Contributing to SvelteKit Zero API - Refzlund/sveltekit-zero-api GitHub Wiki

Get the project; git clone, and initialize the project using pnpm i

In one terminal, run the packager which watches files: pnpm package In another, run pnpm dev to start dev server

Reference the library inside dev using $dist, for any testing purposes.


Unfortunately due to an issue with SvelteKit or TypeScript when the dev test references $dist inside sveltekit-zero-api.d.ts it will automatically (for some reason) be changed to ../../../dist which will not work.

I have found that

  1. Open a global search
  2. Change all references from \$dist to $abcd


  1. Close VSCode, and then open VSCode project again
  2. Change all references like before from \$abcd to $dist

Fixes this issue per session.