONAL

config.user.google_client_secret The Google client secret (For OAuth). OPTIONAL

config.user.github_client_id: The GitHub client id (For OAuth). OPTIONAL

config.user.github_client_secret: The GitHub client secret (For OAuth). OPTIONAL

config.user.discord_client_id: The Discord client id (For OAuth). OPTIONAL

config.user.discord_client_secret: The Discord client secret (For OAuth). OPTIONAL

config.user.facebook_client_id: The Facebook client id (For OAuth). OPTIONAL

config.user.facebook_client_secret: The Facebook client secret (For OAuth). OPTIONAL


config.user.email_regex: The regex that all user emails must match. You can use something like this. REQUIRED

config.user.username_regex: The regex that all usernames must match. Ex. /^(?=.{6,18}$)(?![_.])(?!.*[_.]{2})[a-zA-Z0-9._]+(?<![_.])$/ REQUIRED

config.user.password_regex: The regex that all user passwords must match. Ex. /^(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9]).*$/ REQUIRED


config.user.avatar.size: The avatar size in pixels. Ex. 200 REQUIRED

config.user.avatar.quality: The quality level to use when processing user avatars, higher values mean higher quality but bigger file size. REQUIRED

config.user.avatar.store_gravatar: Whether to store and serve the Gravatar image ourselves or serve it directly from Gravatar. REQUIRED

config.user.avatar.max_size: Max avatar file size in bytes. REQUIRED

config.user.avatar.storage_location: Where to store the user avatars. (local or s3) REQUIRED


config.user.avatar.s3.access_key: S3 access key. OPTIONAL

config.user.avatar.s3.secret_access_key: S3 secret access key. OPTIONAL

config.user.avatar.s3.bucket: S3 bucket name. OPTIONAL

Email Whether to actually send emails or not, useful for testing. REQUIRED The SMTP hostname. Ex. OPTIONAL The SMTP port. Ex. 465 REQUIRED Learn more here. REQUIRED Who the email appears to be from. Ex. '"[Cheese]" <[email protected]>' REQUIRED The SMTP user's username. Ex. johndoe REQUIRED The SMTP user's password. Ex. 123123123 REQUIRED