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Foodlove brings foodies together, users specify their sexual orientation and their favourite food / table to eat at. Food lovers who enjoy to eat at restaurants are paired together to go on a romantic dinner at a restaurant serving their prefered cuisine, users who are okay with eating at someone elses place are paired with users who love cooking in the comfort of their own home!

To better specify the needs of my users i have written a couple of job stories to then look for functionalities which support those needs.

my functionality

Ive decided i want to focus on the registration and logging in of users because i think there is some fun things i can do with AJAX to improve the user experience and give feedback instead of keeping the user in the dark when something goes wrong (ive also included some safety measuers with argon2 hashing).

Job stories

  • When i look for a fun date on the internet, i want to know which characteristics are used to match participants, so i can determine if my to be partner has something in common with me.

MUST HAVE (registration/matching)

  • When i am matched with another participant, i want to be able to communicate with my matched partner, so that i can ask them out on a date or find out if they are interested in me.

COULD HAVE (matching)

  • When i have created an account, i want to be able to scroll through potential matches whose characteristics meet my preferences, so that i can find someone i would like to go on a date with.

SHOULD HAVE (matching)

  • When i look for a place to eat, i want it to be at a place i feel comfortable at, so that i can go on a date in a place i feel at ease

SHOULD HAVE (location)

  • When i log into my account, i want to be able to adjust my preferences and settings, so that i can adjust what kind of partner i am looking for or want to be found by

WOULD HAVE (data management/registration)

  • When i specify my desired password. i want to be sure my password is saved in a secure manner, so that my password is secure.

COULD HAVE (security)

user stories

As a foodie, i want to share my love for food with my date, so that we at least have something we both enjoy to talk about.

FoodLove needs a built in matching system matching users to others with the same "food preference"

As a participant, i want to be able to properly identify myself, so that my profile reflects who i am and what i am looking for in a potential partner.

FoodLove will register users by asking them the right amount of information needed to create a suitable match.

As a "online dater", i want my information to be secure, so that only i can adjust and have access to personal information.

Foodlove will hash passwords so these are not accessible to people they do not belong to.

With these job and user stories i created a site map to clarify how many pages i would need to meet the specified demands.
