Importing Autoloot Items - Reetus/ClassicAssist GitHub Wiki

From version 4.425.15, Autoloot entries can be imported via a CSV file with an "ID" column, an optional "Name" column, and zero or more columns starting with "Property".


For a template, refer to this spreadsheet.

  • "ID" is the item ID for autoloot, or use "-1" to match any item. The ID can be in decimal or hexadecimal format.
  • "Name" is optional and can be used to specify the name of the autoloot entry.
  • Property columns follow the format "ShortNameOperatorValue". If no operator is specified, the default operator is equals (==).

For example:

  • "MR2" will add "Mana Regeneration" == "2".
  • "DCI>=10" will add "Defense Chance Increase" greater than or equal to (>=) "10".
  • "SFRX" will add "Self Repair" not present (X).


Operators (except X) or values for properties that don't contain arguments will have no effect.


Using the "Ignore duplicate entries" option will not import entries where a matching entry already exists in the autoloot (ID, Property, Operator and Value matches)

The list of short names for properties is as follows...

ShortName Name
BAL Balanced
BRIT Brittle
CF Casting Focus
CD Cold Damage
CE Cold Eater
CR Cold Resist
DI Damage Increase
DCI Defense Chance Increase
DB Dexterity Bonus
ER Energy Resist
EP Enhance Potions
FCR Faster Cast Recovery
FC Faster Casting
FD Fire Damage
FE Fire Eater
FR Fire Resist
GA Greater Artifact
HCI Hit Chance Increase
HD Hit Dispel
HF Hit Fatigue
HFB Hit Fireball
HLL Hit Life Leech
HL Hit Lightning
HLA Hit Lower Attack
HLD Hit Lower Defense
HMD Hit Mana Drain
HML Hit Mana Leech
HPI Hit Point Increase
HPR Hit Point Regeneration
HSL Hit Stamina Leech
IB Intelligence Bonus
KE Kinetic Eater
LGA Legendary Artifact
LA Lesser Artifact
LMI Lesser Magic Item
LMC Lower Mana Cost
LRC Lower Reagent Cost
LR Lower Requirements
MGA Mage Armor
MW Mage Weapon
MA Major Artifact
MMI Major Magic Item
MI Mana Increase
MP Mana Phase
MR Mana Regeneration
MNMI Minor Magic Item
NS Night Sight
PHD Physical Damage
PR Physical Resist
PD Poison Damage
PE Poison Eater
PSR Poison Resist
RP Reactive Paralyze
RPD Reflect Physical Damage
SFR Self Repair
SOC Soul Charge
SC Spell Channeling
SDI Spell Damage Increase
SW Splintering Weapon
SI Stamina Increase
SR Stamina Regeneration
SB Strength Bonus
SSI Swing Speed Increase
UBWS Use Best Weapon Skill